We The People USA

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CALIFORNIA MASSACRE & MainStreamMediaMarxistPropaganda

FROM: TheBlaze

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh accused the left and media “doing everything they can to protect” their “agenda” in the aftermath of the deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, on Wednesday.

“I’m telling you, the only thing that explains the Democrat Party on this and the only thing that explains the left and the media and everybody that’s on the left is they know that their political agenda is threatened by these events, and they’re doing everything they can to protect that agenda and make sure that it isn’t damaged,” Limbaugh said. “That is the sole reason for the way they treat these events. Not just this one, but Fort Hood, you name it — whatever act of Islamic Jihad that happens in this country, it cannot ever be stated as such.”

He continued: “It’s just stunning. It has been eye opening. It has been educational, informative, and illustrative to watch the pained efforts of many, primarily in the media and many of their guests to try to tell people this was not what we all know it is. Before anybody knew anything, the left on their blogs and websites were out blaming right-wing Christians.”

Limbaugh then sarcastically asked, “Was Brian Ross trying to find this guy as a member of a Tea Party group in San Bernardino?”

Listen below:

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Thanks for the post. And thanks to Russ Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox news, and other radio/TV analysts and commentators for speaking out about the truth. Without their voices we'd still be floundering in the lies of the Administration and the left.   

Well stated Virginia...

I just watched a press release from 2 lawyers for the family of the murdering Muslim. I was so made I was screaming at the TV.  There is no doubt that the Caliphate has got it`s own law firms to do it`s work. I think we will find that this is part of a well organized group of Islamic jihadist`s. PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP !

Why Would CAIR Want A 100 Year Old WW1 Memorial Removed?


Thanks for these posts Charles...you are sooo needed here...

This is going to be the thousandth time I say this. SOROS IS BLOOD RELATIVE TO THE DEVIL HIMSELF.

I may be exaggerating a little. But hey ,Trump does it .

Oil rich Saudis have trillions of dollars. They could bribe each member of the house and Senate with a billion dollars each and still not use any significant amount of their wealth.
We should arrest them and distribute their money among the starving children.

It seems our POTUS does not need a bribe to allow Islam to prosper............. .

Seems weird to me, But why did the FBI release the crime seen so early. Just sounds like you would learn that in investigating class 101. Maybe I am wrong but this might just jeopardize something. What if they find out someone was helping, and wanted to dust for finger prints, or check for DNA. I think they made a mistake.




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