We The People USA

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The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
The later part of the 20th century saw its share of odd financial bubbles. There was the real-estate bubble, the stock market bubbles, and the dot com bubble, just to name a few. In each instance of price inflation people paid exorbitant amounts for things that shouldn’t have been worth anything like the going price. And each time people stood around afterwards and said “What were we thinking?”

One has to believe that the same thought occurred to the Dutch in the 17th century when they settled down after their bout with tulipomania, wherein the humble tulip bulb began to sell for prices to make New York Realtors blanch.

As much as the tulip is associated with Holland, it is not native there. Rather it was introduced in 1593 by a botanist named Carolus Clusius, who brought it from Constantinople. He planted a small garden, intending to research the plant for medicinal purposes. Had Clusius’s neighbors been morally upright, the tulip might still be a rare exotic in the gardening world. Instead they broke into his garden and stole some of his bulbs in order to make some quick money, and in the process started the Dutch bulb trade
Just sayin!

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Jack, I remember your posts about Russia and China. And you know more about business and such than I do. However, I do not believe that China and Russia would do anything such as you may believe. (Now North Korea attacking Japan or even us - Yes.)  Since Russia and China - and other countries have already taken over lots of our businesses here - China building highways and bridges out west - bringing in their own workers, by the way; Russia taking over uranium deposits, and of course, (unless our citizens lose their jobs and can no longer purchase non-American made products) our markets. Besides that, I cannot in principle believe that Clinton won't take over our country for her own wants. And what about our Congress - will they fall in line with Clinton? That is my biggest concern. And oh, I forgot about this - Saudi Arabia controlling our ports of entry (and this has been since 1964 or even longer. I learned about this working transportation while at Oscar Mayer.)

And even now, a company that made American made TVs (and we have 2 now) that company has been bought out by a foreign company. And this is happening all over America, can't find much that is actually American made. Oh some say assembled here, but where are the parts made?  Not here.  So America is already in deep trouble. Time for a change - Trump, may not be the correct answer, but he is a start.

So NO to Hillary. 

First let's begin with your concerns of China or Russia attacking America. That is not going to happen. Both China and Russia understood in the 60"s world dominance would not come from military power or even economic power. Power is derived from technology. Having the best technology gives that country superior strength over any other country and can be used to diminish any military threats and enhance the economic strength of their country. Korea is completely controlled by China. China keeps them on a very tight leash and only allows them to flex their muscle when China allows it. Korea could attack Japan anytime it wishes. China is the one that keeps that from happening. The same goes for Iran and many of the middle east countries. Russia pulls the strings there too. Iran could attack Israel anytime they choose except Russia keeps them on a tight leash also. There is no advantage to either Russia or China to allow these rough countries to just run wild out of control. They are useful tools to keep America and their allies busy fending off these terrorist activities. It takes great resources to do this. That is precious resources that are not spent on watching Russia and China. Both Russia and China have been busy developing their technologies and making as many big sweet business deals they can all around the world including America. Yes Virginia, many things are not built in America anymore. And why should they. The science and engineering talent is elsewhere, the best labor force is elsewhere and the cost benefits are elsewhere.  Finally, China and Russia are progressing rapidly and things are going exactly as planned. They have no interest to slow this locomotive down. However, a personality like Trump has the ability to threaten their long term plans and that would cause them to act. Then the lights go out and we cease to exist. It is not a promising future with Trump I am sorry to say. With Hillary, we have time to figure out how to combat these two leaders. Time is our only hope.

I do understand your concerns, however, I believe that Russia and China will not jump that fast into a takeover type tech war.  We do need to wake up our educational system, get kids & even adults working together to find new processes. We can do it, and though I do not feel comfortable with either Trump or Hillary, I believe that Donald Trump is changing over to believe in himself and America. Hillary does not believe in America - only her own needs.

And you know what - we have the ability and the resources to do just that.

So, though I can now understand better why you want to push Hillary because you feel with her we'd have more time to stop China and Russia.  However, she will change the Supreme court if Dems take over Senate and If push comes to shove we would also have time even with Trump.  And I still am voting Trump. 

Have you ever heard such BS in all you life? You do not love this country jack. If you did you would see the destruction that the Democrats have already done to our country.

Just how destroyed is this country Bull. Can you name a better time than today or a better country to live in today?

Go ask the unemployed that question better yet ask the millions that have given up on finding jobs.

There has been unemployment in our country for ever Bull and those that have given up on finding jobs you have to define why they gave up. You will find that most of those people were creative enough to find ways to earn a living and those that just gave up are the ones that give up at every aspect of hard work. It is probably the reason some are finding it hard to get another job.

Do not feed the Trolls.
Unless you want to it's a free country until they appoint Bill Clinton Chancellor.

Sorry, Hankelvis, but I want to understand why someone believes as they do. (that was why I also posted that strange little thought, Good Luck, Eagles) My idea was opposite from what my husband thought. It was just a way to get others to think about words and the whys of thought.    Hubby & I had a 30 minute discussion, neither won, of course, though I didn't have to slap him around - he was driving. 

So on this question of principles, I really want an answer - if necessary, I'll bug an answer on personal email.


You can do your work right here Virginia. I would like to see his response to you.




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