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25 States Say “No” to Syrian Refugees

That’s only half, still all states and all Americans vulnerable. Muslim terrorist boasts of freely crossing Europe’s borders and moc....

This is THE primary role of the federal government – PROTECTING AMERICAN CITIZENS!! Obama has pledged not to stop the Syrian invasion but to accelerate and increase the invasion. Dems & Republicans are doubling funding for it. And what about Somalis? Iraqis? Afghanis? Libyans? Yemenis? Saudis? Egyptians? Jordanians? What about Muslims who are not refugees but find other ways into the U.S.? Who is demanding an end to refugee resettlement programs and investigating the organizations involved in human trafficking? It’s a start, under tragic circumstances, but these issues will determine the future of America.

Source: 25 States Say “No” to Syrian Refugees and ISIS

by Daniel Greenfield

While Obama is doubling down on his plan to bring tens of thousands of Syrians to America, many of them with military training and a fanatical hatred of America, more states are taking a stand against these fake refugees and ISIS.

Wisconsin, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Maine, Texas, Arizona, Michigan, Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Idaho, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Oklahoma, New Mexico, New Jersey, Ohio, South Carolina and Kansas have all come out against dumping Syrian migrants into their states. (It is important to note that these Syrian “refugees” are coming out of countries like Jordan or Turkey where there is no war. That makes them economic migrants, not refugees. They cease to be refugees once they move beyond Jordan or Turkey to a wealthier country for economic reasons.)

The strength of their positions varies from state to state. Some are merely calling for extended reviews like Democrat Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire. Others are serious.

Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona offered one of the more comprehensively technical responses…

 “Given the horrifying events in Paris last week, I am calling for an immediate halt in the placement of any new refugees in Arizona. As governor, I am invoking our state’s right under 8 USC, Section 1522 (a), to receive immediate consultation by federal authorities per the United States Refugee Act, and that the federal government take into account the concerns and recommendations of the state of Arizona as they are required to under federal law, in our efforts to keep our homeland safe. I also call on Congress and the President to immediately amend federal law to provide states greater oversight and authority in the administration of the placement of refugees. These acts serve as a reminder that the world remains at war with radical Islamic terrorists. Our national leaders must react with the urgency and leadership that every American expects to protect our citizens.”

In Louisiana, Bobby Jindal has issued an executive order that is one of the most extensive on the list.

NOW THEREFORE, I, BOBBY JINDAL, Governor of the State of Louisiana, by virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, do hereby order and direct as follows:

SECTION 1: All departments, budget units, agencies, offices, entities, and officers of the executive branch of the State of Louisiana are authorized and directed to utilize all lawful means to prevent the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the State of Louisiana while this Order is in effect.

SECTION 2: The Louisiana State Police, upon receiving information of a Syrian refugee already relocated within the State of Louisiana, are authorized and directed to utilize all lawful means to monitor and avert threats within the State of Louisiana.

SECTION 3: All departments, budget units, agencies, offices, entities, and officers of the executive branch of the State of Louisiana are authorized and directed to cooperate in the implementation of the provisions of this Order.

North Carolina governor Pat McCrory has said that he wants the government to “cease sending Syrian refugees” to his state. In Indiana, Mike Pence is suspending resettlement pending Federal assurances. Nikki Haley in South Carolina gave a somewhat shaky statement on the subject, but appears to have somewhat come out against.

Governor LePage in Maine said, “To bring Syrian refugees into our country without knowing who they are is to invite an attack on American soil just like the one we saw in Paris last week and in New York City on 9/11. That is why I adamantly oppose any attempt by the federal government to place Syrian refugees in Maine, and will take every lawful measure in my power to prevent it from happening.”

In a radio address, the governor who has tried to make the state’s welfare policies less attractive to Somali welfare migrants, said…

“One of the first actions I took as Governor was to ensure Maine is no longer a sanctuary state that harbors illegal aliens. It’s important to follow federal law, and we work with law enforcement and other agencies to assist the federal government on immigration matters.”

“As a free state and country, we are always vulnerable to attack. The safety of our citizens comes first. We need responsible immigration policies to protect not only Americans, but all people.”

In Georgia, Nathan Deal has issued an executive order cracking down on any state agencies participating in resettlement efforts. Kansas governor Sam Brownback also stated that no state agencies will work in resettlement for Syrians. Chris Christie also switched gears and took a firm line against Syrian migration, despite once supporting it. Governor Mary Fallin in Oklahoma called for a suspension.

“My first priority as Governor is the safety of all Kansans. We must take immediate action to ensure terrorists do not enter the nation or our state under the guise of refugee resettlement. The recent attacks in Paris coupled with terrorist organizations indicating a desire to attack the United States are stark reminders of the dangers every nation faces.

