We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Can anyone else see the train wreck coming. The debates hosted by CNBC proved how blind and out of touch the general public are. I felt good about the ass chewing the media got., and felt proud of the group of candidates as a whole. The thing is. That these politicians that were planing and waiting for a Newt Gingrich moment, because they felt that`s what it will take to move the poll numbers. I am not all that upset with them for doing it. But I am very upset with that it actually worked. I am so put off by how many of the asshole voters buy this type of crazy campaigning. Yes it is ok to feel good about the groups actions. But for the only ones who improved in the polls were the ones with the best gotcha lines,, AND THAT IS SICK. Are we really going to be this type of group here. I would like to hear some other thoughts on this. We have been smothered the Trump crap that for months now, good politicians are not getting heard because to many bought into the whole reality tv bull. I think it`s time to stop wasting time with such foolishness. This is too important. I do not see what is playing out, It feels like nothing has been learned from mistakes of the past.THE POPULARITY CONTEST NEEDS TO STOP. .....WHAT SAY YOU!

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Some say that certain candidates are not electable. I ask not electable because of what reason. I am not going to waist my time explaining and getting frustrated. I hear no one, other than me speaking of this. And this type of campaigning is showing me that we will blow it again....I wish I could feel confident that voters could realize their mistakes from past elections. But no one can humble themselves to admit that they were wrong and get serious. Just keep thinking that you know best.....LOL... B I envision a real bad future. Washington needs to be fixed, The Constitution needs to be restored, and everyone is pulling for the candidate who has the best verbal smack down. Or who can sound the most politically incorrect. Every one falling for this type of campaigning is killing our chances of getting the candidate with the best chance to change the status quo of Washington..

I suspect that most everyone on this site agree with you. But where oh where is the one. And so, we continue on with hopes for a better outcome. And each one considers the current candidates. I know that I will not vote for Hillary. My husband will vote his choice, hope that he agrees with the GOP nominee.   

I made a mistake voting for Ross Perot - he was the best in my opinion. But because of others like me, Clinton got in. .

I do have some concerns about the delegates, though. It has happened in the past, that a few did not vote according to the state vote on the primary. What then?  And I believe, there are some states that encourage their delegates to split the vote, wonder if that is still going on. Am I wrong? Wondering. 

The other thing I watch the polls. What difference do they make. They are based on 700-1500 or so participants. And who puts out these polls, dedicated media and party affiliates. And then, we have Marquette University in Wisconsin - dedicated to the Democratic party. So we should really pay attention to these polls?  Nay, I say.

I will vote for the one who has been talking about Washington being broke for a long time. He has said how he would fix it.  He has been telling us his plan for a couple years now and in earlier polls before all the crap went down he was polling in the top three for a long time. Now he is not getting heard and both parties would hate to see him in there. I would hope you all realize that fixing how Washington operates is the most important thing to do. All the other issues should take a back seat.

Virginia..very thoughtful post...Hope all of us hear the answer  to your questions...

It is a joke the majority of the media  at least think it is...Check this out about what they are now saying on next's week debate.  Sounds to me it is a game with them...

Watch: Fox Just Took A Massive Debate-Related 10-Second Shot At CNBC That Has To Hurt

Thanks Kathyet..just watched it.....

Political primaries do not work well for presidential candidates that speak on substantive issues. How you acquire recognition and move up in the polls is by having the best gotcha line of the debate and the during the primary season. There aren't enough voters who pay attention to the candidates on substantive issues because 80% of primary voters and general election voters select their candidate based on 30 second targeted sound bites in the national media and on social media. For the republicans because there are so many candidates running for the president's job there will never be a consensus who will be the best choice, therefore it becomes very unlikely the nominee can attract enough voters to win  the general election. We saw those results in 2008 and 2012 and we almost saw it in 2000 but the courts were on our side. We squeaked a victory out in 2004 only because Kerry was such a weak candidate. We got two terms of Clinton because the republicans couldn't rally around our candidate. We are doomed for the same results in this election cycle because we are repeating the same mistakes.

Anyone who remains infatuated w/the republicrat party after Bush followed by the current gang of congressional schmucks is needy of real help.Too stupid for words.

I agree Thomas, and you must include the Democrats equally with that statement. Best advice; There will be no "Perfect Candidate" who can magically "FIX" the problems we are faced with. There is no "Perfect Candidate" Who will magically rectify the Debt issues, and there is no "Perfect Candidate" who can "Fix" things overnight or even in two terms.

The system is broken, and has been broken for well over 150 years.Why does everyone even consider that a "Perfect Candidate" will be able to rectify anything by themselves? We must realize that it will take all three branches of Government and a change to the Constitution (Repeal of the 14th,16th,17th) to even begin to fix the problems the Deliberately and Maliciously Misguided Progressive agenda has saddled us with!

If the American Public does not wake up to the fact they are being played unmercifully by the Progressive Elitist Wolves, we will never "FIX" the problems. All we can do now is to try and remove the vilest progressives from Congress, State Legislatures,and Locally who are now running for election or reelection, and definitely not elect the most Rabid Progressive Socialists running for President, Congress, State Legislatures, or Locally in their places.

We will have no perfect choices this election and probably won't in any future election, that's human nature. All we can do is to individually Vett every candidate running in EVERY election this election year, and choose the least progressively toxic, most conservative leaning candidates we can find. This is a Presidential election year, but remember this CAVEAT; Even Obama could not have done what he has done to wreck Havoc on America if Congress had not supported him for the most part.

Remember the most destructive legislation was pushed through by the Democratic/Socialist/Liberal "Super Majority" with their traitors to Constitutional Law. America can not survive another onslaught like that and remain Free. Should we not do what must be done, then America the Free is done.

Wow..Mac..Well stated and I agree every word...We know now what the dems have done once all power was in their hands...TheY wasted no time in deconstructing the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave...Only a very stupid voter would not realize that JOB ONE IS TO RID US OF EVERY DEMOCRAT THAT WE CAN  BY VOTING TO REPLACE THEM WITH REPUBLICANS.. AND THEN CONTINUE BY CLEANING OUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF LIBERAL LEADERS THERE AND REPLACING THEM WITH  CONSERVATIVES,...........

M,on the mark as usual. An anecdote from history.

The Russian people, some 98% being peasants and workers, endured monumental Czarist incompetence in economic and military affairs for more than 400 years until they finally broke, over a matter of life and death.The catalyst was the Bread Riots in St.Petersberg during 1916, as the masses could no longer feed their children since food was being diverted to the Russian Front bordering Prussia. We are nowhere close to such a catastrophic break and in my judgement will linger on for many, many generations until either our Julius Caesar emerges or a foreign power deals us a defeat that will stun the average citizen and thoroughly discredit the assholery we label leaders.

Voters may blow it yet again today in Middle America.
Ohio initiative would give investors a monopoly on marijuana . More of a taste for socialism?
Issue 3 is bankrolled by wealthy investors spending nearly $25 million to put it on the ballot and sell it to voters. If it passes, they'd have exclusive rights to growing commercial marijuana in Ohio.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — As a member of the International Cannabinoid Research Society, a collector of antique marijuana apothecary jars, the founder of an industrial hemp business and “a pot smoker consistently for 47 years,” Don Wirtshafter, an Ohio lawyer, has fought for decades to make marijuana legal, calling it “my life’s work.”

But when Ohio voters go to the polls Tuesday to consider a constitutional amendment to allow marijuana for both medical and personal use, Wirtshafter will vote against it.




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