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The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
The later part of the 20th century saw its share of odd financial bubbles. There was the real-estate bubble, the stock market bubbles, and the dot com bubble, just to name a few. In each instance of price inflation people paid exorbitant amounts for things that shouldn’t have been worth anything like the going price. And each time people stood around afterwards and said “What were we thinking?”

One has to believe that the same thought occurred to the Dutch in the 17th century when they settled down after their bout with tulipomania, wherein the humble tulip bulb began to sell for prices to make New York Realtors blanch.

As much as the tulip is associated with Holland, it is not native there. Rather it was introduced in 1593 by a botanist named Carolus Clusius, who brought it from Constantinople. He planted a small garden, intending to research the plant for medicinal purposes. Had Clusius’s neighbors been morally upright, the tulip might still be a rare exotic in the gardening world. Instead they broke into his garden and stole some of his bulbs in order to make some quick money, and in the process started the Dutch bulb trade
Just sayin!

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It's true and well known Jack. You are once again trying to discredit the fine people here on this website. I will no longer abide a troll in our midst. If you can prove Obama and Clinton do not hate Jews do so otherwise leave me alone. I stand on the facts. Your attempts at distracting people here from the issues of the day are wearing thin. Play dumb somewhere else. You are passive-aggressive. Look it up. When we call you out on your BS you start trying to act like an innocent victim.

What local are you with again?

No more than you can prove they hate Jews Hank. Since I am a Jew Hank I think I can speak for one, how about you Hank what authority are you that allows you to speak for another human being? You may try to call me out on my comments but so far you haven't provided any facts that clearly indicates my comments are wrong. I haven't been a member of a union for 40 years but if I still were I wouldn't be afraid to offer that information, after all I am not ashamed of who I am or what I have done in the past. It was an interesting time in my life as a union member but I spent the next 40 years finding ways to reduce their influence on business.

I rest my case.
Union indoctrination is often irreversible. It is up to everyone to research their politicians and the issues.
Critical thinking is no longer being taught in schools. We are on the precipice of globalization led by some very unscrupulous actors.

I have been fighting back against Common core for the last 3 years.  And when We discovered some of the crap being pushed at the Wisconsin Dells High School, and Neena Creek middle school, well. I have saved all kinds of books and encyclopedias - from years ago. And boy oh boy, what has been taken out or changed. So our grandchildren got to learn about what used to be taught in schools. Fortunately, Scott Walker is supporting us, and Common Core was stopped when he came in. Gov. Doyle had started the process but it wasn't completed when Scott Walker won the governorship. (And I actually got involved with the "RECALL DOYLE" petition.  Got a tee-shirt too. Hey, did you know that you can't wear a tee-shirt like that - even though the election you wore it was years later. Was told I couldn't vote. Oh yeah? I voted, had to turn it inside out, but as soon as I voted, turned it right side up again!!) By the way, Doyle decided to quit.

Now we have even more crap - gender neutral education for Kindergarten, first grade; can't take American flag to football games, can't were it on your shirt, might offend a Muslim; and so on. 

Over the years they have morphed their agendas into the bilderberg NWO agenda. Soros and the Rothchilds have bought and paid for their compliance over the years...Lets not forget the David Rockefeller family. They fit right in the bilderberg inner circle.The greed of our elected officials has disabled them from seeing what they have become. Their excuse to themselves is that they know best....Greed is a tool of the Devil....KEEP GOD IN YOUR HEART AND FIGHT HARD...WE WILL WIN PROVIDING WE KEEP GOD IN OUR HEART.

Video of Anonymous Message To Hillary Addressing The Corruption with E-Mails and With the Clinton Foundation


In a joint press conference held today at Washington’s National Press Club, Andrew C. McCarthy – the former Federal Prosecutor responsible for putting the spiritual leader of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers [Omar Abdel Rahman, the “Blind” Sheikh] behind bars for life – and Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy [which has prepared a powerful course on the Muslim Brotherhood, The Muslim Brotherhood in America] presented an overwhelming case suggesting that the Muslim Brotherhood, and its U.S. front groups, have long been engaged in influence peddling operations at the highest levels of the U.S. government.

Mr. McCarthy delivered the majority of the remarks, examining the many security questions surrounding Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s long time aide and her current Deputy Chief of Staff.

