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Chris Christie

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Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
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Carly Fiorina

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Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
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Lindsey Graham

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Mike Huckabee

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Bobby Jindal

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John Kasich

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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
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Marco Rubio

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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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EXCLUSIVE — Donald Trump Rights Ship on Immigration:

Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by

Cheap Foreign Labor, Calls Rubio ‘Silicon Valley’s Puppet’

Last night during the CNBC primary debate, Donald Trump, who to this point in the campaign had been the Republican candidate most closely aligned with the conservative grassroots on immigration policy, seemed to have altered his message in several ways.

reitbart News documented some of these changes here.

Trump, who leads many national 2016 polls, granted Breitbart News an interview on the subject. Full questions and responses below:

BNN: The media has been filled with stories about companies flying in low-wage H-1B workers to replace American workers in tech jobs. Adding insult to injury, these American workers have been forced to train their replacements. If you were President, would you put a stop to this practice?

DT: Day one. This is why I got into this race. Because the everyday working person in this country is getting screwed. Lobbyists write the rules to benefit the rich and powerful. They buy off Senators like

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

to help them get rich at the expense of working Americans by using H-1B visas–so called “high tech” visas–to replace American workers in all sorts of solid middle class jobs. If I am President, I will not issue any H-1B visas to companies that replace American workers and my Department of Justice will pursue action against them.

BNN: Hundreds of workers at Disney were forced to train their foreign replacements. But while Florida Senator Nelson rallied to their cause, Senator Rubio did not. While Nelson has called for an investigation, Rubio has not. While Nelson has called to reduce H-1Bs, Rubio has demanded more. Senator Rubio has been the top promoter in Congress for expanding the H-1B program even though millions American tech workers are out of jobs. Rubio’s new bill triples H-1Bs and has zero protections for American workers. Advocates for tech workers said Rubio’s bill would “destroy” the U.S. tech workforce. Rubio’s bill is even endorsed by the CEO of Disney. What do you think of Rubio’s bill?

DT: It’s a disaster. It would allow any company in America to replace any worker with cheaper foreign labor. It legalizes job theft. It gives companies the legal right to pass over Americans, displace Americans, or directly replace Americans for good-paying middle class jobs. More than 80 percent of these H-1Bs are paid less than the average wage. Senator Rubio works for the lobbyists, not for Americans. That is why he is receiving more money from Silicon Valley than any other candidate in this race. He is their puppet.

BNN: During the debate, Senator Rubio listed several protections he thought American workers should receive. But the New York Times said Rubio’s bill would does the opposite of what he said, and does not contain a single one of the protections he mentioned. Instead, his bill simply triples the number of H-1B visas given as low-wage substitutes to corporations. Does Rubio have a problem with the truth?

DT: Yes, Senator Rubio is incapable of telling the truth. He should be disqualified for dishonesty alone.

BNN: Do you think agree with Senator Rubio that there is a shortage of talented Americans?

DT: Rubio is dead wrong. America produces the best and brightest in the world. It’s time to stand up for own students–many of whom are racked with terrible, terrible debt and facing a disastrous job market. We are graduating two times more students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) than find jobs in those fields every year. We have a surplus of talented Americans and we need them to get jobs first.

BNN: What should happen with the Florida workers who have been replaced?

DT: I am calling TODAY on Disney to hire back every one of the workers they replaced, and I am calling on Rubio to immediately rescind his sponsorship of the I-Squared bill and apologize to every Floridian for endorsing it. I am further calling on Rubio to return the money he has received from Silicon Valley CEOs and to donate the money to a charity helping unemployed Americans whose jobs Rubio has helped to destroy.

Sen. Rand Paul ‘Filibustering’ The Budget Deal

Presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) speaks during the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate at University of Colorados Coors Events Center October 28, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. Fourteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the third set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is vowing to obstruct the debt deal as long as he can, seeking more time to deliberate and expose its flaws. “We’re in the middle of a filibuster,” Paul said on the floor. “This filibuster will go on to about 1:00 in the morning and then we will find out who the true conservatives in this town are.”

Rand Paul is the only candidate that has the answers to fix our broken Government , and he is polling around 3%. At one point he was running second because his plan was being heard. He has been over shadowed for all the wrong reasons and everyone is falling for it. What a shame...I AM SENSING THAT 2016 WILL BE MORE OF THE SAME OLD SHIT. For this man to be polling so low is proof that the general public is blind of what a great leader looks like.. I suggest that everyone research this guy and get his numbers up before we loose him.

If you do not take the time to know what this man is about you will be making a big mistake. If you care and want to know him,.......... then you will take the time to do it..........

Sen. Marco Rubio speaks to voters at the Heritage Action Presidential Candidate Forum September 18, 2015 in Greenville, South Carolina. Eleven republican candidates each had twenty five minutes to talk to voters Friday at the Bons Secours Wellness arena in the upstate of South Carolina. (Photo by

Marco Rubio Blames The Victims: Foreign Tech

Workers More Qualified Than Americans

CNBC’s John Hardwood asked Marco Rubio about his co-authorship of a highly controversial plan to triple H-1B visas used by wealthy corporations to replace American workers. In the course of his response, Rubio said, “We need to get back to training people in this country to do the jobs of the 21st century… The best way to close this gap is to modernize higher education so Americans have the skills for those jobs.”


Media Matters Defends CNBC over GOP Debate

For once, almost the entire media agreed that the CNBC moderators at the GOP debate showed an unacceptable level of political bias and plain incompetence–except for Media Matters for America.


Exclusive: Chris Christie Raising Money Off

New York Times Editorial Demanding Him to Quit

Chris Christie’s campaign is using a New York Times editorial calling for the New Jersey governor to drop out of his presidential race as an excellent opportunity to raise some more money.

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

CNBC’s S***show of Epic Proportions: The Full Moderator Breakdown

Wednesday night’s epic s*itshow of a debate highlighted one fact beyond all others: if Republicans are to win the presidency in 2016, their main opponent will not be Hillary Clinton, but the established media.

Ryan Disappoints Obama AP

White House Disappointed Paul Ryan Won’t

Bring Up Immigration Reform

Even though the newly elected Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has supported immigration reform in the past, the Obama administration did not appear confident that he will help them pass any immigration reform.

Priebus: Future GOP Debates Will Be ‘Reevaluated,’ CNBC’s Was a ‘Crap Sandwich’

Mark Levin Trashes ‘Incompetent’ Reince Priebus: ‘Should Be Fired!’




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