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Chris Christie

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Mark Everson

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Jim Gilmore

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Lindsey Graham

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Mike Huckabee

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Bobby Jindal

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John Kasich

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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
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Marco Rubio

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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Trump and Romney

President Mitt Romney Lectures

Frontrunner Donald Trump on How

Republicans Win Elections

Mitt Romney, the failed 2012 Republican presidential nominee who, alongside running mate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), lost the election to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, is lecturing 2016 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump on how a Republican can win the White House.

This is laughable!

Not laughable at all. A man who lost something big can readily learn how not to do things, and then share his new wisdom with those who attempt the same feat next time. Who else can give better advice today on things to avoid? Those who sit in their easy chairs and watch the battle, or those who do the battle themselves? 

It is laughable to me. You can laugh or not. I am laughing. Romney is a joke and has never been anything more than a puppet manipulated by special interest.

When Romney lost and later I learned that many Republicans and TeaParty people didn't vote for him, I wasn't laughing. Helping put Obama in charge of this country wasn't a joke to me. 

Seems that the special interests who manipulate Obama also learned how to manipulate the population. Sad. 

Romney is exactly what type of crony capitalism that the left and many on the right do not like. He is a conservative that gives conservatives a bad name. I am no liberal by a long shot. But crony capitalist  sucks. Crony capitalist are the ones with the big lobbying lawyer firms. I believe capitalism is the best  way providing the playing field remains fair for everyone.If the right keeps insisting on putting these progressives up to run, they will never win again. The tea party is the new way of our republic.Or we go to socialism. So i say to the old generic Republicans, Stop trying to use the tea party`s gains, to advance your progressive agenda. We will not be used anymore.All the old guard Republicans need to get on board or the left will win again. Your choice. AND THATS HOW I SEE IT..

TRUE FR! He proved that OVER and OVER.

I AGREE kk!!!!

I agree FR Romney is laughable, I have heard over and over that Romney lost on purpose because he stopped campaigning in earnest last 3 weeks before 2012 election. IMO he helped Obama get elected as much as the voter fraud and all the other leftist tricks. Not only was he weak he was spineless in the debates and flip-flopped throughout campaign. The lessor of two evils is not really a choice at all IMO.

In this short exchange, I heard three things which make no sense to me at all:

1. "Romney lost on purpose". 

2. "The lesser of two evils is not really a choice". Does this sentence say that Romney was evil? 

3. "The tea party is the new way of our republic. Or we go to socialism". Sounds like my way or the hiway, tea party or the country goes to hell. Besides, when I read the TeaParty core principles, they sound to me like OLD way of our republic. 

I am the "old generic Republican" and you insult me when you call my agenda progressive. The words "progressive agenda" describe what Hillary and Obama are doing to our country. These words do not fit the Republican agenda, either now or before. 

But that's ok; I am used to insults. Just listening to Obama I hear them all the time, directed at Republicans like me. He even called them his enemies in several campaign speeches. I was also called enemy by Tea Party Patriots before. Guess people like me belong in that thin little population sliver between tea party and socialists, to be derided by both. 

So, in my naivete, I will just continue voting Republican. Will you?

Wow, I guess I have to stand with Marrand. I liked Romney, but did not think he was the one. We needed someone to stand up and punch back.  I voted for him anyway because I did not want Obama. By the way, I kinda learned my lesson - voted Ross Perot. He was the one I felt was best. What happened - Clinton.

And I am not a Republican, nor am I a Democrat. My beliefs are mostly conservative - and definitely not progressive. So being geriatric, am I to bow out and not vote? Sorry, I will vote and I will continue to express myself whenever, and wherever I can - and sometimes, where I'm not supposed to talk.  Not sure where all this nastiness came from, but it doesn't help to take back our country. Progressive? Where is that being shown.  What a shame - and this is with persons who really want better for America.  

I do so wish to have seen better candidates, but we reap what we sow.

I assume you all are referring to KK post, I did not say Romney was progressive, he is a RINO, a puppet. I want someone in office with a back bone as I assume all of us do. I am not PC about Democrats/Communist and I am not going to be PC about RINOS and we take our country back by speaking out against them all, to roll with the flow is when we get the same thing over and over which is betrayed. I vote for the man not the party....PERIOD and have never voted Democrat.   Marrand I have no idea who you are to be honest, you seem to be a provocateur, they are a waste of time to interact with,  so I will probably be ignoring you from here on out, please do the same with me. I have no time for drama.

to Love of Country. I have a hard time understanding this reply thing. If I select reply, I assume it is to the person who just posted. So will have to work this out. Anyway, my post was for everyone And, I really didn't see a post from you - except all the candidates listed. So my post was not directed at you.  So best I stop before I make this worse. I think what I will have to do in the future, is start each post with that person's ID. Anyway, since being on this site, I've found much to admire about your posts and blogs.




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