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America’s absurd love affair with guns can only be fought with something even more absurd, Really?

Rebuttal in response to the article; Source; ideas@qz.com 

America’s absurd love affair with guns can only be fought with something even more absurd

I have these Comments to say;
I am a gun owner and have a valid CCW. I was a patrolman for over 10 years. I also believe that the gun laws and public perception need to be changed. I live in a State that has strong gun laws and requires a background check on everyone purchasing a firearm. All handguns must be registered via a 'Safety Certificate' issued by the presiding police authority. A Permit to Purchase a hand gun must first be obtained complete with a thorough background check by police authorities of the person buying the gun before it is approved..Even sales between private parties require a permit to purchase and re-registration of the gun through police agencies with both parties being present at the police agency for the paperwork completion.
My state has a "Shall Issue" CCW procedure, however every person must go through not only a State background check, but a Federal Background check including checking fingerprints through the FBI 'AIFIS' system before the permit is issued. It also requires a classroom study of laws and combines this with a proficiency on marksmanship.
My state also allows anyone of legal age (21) to open carry, but those who do are so small a portion of the population that they are almost nonexistent. 
That being said as the basis of my argument, I will say that until we became a 'Shall Issue' CCW state there was much more gun violence from the criminal element. The percentage of gun related crimes by State Police figures dropped about 60% and are still falling.
Therefore I advocate a complete training and education of Firearm Safety and the firearm laws concerning use of a gun in self defense or in defense of an innocent be started in Schools to impress on young minds real values and respect for the deadly force a gun has. When I was young many years ago, People had an understanding of what was acceptable actions with firearms and when to use or not to use them.
The NRA regularly set up gun safety classes free for youth ages 5 to 15 years old. The Director of Civilian Marksmanship also had an overview and input from the federal level and conducted safety and marksmanship classes. All this is missing from our culture now, and has been supplanted by a false rendering of the use of firearms by the entertainment media with their ever increasing violence depictions, and the Elitist Left controlling all the Media Information for their Propaganda Purposes of demonizing guns and portraying gun owners as either Neanderthals or mentally unbalanced. 
If in fact that gun grabbing clique were successful in removing our guns, they would be able to terrorize us and abuse us just like every other regime has done. Like Hitler and the Jews, Mao and the Chinese Nationalists, The Red Guard and the Cambodians, and the list goes on and on.
With all that information as a background for my argument I have this to say;
1.  I believe the existing gun laws need to be simplified so the average person knows exactly where they stand and do not need a Lawyer to interpret them. 
2. I believe the proliferation of guns carried in public by law abiding citizens who are trained and certified will bring down the incidence of murderous gun violence as even a crazy will be hesitant to expose themselves to being shot by people they want to indiscriminately murder. Lets look at this from a different but logical viewpoint;
The figures for shootings in Gun Free Zones vary from 60% to 80% depending on who you cite. Lets look at the Colorado Cinemark theater shooter; He came in and repeatedly shot fleeing patrons who were defenseless and had no way to stop him. How many died before the police could get to the Theater?  The guns he had were stolen not purchased by him. If there had been some law abiding citizens in the theater that were armed and trained they could have shot him to stop further killing.
Lets look at the Columbine shootings; another 'Gun Free Zone' again the guns were stolen not purchased. Look at the police response time and the confusion even while they were there. Think what having a few School officials licensed and armed could have done. Think also about what having teachers carrying Non-Lethal devices like Tasers, Military grade Tear Gas.
Look at the Newtown Connecticut, Sandy Hook Elementary school shootings. Think what would have happened if the Principal had been armed when she confronted the shooter, how many lives would have been saved? Even Non-Lethal devices carried by all teachers would have made a difference.
The same set of circumstances are valid at places like Virginia Tech and Isla Vista. Even Federal Government installations that are Gun Free by Presidential Order are targets. Think how many lives would be spared if honorable Law Abiding People actually carried and were trained in when and when not to shoot.
It's the public's conditioned perception of guns and those who wield them are bad guys or are somehow nuts, that needs to be changed, to the public perception that it takes a Good Guy with training and a gun, to stop a Bad guy with a gun who is hell bent on killing innocents with little danger to themselves.
In fact I am in complete agreement with the author of the article about changing the public perception of guns in society. However my way would be to change it to a common sense viewpoint of why they are necessary to preserve the peace and stop excessive killings brought about by the imbecilic, contemptibly stupid,and inappropriate gun laws, that are pervading our society and contributing to more violence and death. That Public Perception needs to supplant the Propaganda of the Elitist Left that is responsible for so many preventable deaths.
Source; ideas@qz.com 

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Replies to This Discussion

Make love not war - yes - and to accomplish that, carry to protect those you love. War kills indiscriminately. But an armed citizen protecting his/her family shoots or kills the criminal, or the terrorist.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/11/thanks-to-obama-terror-policy-high-on-vo...

From day one, the Obama Administration has tried to drive home the notion that Americans don't need guns to defend themselves. Each week, the National Rifle Association, public enemy #1 to nanny state liberals, posts stories about armed citizens doing just that. This latest one is a perfect illustration of why the Second Amendment is so important:

88-year-old Arlene Orms was at home alone in Miami, Fla. when an intruder kicked in her door. Orms responded by retrieving a .25-caliber pistol and firing at the home invader, prompting the criminal to flee.

Following the incident, Orms’ neighbors expressed support for her actions, with one telling a local media outlet, “You have to do something… You have to protect yourself.” 

This story is just another reminder: for the physically meek, the disabled, and the otherwise disadvantaged, a gun can be a great equalizer against the sort of evil people who would do harm, especially an 88 year old woman who suddenly finds herself set upon by thugs. We should be ever vigilant against those who would try and take that right away.

 Source: AAN

- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/thugs-tried-to-rob-an-old-lady-her-reaction-was-priceless#sthash.p7DOih5W.dpuf

The picture was worth more that the words. The gun she has is bigger than she is, and her words, The cops will be here shortly, lets talk about Jesus.  But it wouldn't let me print it here - too many characters.

Love not war.

I think you wanted to show this image Virginia

Yes it was.

Exactly Virginia....


Hey some of us (Me, anyway) aren't on any sites that use letters, so please explain. Thanks.Huh





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