We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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This is a message for us from David Frye . One of the Patriots who are still dug in at Refuge.   You can say what you want, But I am in awe of his courage.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil , is that good men do nothing .........Edmund Burke.

In early days of Hitler`s rule. 90% of Christian churches were in line with his agenda. Then when things got bad , They did nothing for most thought the prophecy was being fulfilled. Some churches are doing it again.  

I dont blame the Germans, one cannot take history out of context it is the cardinal sin.

Those that never felt a wound must not jest at scars.

Like all other things there is more to a story than has been taught, so very much more.

The lesson one can take away from it rather easily is how difficult a matter of seeing the future can be if one refuses to accept realities.

Statism kills in numbers that dwarf sane imaginations, dont go there for any reason.

Easy to say with a full stomach and warm house yes? 

I wanted to point out how the masses in Germany were fooled. History has ways of repeating it`s self..Many in the NWO movement actually feel it is for the better. They do not realize Satan will create his product once the ingredients are in place, if the Christians keep allowing him the darkness of this situation.This Evil will triumph because good people do nothing.Shots do not have to be fired. Just the truth of light must shine bright. The masses need to band together and stop the division that keeps the masses divided.Lavoy knew that.To many are selfish in the world and want what the Devil has set out for bait. I see it clear , as do many . The numbers are rising. But time is running out. I am worried that Trump may get killed. Satan will rear his head and lash out.He has a host of fools lined up with him to choose an assassin from.Probably one of those loving Tree hugers with a mental problem. Boy the gun grabbers will have another reason to circumvent the constitution. To create the NWO. the Constitution can not exist. Our souvereignty can not exist. This is why there is so much push just to keep our borders open. We need to win this fight in the election. But then we need to stay the course to make us the bright beacon on the hill. The devil works in darkness. We need to shed our selfish greedy ways to maintain our great God Blessed Country.And that slogan has to get it`s meaning back. And stop being used to advance ones selfish , greedy Political career.

I understand, really I do.

But also know this while we may lessen the impact of what is coming, or rather has come, there is nothing to be done to prevent it. God will not be mocked and His warnings are not for nothing. 

Whats to be done? 

Be the witness and embrace reason, it is the revolutionary act of our times.

What has to happen is Christians need to get out in the world and teach 1 on 1. It should not be a lesson of doom. It has to be a lesson with the light at the end of the tunnel. To say that it will happen because the Bible says so creates the wrong message. Preachers have to stop this garbage. To many churches spinning their own selfish message is adding to the problem.God has left us an avenue to live on.Preachers need to stand on their pulpit and rally the masses just like the preachers of the Black Robe Regiment did. The Revolutionary War was won because of the preachings that were spun from the pulpit. Preachers rallied people to join in the fight because it was the Christian thing to do. And look at the result. We won a war that was totally unwinnable.And then God directed us to create the Constitution. History repeats itself providing their is a will behind it.

Too much there to take on for now, would be glad to address this in another format when Ive the time to do it justice.

I try very hard to keep my words brief here but some subjects need the verbiage to be understood. 

This is exactly why they occupied the refuge..Know everyone is getting on board. They needed to wake up the masses to what they knew. Know everyone is talking about it like this informative video.

The whole world is finally watching .....

This is live stream of the stand down..I pray it goes well

Cliven Bundy Arrested in Portland Oregon Airport. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/02/11/nevada-rancher-...




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