We The People USA

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The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
The later part of the 20th century saw its share of odd financial bubbles. There was the real-estate bubble, the stock market bubbles, and the dot com bubble, just to name a few. In each instance of price inflation people paid exorbitant amounts for things that shouldn’t have been worth anything like the going price. And each time people stood around afterwards and said “What were we thinking?”

One has to believe that the same thought occurred to the Dutch in the 17th century when they settled down after their bout with tulipomania, wherein the humble tulip bulb began to sell for prices to make New York Realtors blanch.

As much as the tulip is associated with Holland, it is not native there. Rather it was introduced in 1593 by a botanist named Carolus Clusius, who brought it from Constantinople. He planted a small garden, intending to research the plant for medicinal purposes. Had Clusius’s neighbors been morally upright, the tulip might still be a rare exotic in the gardening world. Instead they broke into his garden and stole some of his bulbs in order to make some quick money, and in the process started the Dutch bulb trade
Just sayin!

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Epicenter of epi pen debacle Democrat royalty.

I am not supporting Trump on principle because I love America and want it to continue to succeed. I am working to help Hillary win because her winning means Trump loses and that supports my principle.

jack Ludwig

The Clintons are Contradiction of principle on most every subject.  They are clearly establishment politicians. Their presidency will be a continuation of decline for our country for no other reason, then their promise of the continuation of Obama reckless and unchecked spending, unaccountability and racketeering.  If this is love of country or love for future generations then I would say please keep your love and vote out of the ballot box.. Plans are already in the works to impeach Hillary if she gets the presidency she is and always has been a pathetical liar.   

Bull, I could care less if Hillary gets impeached if she becomes president or if she even becomes president. My only concern is that Trump does not become president. My principles mean much more to me than what others principles might be. I can't control what others might want to do but I can control what actions I can take. Trump is a direct risk to the ability of America to exist. I don't mean over time, I mean instantly. He alone can cause the End of America in seconds. Hillary has no ability to harm America in such a quick and finite fashion. With Hillary or anyone else but Trump we have the chance to work through these difficult times. With Trump at the helm we will not have a second chance. It will be all over for America before you even realize anything has happened. This is not a game of bluffing, our enemies have no interest to play games with us. 

Just what are you "principles"?  Trump is NO risk to America. What you are saying is just pure poppycock the left's talking points another Goldwater scare tactic.  

I ask again what are your principles?

Our enemies have no respect for us now.  They know that if they NUKED an American city this government and the Clinton government would do nothing. Except talk about it. That my friend carries a greater threat to us. Much greater then a president that would guarantee total destruction to anyone who would dare attack the United States. That uncertainty is what protected us throughout the cold war.  Never should a president appear weak uncertain or fearful.  

I am not supporting Hillary because of MY principles and my opinion.!!  So, Jack, what principles are you using to qualify Hillary. 

Here are just some of my principle issues on why she is not for the America I care about and for my family's future here: 1 - she is not someone I can trust to become Commander-in-Chief, no military knowledge at all, no understanding of "Classified", and no caring for the military; 2 - She claims she doesn't remember security issues because of her concussion in 2012, hum, what was the reason for all of her "I don't recall, don't remember statements during the Whitewater investigations; 3 - she is a thief - where is the White House furniture they swiped and why did they leave such a mess when they left;  4 - she has too many foreign contacts and money lenders in her backpack, and no one knows the whole story; 5 - China given access to the White House bedrooms, what cost to America; Russia with 20% access to uranium due to Clinton Foundation;  6 - Pay-to-play, access to the White House that everyday citizens do not get.  (Even our Representatives are mostly denied that access;

And oh there are lots more reasons and principles that I believe, these are just a start for NEVER, EVER Clinton or their partners - in- crime.   

So Jack, principles for why Hillary - remember, short versions please. I am just a little red-neck country person, and don't get into hard core politics.

Virginia it is very simple choice for me. I care about every human in America as much as my own flesh a blood. Hillary may be responsible for all the things that you say but it still doesn't measure up to the devastation Trump can cause to America in a very short time (seconds and minutes not days, months or years) The devastation Trump can cause is the end of America with no way to recover. We have had more than 30 years of the Clintons who may have been dishonest politicians and brought harm to the country but the harm is not permanent. We are still a great country and most are doing just fine. You won't be able to say that with a Trump presidency. You won't even be able to reflect on how bad a decision you made trusting him. It will be all over just like that. Like turning off the lights. Total darkness and silence. No Virginia I care to much to take that kind of risk. There isn't the slightest of hope with a Trump presidency.  There is no hard core politics in my analysis, it just happens to be the reality and there is no betting man alive who would dismiss those odds.

Still don't get it Jack. You have been saying this several times over the weeks, but it does not compute.  Trump himself does not worry me as much as Hillary - and no, I do not see any way that Trump could destroy our way of life in a few minutes, or seconds. A War, seems we need to have Congress involved, and his appointees. So no, you still haven't enlightened me. I understand that you stand by your principles, but so does every one of the American voters. So you go ahead support Hillary, and I will support Trump, right or wrong, I believe he can do some good for America.  Hillary will destroy our country , just as Obama has been doing. 

And oh, if you are aware of something that would devastate our country if Trump gets in, then you could also find a way to stop that, without allowing Hillary in.  And you could share it. Right??

I have told you and others on this site many times, China and Russia both do not have to go to war to completely disable America. They both have the ability to shut down our complete electrical system and communications capability and any means of transportation. It only takes seconds to enact and when it is in place their is no recovery, it is final. Just imagine for a moment, no form of electrical energy of any kind in America. That means nothing and I mean nothing absolutely dose not function. Anything that uses any form of electric power no longer functions. Name one device that does not use some form of electrical power? You may think that is pure nonsense, just the idea of splitting an atom was not even conceived a mere 100 years ago. China and Russia have been working on this technology for nearly 60 years. If you think this technology does not exist, go ahead and hedge your bet. I have never wagered on long shots, I would never take such a risk. You claim If I am aware of something that would devastate our country I would stop it without allowing Hillary to be elected. How could I possibly stop this? Do you think I am mightier than America, China or Russia. Now you are asking me to have the powers of God. There is evidence the technology exists today and there are a few in America who have that same understanding but there is no one in America or anywhere else in the world that has developed or understood this technology. This is not something that has evolved in a few years. It has been developing for hundreds of years maybe even thousands. Long before the first measurement of energy. There is no long term or even short term benefit for either China or Russia to use this technology now. Neither is insulated from the other and both are not fully prepared for the consequences that would occur if it was implemented. They still have further work to complete to make it most effective to their mutual benefits in the future. However, Trump has a type personality that could tip their balance and they would use this technology if it came necessary to maintain their long range plan. When you hear Trump talk about destroying ISIS you should understand immediately he has no clue what he is talking about. Of course America can destroy ISIS. It is not a complex problem. Dozens and dozens of countries are able to achieve the same goal. It doesn't even require the military of a country to destroy ISIS. An organization could be assembled to effectively dismantle ISIS or any other terrorist organization  it chooses. The reason this does not take place is simply because China and Russia won't allow it to happen. And everyone in the position of power in the world know this. Someone like Trump who makes irrational statements on almost every issue does not belong in a position with power that could influence those with superior arsenals to act.  




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