Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
I found this at; It seems pretty straight forward and with compelling answers on how to avoid defeat at the hands of the GOP turncoats.
Someone said that we can't possibly form a third party and allow any contamination from RINO's or moderates in to it. Ok, I agree in spirit with the Hard Core RINO's who should call themselves Democrats instead of serving as "Stealth Progressive Socialists". Fortunately most RINO's are actually between the Moderate Centralists and the very beginning of the Left Wing Political Philosophy.
I disagree. You will need them in the beginning to gather in the marginals that could be turned to the progressive dark side. Besides you know in the beginning just who you have there. The 'contamination' of their ideology can and will be contained. Their political philosophy will either be changed to the benefit of the rational conservative cause, or they will be removed at a later date through the primary process. Bear in mind we can not have a viable third party with a Hard Right stance in the beginning. The Progressives did what they have done over more than a hundred years to get to this point.
We can't change it back over night. The beginning will most certainly be little different from the old fashioned Moderate Conservative Ideology of seeming Compromise and Cooperation with the left. As time goes on, the position will harden incrementally into a strong Common Sense Conservatism as the membership and appeal grows. We are going to need to incorporate the divergent ideologies like what the JB society, Libertarians, moderate conservatives, and even much of the hidebound hard right faction will be willing to join against the Progressive Socialist incursion into our nations politics if we want to win through in the end.
What we old farts used to call common sense years ago will have to be the watchword of any new party if it is to successfully compete with the established behemoths of the R's & D's and beat them at their own game.
The first thing we will have to do is to backtrack to the era when politics was actually a system of compromises for the greater good and work forward from there until we get back to the end of the nineteenth century model of politics that was in line with what the founders had built into they system.
Unless we can marginalize the Progressive lies and "FREE" handouts they use to buy their votes, and turn it around to people actually taking responsibility for themselves and their actions we won't be able to mobilize the people and get them working together with the proper focus and unity that is needed to succeed in Restoring the Republic.
Two critical things are necessary right now, and have been started. all we need to do is to push them through.
1. Unite against Hillary and short circuit the Hidebound Establishment GOP that is self destructing and severely damaging our chances of keeping Hillary out of office.
2. Unite in single minded purpose to get our conservative voters up off their couches and educate them they will have to vote for Trump even though they may hate him, as the only option to stop Hillary.
That's the bottom line. If we don't stop Hillary, we will lose the last advantage we have and it will take generations of servitude and slavery to get back to this point in history where we would have a chance of restoring our Freedom and Liberty.
After that we need to form that Third Party if Hillary wins and go ahead from there. But, if Trump wins, there is an easier road to travel to the same point a third party would eventually bring us to. That road hinges again on mobilizing all Conservative voters to get to the polls and to not only vote for Trump, but to actually do some background checks and vote for the most Conservative politicians running. We need to do this to keep the Progressive Democrats and Socialists out of Congress, so it's not a case of voting only for R's, but voting for Libertarians, or any other smaller third party running that has shown through past practice to be more conservative and common sense minded than the Progressive Democrats.
In short, we need to NOT vote for any Democrats under any circumstances whatsoever, despite what some idiotic turncoat GOP establishment members say they are doing, and are encouraging others to do. They are the defeatists who would trash everything just to get their own way to prove to themselves how self important they think they really are. That primarily, and to maintain the status quo to keep their power and privilege. It's unfortunate, but if the Democrats again get a Majority in Congress, no matter who becomes President, it's game over, although with Hillary the damage would be tenfold. So, we must play the game intelligently. Should Hillary win with a Progressive Socialist majority in Congress in either house, or in both houses, the damage will then be irreversible, and there will be no United States as we know it any more.
In addition to not voting for ANY Democrats this cycle, we need to form groups to insure that everyone that will help by voting, gets the chance to vote. We can do that by taking these simple actions;
1. Forming small groups in our own neighborhoods, to go around them between now and November, to encourage voters to get registered if they are not and get to the polls to vote.