Abedin’s familial [and possible personal] links to the Muslim Brotherhood and its many affiliates, have been the topic of a furious debate since five Congressmen [Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) and Tom Rooney (R-FL)] sent a Congressional Letter of Inquiry to the State Department’s Assistant Solicitor General, requesting a review of Ms. Abedin’s potential national security conflicts of interest which might render her unsuitable to further serve within the Obama administration [see William Mayer, Congress Alarmed Over Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operation Within..., June 19, 2012, PipeLineNews.org]

McCarthy carefully laid out the long-term written strategy drafted by Mohammed Akram – a U.S. based Muslim Brotherhood operative [see, PLN document – half in Arabic, half in English, An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Gr...] – and how important infiltration and influence operations conducted by the MB within the U.S. government were to the plan’s success.

Regarding Abedin, Mr. McCarthy noted the key alliances her late father, her mother and brother had and continue to maintain with the MB and its affiliated organizations and found them troubling.

In closing remarks Mr. McCarthy suggested that a thorough review of the degree to which this White House, its Department of State, other federal agencies, as well as Ms. Abedin, may have been compromised by interacting with the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies.

For a list of the MB’s American partners, its “friends and organizations,” please refer to ]Investigative Project document Holy Land Foundation List of Co-Conspirators/Joint Venturers]  presented into evidence by Federal Attorneys in the United States’ largest and most successful prosecution of domestic Hamas funding, U.S. v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development].


“…government agencies are responsible to police themselves, to ensure that improper influences and conflicts of interest do not skew policy away from the public interest…”


* The complete press conference can be viewed Here at this link below:


VIDEO:  (Very Informative and Highly Recommended)

Muslim Brotherhood Inside the White House: The Obama-Brotherhood Co...

I also suggest you read the attached PDF


CIA Made the Arab Spring

Written by jc mac   
Thursday, 03 October 2013 05:07

CIA Made the Arab Spring
By JC MacQueen

The USA-CIA-Israel “cabal” caused the Arab spring.
With Bush-Cheney’s illegal invasion of Iraq, the USA dumped massive CIA operatives into the heart of the Arab region. Using the same tactics that the USA used to overthrow democratically elected governments in Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, as well as in Liberia, Vietnam, and throughout Latin and South America, the USA-CIA created the Arab Spring.

The technique is simple. These are poor countries: Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia. A little American dollar goes a long way in buying gangs to attack the ruling government. Military weapons came in with the Iraqi invasion. They were plentiful in supply and easily shipped to neighboring countries through the system of bribery, and black market entrepreneurs.

The issue of what government to install and concern for civil liberties was, and is, never a concern for CIA operations. Disruption and chaos is the only concern. One only needs to point at the disasters the CIA has caused worldwide: Pinochet torture and murder in Chile, the illegal war in Vietnam, slaughter throughout Latin America: El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Liberia, and others to see the CIA efforts are not intended for peace.

With upheaval in the Arab nations, people are all too busy killing each other. So the threats to Israel, surrounded as it is by Arab-Islamic countries, are greatly diminished. The internal civil wars in the Arab nations will last for years as the centuries-old bitter dispute between Shiite and Sunni is further exasperated with civil wars about what kind of government to install as well.

Where did the money come to pay off, buy out, and bribe these combating groups?

The American taxpayer paid for it. As the Government Accounting Office (GAO) found and the Pentagon admitted, more than 90% of US taxpayer dollars that were supposed to be marked for Iraqi rebuilding are unaccounted for, lost, disappeared, vanished. More than $8 billion dollars were siphoned off via CIA channels. Eight billion dollars, in an area riddled with poverty and corruption, buys a lot of thugs, gangs, right wing religious nuts loaded with military weaponry to attack anywhere they’re let them loose, which is exactly what the USA-CIA-Israel dynamic trio have done and continue to do.

Now, only Iran and Saudi Arabia remain without overt internal warfare. As was exposed in numerous news reports and Michael Moore’s documentary, Fahrenheit 9-11, the USA is in debt to Saudi Arabia to the tune of billions of dollars so they have bought protection from USA chicanery. So it is only Iran, the country that threw out the US-created dictatorship of the Shah of Iran, that stands against the USA-Israel cabal.

Even though Israel has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, has 200 nuclear weapons, refuses to allow UN nuclear inspectors into Israel, and has broken international law numerous times by using illegal depleted uranium weaponry and phosphorous weapons, the USA continues to say that Iran is the threat to the neighborhood for its nuclear program. Why not? The USA holds the money bags for the existence of Israel. The American taxpayer pay more than $3 billion to Israel every year.

Iran is the final piece in the USA-Israel operation to completely destabilize all Arab-Islamic nations surrounding Israel. It is easy to see in the corporate TV propaganda to brainwash the American public there is the effort to justify an attack that the USA-CIA-Israel are working hard to accomplish.




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