“It is imperative that we take action where the White House has not.

“I have therefore directed all state agencies, departments, boards or commissions not to participate or assist in the relocation of Syrian refugees to Kansas. It is unfortunate that we must take this step to protect the safety of Kansans, but the federal government cannot guarantee that Syrian refugees coming to America would not be part of a terrorist organization seeking to harm our citizens.”

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker also took a firm line.

“In light of these horrific and tragic attacks, our first priority must be to protect our citizens.  Along with governors across the country, I have deep concerns about the Obama Administration’s plan to accept 10,000 or more Syrian refugees, especially given that one of the Paris attackers was reportedly a Syrian refugee.  In consultation with our Adjutant General, who also serves as my Homeland Security Advisor, it is clear that the influx of Syrian refugees poses a threat.

With this in mind, I am calling upon the President to immediately suspend the program pending a full review of its security and acceptance procedures.  The State of Wisconsin will not accept new Syrian refugees.”

Texas governor Greg Abbott wrote to Obama stating, “As governor of Texas, I write to inform you that the State of Texas will not accept any refugees from Syria in the wake of the deadly terrorist attack in Paris.

“Further, I and millions of Americans implore you to halt your plans to accept more Syrian refugees in the United States. A Syrian “refugee” appears to have been part of the Paris terror attack. American humanitarian compassion could be exploited to expose Americans to similar deadly danger.”

He pointed out that his state had come under attack by ISIS Jihadists. “The threat posed to Texas by ISIS is very real. ISIS claimed credit last May when two terrorist gunmen launched an attack in Garland, Texas.”

“Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees any one of whom could be connected to terrorism being resettled in Texas. Effective today, I am directing the Texas Health & Human Services Commission’s Refugee Resettlement Program to not participate in the resettlement of any Syrian refugees in the State of Texas.”

Florida governor Rick Scott wrote to Ryan and McConnell asking them to protect Florida and the rest of the country by cutting off funding for Syrian resettlement.

Governor Robert Bentley of Alabama said, “I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way.”

“The acts of terror committed over the weekend are a tragic reminder to the world that evil exists and takes the form of terrorists who seek to destroy the basic freedoms we will always fight to preserve. I will not place Alabamians at even the slightest, possible risk of an attack on our people. Please continue to join me in praying for those who have suffered loss and for those who will never allow freedom to fade at the hands of terrorists.”

But there is good news for ISIS.

Governor Moonbeam in California is keeping the state open for refugee resettlement business. As does Malloy in Connecticut, Inslee in Washington, Dayton in Minnesotta and Raimondo in Rhode Island. Failed Vermont governor Peter Shumlin is extremely enthusiastic about Syrian migrants. As if they could save his health care failures.

If your state is not listed it’s time to call your elected officials.

Governors of these states have said no to Syrian refugees

















New Hampshire 

New Jersey  

North Carolina 



South Carolina 





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I agree .. It amazes me that the number of States saying NO is not 100%....

Were going up

Most States Rejecting Syrian Refugees - Who Can't be Vetted
27 and counting.
Obama may force "Convention of States".

NC Gov on Refugees: 'My #1 Responsibility Is Protecting Citizens'
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory responded to President Obama's statement at the G20 summit that it's "Un-American" to stop Syrian refugees from coming into the country.
As seen on Fox and Friends

Palin: 'I'm This Close to Feeling Sorry' for Obama After Syria Remarks

Carson: Interesting Dems Even Say 'ISIS,' Since the 'I' Is for 'Isl...

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) responded to President Obama's statement at the G20 summit that it's "un-American" to stop Syrian refugees from coming into the country.

McCrory said on "Fox and Friends" that he would not be fulfilling his oath of office "unless I protected the people of North Carolina," which he says is his "number one responsibility."

"And by the way," he said, "the President’s number one responsibility is to protect the people of the United States."

The Republican said there needs to be a uniform and effective way to vet the refugees.

"It's fair for the governors to ask the question, what type of background checks can you do on individuals coming from a country that's torn apart? I'm sure it's very, very difficult to seek any records or background checks from these individuals."

He added that there's been "almost no coordination or communications between the state and the federal officials on this issue."

Watch the interview above.

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video at link below:


Now it is up to 26 Governors..  Palin who did you say you almost feel sorry for again???????

