We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Are WEThePeople being organized by Jenny Beth Martin?

From Jenny Beth Martin:
Unless we raise this $500,000 by this Friday, we won’t be able to fund our national grassroots plan to block Obama’s leftist Supreme Court nominee.

We’ve budgeted for a massive national campaign. We need to be ready to swamp Congress with calls, faxes, and emails the very second Obama announces his liberal appointee.

We need to be able to send Tea Party volunteers directly into the state offices of wavering GOP senators.

We need phone banks and ads.

Obama plans to unveil his pick to replace conservative Antonin Scalia any day now. He will almost certainly pick an ultra liberal who will join him in “fundamentally transforming America.”

Obama will then barnstorm the country tearing into Republicans for being “unfair” and not rushing his left-wing pick through the senate and onto the bench.

The Tea Party must be ready to counterattack.

Please give anything you possibly can right now.

Our treasurer just told me we are still 82% short of our goal. He says we must get this money bomb fundraiser back on track right away or we will have to start cutting.

First, we’ll have to radically scale back our national efforts to coordinate all our local Tea Party groups. It’s very hard and extremely expensive to get over 700 local Tea Party affiliates organized across America.

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We hear from Ron Dove now (think he replaced Niger Innis on another Tea Party group. I also get letters from Jenny Martin. I have only been replying to Stop This Insanity ;group - the Niger Innis, Ron Dove letters.

Looks like Niger is in this Tea Party group now. Ron Dove has been promoted on the Stop This Insanity group.

Not sure where  or when this Tea Party Forward came about.

Stand with us  subject)

Niger Innis, Chairman <info@teapartyforward.com>
Virginia Foulk <tvfoulk@hotmail.com>;

Tue 3/8/2016 12:45 PM


Ted Cruz isn't just the winner of our unprecedented Tea Party Primary.

He's the best candidate for all American conservatives to unite behind, the best candidate to beat Hillary Clinton, and the candidate we need to do everything we can to help win the White House.

Unite With Tea Party Forward to support Tea Party Primary Winner Ted Cruz! Sign your "UniTED for Ted Cruz" Pledge of Support Now!


Yes, it's time for us to stand "UniTED" behind Senator Ted Cruz!

Virginia, that's why I'm calling for all our supporters to sign the "UniTED for Ted Cruz" Pledge of Support today -- and follow up on your Pledge with a generous Tea Party Forward contribution of $25, $50, $75, $100 or more to support his election as well. --

From taxes and spending to abortion, the 2nd Amendment, and defense and foreign policy, Ted Cruz is the only true conservative candidate running for president, and he deserves our strong support.

We can't afford to let the wrong standard bearer reach the GOP nomination only to lose the general election to Hillary Clinton, and Ted Cruz is the man who can beat her.
So we must stand UniTED behind Ted Cruz -- and the best way to do that is by backing Tea Party Forward's efforts now.

Hillary is now racing to the Democrat nomination -- but Ted Cruz must have our help to advance to the next round. Show your support for Ted Cruz -- add your name to our "UniTED for Ted Cruz" Pledge of Support today!


Niger Innis
Chairman, Tea Party Forward

P.S. -- Virginia, we must come together and back Senator Ted Cruz as he fights for the White House -- and America's future. Please don't hesitate -- sign your "UniTED for Ted Cruz" Pledge of Support now! Thanks, Niger

Even though he plays dirty?

I have not heard of the Stop this Insanity group. How organized is that?

they all have more money then they know what to do with it.




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