We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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As we watch the continuation of the Western Land Revolt (how is that for a handle?) I have to stop and agree with you on the term RINO. 

Republican In Name Only means nothing, given that the Repubs have contributed as much as anyone to this mess perhaps the real RINOs are folks like us, may vote R but do NOT hold to whatever passes for principles in that party, if indeed making themselves filthy rich(er) can be called a principle. 

As for moderate Repubs, like moderate Muslims, I just call them collectivist, statist, socialist, or lunatic depending on which one is the target of conversation.

Not sure Ive ever used the term RINO. 

If anyone thinks that this would be happening if the Patriots did not make a stand . Then you do not deserve to even have an opinion....http://thelastgreatstand.com/2016/01/12/oregon-victory-judge-and-2-.....A Judge and 2 US Marshalls on their way to Burns to restore Constitutional law....God Bless America. And the true Patriots of our Republic.

Now we have to worry about the Judge and the 2 Marshalls. Just who approved the judge? Harry Reid? Just wondering!! I pray that someone does have American Constitutional law in mind.

It would not be up to Reid. It is up to Attorney General dept I believe.This is not dirty Democrats... This is Crony Capitalism.

I know it wasn't Reid, just being sarcastic about what would be coming.

Most people miss the core concept, Jefferson understood it only too well. Revolutions achieve one very important point, the status quo will not be allowed to continue and WILL be changed.

Every generation in his philosophy must be willing and capable to revolt in some fashion or else liberty dies.

If memory serves there were three known US revolts in Jefferson's time.

Of course the colonists revolved against England. Do you think anything would have changed otherwise?


Then there was the revolt in west Mass over the greed in Boston taking land though excessive taxes and speculation lead by Shay. Does anyone think the practices would have changed if those people had not revolted?


Do you think the the taxes on whiskey would have changed if the people of west Penn did not revolt? 


It does not mean the revolt will bring down the government it does mean the government is informed in no uncertain terms it has gone too far and must change BEFORE it collapses. Cause folks if Washington had not been made into some sort of demi-god where no American would dare shooting him off that horse during the Whiskey rebellion the Constitution would be a footnote to history, those people had good reason to revolt. This is why things changed then and why it always does.

I surmise most people never get off their dead lazy asses long enough to even understand the issue or the remedy in particular those in "authority" until there is rifle sticking in their fat faces.

Read Jefferson, Spooner, Monroe, the federalists and more importantly the anti-federalist papers, learn the lessons peacefully or else learn them through revolt.

I am so done dealing with these people with words. The limit is reached and the revolts continue.

I do believe that when you know your history, then you have a good chance of knowing where you are going.

At least a vague idea where things are headed.

If one does not know history then one is truly blind.

In a land where the corrupt lead the blind I would say most haven't the slightest clue.

Listen to this interview Done by communist news. You talk about in the bag...I wonder if this judge would take an interview from a neutral news corp.http://www.1190kex.com/onair/michael-castner-46543/harney-county-ju...

http://burnstimesherald.info/2015/12/30/grasty-to-represent-county-... see now. Gratsy is the Judge who`s firm handle all kinds of legal doings for the county. Including The planing of roads. Fighting against BLM over reach  He submitted a bill for 4000 hrs,. for lobbying against the sage Brush Grouse.... He stated in the interview that he fought against BLM regulations... I think we will find lots of Dirt on Mr. Gratsy... He got payed his Lawyer fees from the citizens. Then loses , LOL.  This poor community has been duped. Get the tar and feathers ready....

Page not found from the link.  Anyway, sure looks like more of the same crap from Government..

Looks like someone took it down. I should have archived it I guess.




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