By The Right Scoop

Ted Cruz was on with CNN this morning responding to criticism from Obama on bringing in Syrian Muslim refugees. Cruz pointed out that it’s nothing short of lunacy that Obama and Hillary would want to bring in tens of thousands of these refugees, especially given what happened in Paris:

(I’m sorry Cruz got cut off at the end, but that was the end of what they aired)

Cruz is right. Syrian Muslim refugees should be resettled in majority Muslim countries, it only makes sense. After all, we have enough problems with Muslims taking up arms against us in America after pledging allegiance to ISIS or Al Qaeda. Just look at the Somali population in Minnesota where we’ve had more than enough Muslims trying to join ISIS.

It is lunacy and the 26 governors who have refused to take Syrian Muslim refugees should stand firm on this.

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/cruz-obama-hillary-wanting-to-bring-thousa...

Cruz is right!  Obama saying that no religion rule must be applied to his 10,000 immigrants, leaves out the Christians that are being "Vetted" and turned away.

Trump Proposes Building ‘A Big Beautiful Safe Zone’ in Syria for Refugees


Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 11.47.55 PMDonald Trump held a rally in Knoxville, Tennessee tonight in which he proposed building a “safe zone” in Syria for refugees instead of bringing them into the United States.

He went off on the refugee crisis for a few minutes during the rally, and recalled his previous remarks about bringing in refugees. Trump has previously said that bringing in refugees might be a “Trojan horse” that could bring about a military coup.

Trump then said, “What I like is build a safe zone in Syria. Build a big, beautiful safe zone, and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier.”

“You keep ’em in Syria,” he continued, “you build a tremendous safe zone, it’ll cost you tremendously much less, much less, and they’ll be there and the weather’s the same.”

Now, if you’re wondering what that crack about the weather is about, Trump also postulated that bringing in refugees from the Middle East into Minnesota would not be conducive climate-wise because it is cold there.


Can Governors Legally Block Refugees from Coming to Their States?

NC Gov on Refugees: 'My #1 Responsibility Is Protecting Citizens'

West on Syrian Refugees: 'No Military-Age Males Should Be Allowed In'

Since the terrorist attacks in Paris, as many as 30 governors have come out to oppose bringing more Syrian refugees to resettle in the U.S.

But can they legally block refugees from coming to their states?

Judge Andrew Napolitano joined Stuart Varney this morning on FBN's “Varney & Co.” to break down the implications.

“They can legally say what they want, but they can’t really interfere with what the federal government does,” he said.

“The court has ruled that the admission of immigrants – whether for humanitarian purposes, political asylum purposes, or pursuant to the quotas that we have – is strictly a federal function,” he continued.

In response to the influx of migrants “from the American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq,” Congress in 2005 gave President George W. Bush unlimited authority to admit people for humanitarian purposes, noted Judge Napolitano.

And that has since been passed over to President Obama, he added.

“Here, he has the absolute lawful authority – may not like the way he’s exercising it, but he has it,” said the judge. “To admit people for political asylum and humanitarian purposes.”

Watch more of Judge Napolitano’s analysis above.

Judge Nap: What Happens if Congress Declares War on ISIS?

Carson: Interesting Dems Even Say 'ISIS,' Since the 'I' Is for 'Islamic'

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We will just have to see what develops but the number keep climbing still it needs to be to 100%...

Obama must be so insulated that none of this means anything to him. What a farce of a man he is.

I should not post this, but can't help it, it stuck in my mind.

We have 8 cats, 4 males, 4 females, old and very new -fixed. They were cast off by college students going home from the UW of Madison. 

We have 5 litter boxes in the house and this is why I'm posting this. Spent the morning cleaning them - we use an oil dry concoction with baking powder added to control smell. Works great - except! Like taking in 10,000 illegals, and vetting them, cleaning the cat litter becomes a problem. The bigger leavings are easy enough to take out, but when it comes to the other, well you can scoop up the balls that are created, but particles fall off. And with the oil dry, these particles dry and become part of the mix. Does this sound like what is happening with these illegals? Not the legal immigrants, most of them want to become part of the country, but these others are like the wet particles that fall out and become mixed in - you can't find them to take them out, until they create the attacks or kill someone. . 

Developing: House Republicans preparing HARD CORE move on refugees

House of Rep

First, governors of a growing number of states started standing up against President Obama’s insistence on continuing to accept Syrian refugees even in light of the Paris attacks. But as many of you rightly asked, the question remains whether President Obama will go ahead and force his plans on states using his executive authority.

Now, House Republicans are organizing to deploy the power of the purse to stop President Obama.

As reported by Foreign Policy:

Following the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris, House Republicans are proposing to block federal funding for resettling Syrian refugees until a series of new conditions are met, Foreign Policy has learned. 

