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Does a Bathroom = Personal Privacy? Not To Our Head Pervert in Charge It Don't

Source; http://clashdaily.com/2016/05/dear-dad-tell-kid-must-get-seeing-tra...

This is what our society has come to — where grown adult college women need ‘safe spaces,’ but little girls in the restroom cannot even be safe while using a public restroom.

Now, a newspaper is even suggesting that girls need to ‘get over’ seeing male genitalia when using locker rooms or restrooms. You can’t make this stuff up anymore:

A leading North Carolina newspaper issued an editorial last week telling girls to attempt “overcoming discomfort” at the sight of “male genitalia,” should transgender bathroom laws be enacted.

In a defense of President Obama’s order compelling schools to allow access to restrooms on the basis of gender identity, the Charlotte Observer editorial board compared the discomfort of school-aged girls seeing male genitalia in locker rooms to the discomfort of white people being around black people in post-segregation America.

“This is what the Obama administration nudged the rest of the country toward Friday,” the editorial said. “Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms — and vice versa — might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort — with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage — then realizing it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.”

Read more: Washington Times

Here is an excerpt from the original column:

The measures follow a simple premise: Offer those who are uncomfortable a chance to be comfortable, but give choice to everyone instead of taking it away from some.

That Kentucky district and others have discovered something else that’s instructive, by the way: There have been no incidents involving locker rooms and bathrooms because of transgender policies. It is, eventually, a non-issue.

This is what the Obama administration nudged the rest of the country toward Friday. Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms – and vice versa – might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort – with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage – then realizing that it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.

Read more: Charlotte Observer


Here is what I think!

Lately I believe the Democratic Party Led by it's head pervert, has decided to do the same things to the United States that elevate the sick and twisted desires of Child molesters, Sexual deviants, and Sexual Predators, under the guise of "Eliminating Hate and giving "Fair Treatment" to those who believe in and practice such aberrations. I believe it's time to stop molly coddling the 1%'ers and minority special interests, and make them publicly conform to main line Morals and Practices. When we were a God Fearing Nation that adhered to honorable society practices, we were a great nation that inspired the world. Now we are in the same moral quagmire that Pre WWII Germany was in elevating and tolerating public morals like ancient Rome did before it fell.

It's high time to draw the line where public acts must subscribe to the will of the MAJORITY, and not to the bullying of the few. I do not advocate harassing or harming those who are different, but I expect them to conform to the averages of public sensibilities in their public comportment. Yes it is a dual standard, but what in hell is wrong with that? We have been told that it is morally corrupt to want to have a bit of decorum if it interferes or objects to the current Perverted codes of  Political Correctness. How have we let ourselves be swayed by this sick siren song that only serves an inherent EVIL?

Political Correctness has been championed for decades by the Progressive Liberal Democratic Party. This is the same Party that is responsible for; 

1. The attempted genocide of all the Native American Tribes under the aegis of "Manifest Destiny" and a vestige of that mentality and procedure in the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) still endures today.

2. The KKK was protected by the Democrats who held sway in the South and became the Terrorist wing of the Democratic party. ( https://realdemocrathistory.wordpress.com/2008/05/15/the-kkk-was-th... ) Everyone needs to read this blog to see the entire listing of what the Democrats have wrought with purely evil intent. Here is an excerpt from that Blog; "Our nation’s top historians reveal that the Democratic Party gave us the Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws and other repressive legislation which resulted in the multitude of murders, lynchings, mutilations, and intimidation's (of thousands of black and white Republicans). On the issue of slavery: historians say the Democrats gave their lives to expand it, the Republicans gave their lives to ban it.From there the listings go on and on detailing the Party's evil excesses.

3. The belief in the perpetuation of Slavery prior to the Civil War and modified to suppression of the Black Race after the Civil War With the Jim Crow Laws becoming a way of life until 1965. It still exists hidden in the Black family destroying Great Society concept of LBJ's administration.

4. The Democrats later known as Dixiecrats established the Black Codes; ( https://sites.google.com/a/email.cpcc.edu/black-codes-and-jim-crow/... )

5. The original proposal for legislation allowing the direct election of Senators was first proposed by Henry Randolph Storrs, a Federalist from New York, elected as a Democrat to fill a vacancy in the 10th Congress. and was finally proposed in 1911 in a joint resolution by a Democrat controlled House in that year finally being ratified in 1913.


Have I made my case for rejecting the entire Democrat agenda and philosophy yet?

Ask yourself this; If a person stands idly and complacently by in the face of something of a bad or evil practice, does that not also indicate that that person tacitly agrees with that bad or evil practice?

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The progressives have laid out a plan.And this is it.

See what regular folks think about this policy as it applies to Target Stores incorporating the policy instead of fighting it;



"Target’s stock has fallen 20 percent — from $84 per share to $67 per share — since it imposed the pro-transgender policy on its customer base of families.  That loss has chopped roughly $10 billion from the overall shareholder value of the company, according to a chart produced by Yahoo.com"

Lets hope this trend continues not only with Hillary, but with every Democrat running in 2016;

Ah Yes, Democrats! Rhymes with Kilkenny Cats. In more ways than one based on the Stats just for pun.

The idea has been summed up in this limerick, and thats about that:

There once were two cats from Kilkenny
Each thought there was one cat too many.
   So they fought and they fit
   And they scratched and they bit
And instead of two cats, there ain't any!

Obama says he’s not to blame for transgender bathroom issue
He said essentially his administration had no choice when school districts asked for guidance.
Issue so hot barry doesn't want a victory lap!

There is one retired police officer who believes that the Target managers should be arrested. I agree- after all they are in cahoots with pedophiles, and sexual predators - and are depriving children and women (mostly) the Constitutional rights to protection of their privacy.

As a retired Patrolman I agree with his observations. Democrats are Satanic inspired Perverts and Pedophiles.

The problem as I see it is one between asked for Tolerance for another lifestyle with appropriate safeguards in place, and Dictatorial Legislation Demanding Acceptance for a lifestyle without safeguards in place. Regardless of what the majority believes in and with no points of compromise proffered.

Pope Francis has enraged transgender activists after describing the idea of gender fluidity as the “annihilation of man.




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