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Posted on December 27, 2015 at 4:17pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: 40 Years Below Zero, Part 1
November 27, 2015
Some eight years ago or so, I published a series of Coffee Breaks with this same title. This is the story of a move of God that took place in the arctic under the administration and obedience of my father and mother spanning some 40-plus years. That move of God rivaled anything you read about in the book of Acts. The miracles that unfolded still astound me even to…
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ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Mathematical Metaphors, Part 3
November 20, 2015
OK. Thought I was going to finish up this thing on math last week, but I can't help it. I get started with this stuff and can't stop. I love the parallels in Scripture. Math and mathematical principles abound in the Word of God. God is very precise in everything that He does, and we govern our lives according to that…
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ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Mathematical Metaphors, Part 2
November 13, 2015
Continuing where we left off last week, we consider the number 12 in the picture of the Bride of Christ -- the number of Ekklesia, the number of preparation, and the number of governmental authority.
Last week, we said that the New Jerusalem does not only consist of Jews. Representing the call to,…
Posted on December 27, 2015 at 1:14pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: Mathematical Metaphors, Part 1
November 6, 2015
In our last series, we've talked at length about the New Jerusalem as a picture of the Bride of Christ. We’re still talking about the completed Bride of Christ, and doing the prophetic comparison made by John as he talked about the New Jerusalem, but for the next couple of weeks, I'd like to take a different tack.
Throughout Scripture, we see numbers…
ContinuePosted on December 20, 2015 at 2:45pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
ANOTHER COFFEE BREAK: A Revelation of God's Glory, Part 12
October 30, 2015
It all started when Holy Spirit spoke three things to me in successive stages: "Simplify." "Consolidate." "Get out of debt."
Sounds like a peculiar place to begin a revelation of the Glory, doesn't it? You see, despite our calling and involvement in ongoing ministry, Della and I were both very much occupied with our business endeavors. She…
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I understand how it is to relocate. You all have known me to live in AK. , AZ., La. and 3 towns in Texas. Took me until I was 38 to finally marry, buy a home and settle roots here.
Im glad you two are enjoying your new home. I landed in Seattle once, on my way to AK. But that is all Ive seen of WA. How is the climate in the part your in? Hope its nice. More soon. Happy Memorial Day to you and Miss Della ~ Jeanette
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