The growing momentum behind new legislation, still being drafted, sets up a future clash between the White House and Congress as the Obama administration seeks to offer residency to 10,000 Syrian refugees who currently live outside the conflict zone. Currently, 60 million people worldwide have been forced from their homes or are otherwise considered refugees — higher than at any other time in recorded history. An estimated six million to eight million displaced people are still in Syria, and more than four million Syrian refugees are in Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon.

The draft legislation, a copy of which was obtained by FP, is backed by Reps. Brian Babin, Lou Barletta, Diane Black, Mo Brooks, Jeff Duncan, John Duncan, Blake Farenthold, Louie Gohmert, Frank Guinta, Gregg Harper, Walter Jones, Steve King, Mike Pompeo, Mark Meadows, and Bill Posey. It would prevent funding for the resettlement of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa until authorities adopt “processes to ensure that refugee and related programs are not able to be co-opted by would-be terrorists.” Once those processes are in place, details of the security checks must be given to Congress in both classified and public forums, and the administration must establish a “longer-term monitoring process” to track refugees in the U.S.

The 15 Republican lawmakers pushing the legislation aren’t the only politicians looking to slam the brakes on Obama’s resettlement program. The governors of 15 U.S. states have already said they would not allow Syrian refugees to live in their states. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) has also said he will introduce legislation to prevent Syrian refugees from obtaining U.S. visas. 

Additionally, House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul plans to raise the issue of blocking Syrian refugee resettlement at a Tuesday meeting with fellow Republicans, according to two congressional sources.

In a Monday letter to President Barack Obama, McCaul called on the White House to immediately “suspend” the admission of all additional Syrian refugees.

“The high-threat environment demands that we move forward with greater caution in order to protect the American people and to prevent terrorists from reaching our shores,” McCaul wrote. 

The rising opposition to assisting Syrian refugees is already alarming humanitarian organizations, which say that doing so defies America’s long tradition of helping individuals fleeing persecution.

A senior Obama administration official, speaking to FP on condition of anonymity, said security concerns about incoming refugees were unfounded — in large part because they undergo “the highest level” of scrutiny by intelligence and security government agencies.

The problem with all of this, of course, is that the FBI has already admitted there’sno way to adequately screen refugees coming from Syria. As we reported previously, FBI Director James Comey acknowledged:

We can only query against that which we have collected. And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record of them.”

Unless and until this changes, we have no reason to feel confident in claims that “screening” refugees will stop would-be terrorists from infiltrating our homeland. So in the meantime, it’s our president who must be stopped. And, by gum, it appears Republicans may finally be showing some cojones and standing up to the emperor. Good thing too, finally, because no one can deny, the emperor ain’t got no clothes.

Here’s another opportunity to voice your opinion. Call your rep and let him or her know you OPPOSE Syrian refugees in the United States: 1-202-224-3121. It takes about 2 minutes. Spread the word!

[Note: This article was written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor]


BREAKING: Paul Ryan Calls For HUGE Move Regarding Syrian Refugee Program
Western Journalism
"This is not about politics. This is about national security."

"This is not about politics. This is about national security."


After ISIS terrorists launched a massive attack in Paris, a list of up to 27 U.S. governors now say that they oppose President Obama’s plan to continue importing Syrian refugees into the U.S. Responding to the trend, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan added his voice to the call to “pause” Obama’s importation of possible terrorists.

On Tuesday, November 17, the Wisconsin Republican called for a pause in Obama’s intentions of greatly expanding the importation of Syrian refugees so that the House can take up the issue and vote on new legislation.

“This is a moment where it is better to be safe than to be sorry, so we think the prudent, the responsible thing is to take a pause in this particular aspect of this refugee program in order to verify that terrorists are not trying to infiltrate the refugee population,” Ryan said in a press conference Tuesday.

As CNN reports, the newly ensconced Speaker of the House announced that he is creating a task force made up of the Republican chairmen from the Homeland Security, Armed Services, Intelligence, Appropriations, Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees to craft legislation concerning the refugee issue, and to look at security measures.

Ryan said he did not want to put the matter off until the vote on a spending bill next month.

“This is not about politics. This is about national security,” he said.

The speaker had no details on what goals this task force might have set for itself, but insisted that there has to be a better plan to address national security issues.

Several members of Congress have been raising the alarm about Obama’s refugee program, saying that it endangers the country.

Republican Senator Jeff Sessions warned about this at a hearing on Oct. 2.

more at link below:


These politicians need to no how the American People feel although how they haven't so far is beyond me..

"Take a pause in order to verify," so in other words they have not been verifying before this?????

Finally, Ryan is thinking about America. I am writing a note to him. After all, he is a Member of Wisconsin, and Scott Walker stood up against taking these terrorists in to Wisconsin.





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