2. To apply for Absentee ballots if they are eligible and make sure the Clerk gets them on time.
3. Find out who needs transportation to and from the polls and work out that transportation to assist them.
4. Confront the clerk about getting absentee ballots out to Service Members in time for them to vote.
5. Contact any Base Commanders in your area and ask them if they have a base officer in charge detailed to insuring their troops get the right to vote, either through Absentee Ballots or online, using the Federal Voter Assistance program, and/or the for them to register and ask for absentee ballots in time for the process to get and return them to work. This is critical because in past elections only about 10% of the military votes were cast and counted. If you have a service member overseas, ask them to notify their base commander or base officer in charge, of these programs no later than Sept 10, 2016
These are my personal views,
The Tradesman
Either a call to the county Clerk or using the can get the preson on the Absentee Ballot list if they qualify for one.
M not to step on your parade or to be argumentative as Kevin would have you believe, but do you have any idea the strength in numbers regarding the size of the conservative voters (your idea of a conservative) in this country? Allow me to give you a non scientific poll. My granddaughter is in 5th grade and for a class project she recently conducted a one on one poll with every student that is in the 5th grade in her school which happens to be two classes. The poll question was simple and to the point: if each of you were allowed to vote this election for president which person would you vote for President, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? The results are as follows: Clinton got 48 votes, Trump got 16 votes and 3 students had no idea. Now why do I think this simple poll is relevant? We live in a very red state and our county is extremely red. Where do 5th grade children get their political views? From their adult parents and relatives. They mimic what they hear at home. 5th graders have no interest in elections. The media can't have much influence on their views. Now this is a predominantly white christian community with middle to upper income average. The voter turnout will be higher than the national average and republicans will win lower level elections and Trump will win the state but only by a razor thin amount. The reason is because the majority of likely voters are moderates both on the right and on the left. Only a small percent fall to the extreme sides of each party, progressives and conservatives and only about 5% of likely voters are persuadable at the last minute. Now I think you and I want the same thing but we have different views on how to get there. Using this discussion as a means to air out those differences and not take it as an argument is the best way we can find common areas to move our goal forward. This is just meant to be my way of asking all of us to begin thinking in broader terms for solutions not to change your positions or your goal. Our positions and goals are very similar, it's our solutions that our in conflict.
All I can say Jack is lets wait until all the votes are in. I agree with the tradesman's assessment of the situation. There is another factor you are ignoring, and that is the propaganda technique of saying it's over before it even starts. Let me remind you the same tactics were used against Regan and you can see where that got the Dems. Besides historically it's the 5% that makes or breaks the election.
M the dems may have tried to use that tactic against Reagan but it never worked, Reagan lead in the polls from start to finish. There was never any doubt Reagan would beat Carter. As I have said many times before, politics is a game of numbers. There is no secret in a presidential race the numbers are well known and predictable.
Folks, Congratulations to the USA winning the Olympics, it's become repetitive, but I think it's common courtesy to honor the winner each time
Back on topic
Trump said: "Get out and vote vote vote" ... do as he says, don't sit at home, get out and vote. Drag everyone else out kicking and screaming with you to vote for Donald Trump, he's hit on some winners, he talked about jobs, he visited the flood area, he appealed to Afro Americans, he is concerned about the decline of the USA, he is placing the USA before Mexico and the rest of the World .... and he said "racism racism racism, a disgusting argument" ... he was brave enough to say that and it needed to be said
The NWO is falling apart, we can see it in Europe, in the US, in the Middle East .... another thing I said on TPP years ago was: "The job of controlling the whole World is too big a job for a few small controlling groups to handle". Groups such as the CFR, the Bilderbergers and the Fabians. They are trying hard but they are failing in their efforts
Learn how ISIS started. It started because of a series of ill conceived plans and purposes devoid of correct assessments about what the blowback and unintended consequences could be. The enemy was misjudged by both the Democrats and Republicans. The CIA had it right, but the Dems and Repubs, mainly the Dems in later stages, mostly ignored the CIA's research, and got it wrong, thereby allowing vicious Islamic leaders to thrive
Now, Trump has seen it for what it was, a fiasco. The Democrats can only make things worse, they've been deeply involved in the mess, so how can they put things right at this time ? Only fresh leadership with a mind independent of the rest, who can see the problems as they are can sort them out. The only real choice is Donald Trump
Ozzie, what do you think Trump sees about ISIS that the rest of us are missing? He certainly doesn't see the CIA's analysis, that is classified information.
Certainly it's OK. What the heck.
I'm glad I've proven I wasn't a DRONE. Just got my OK on the license - good for another 5 years.
That's where Trump is different from Hillary. Hillary tells her people to vote early and vote often.
The tide is turning Jack, there's no substance to Hillary's deceptive rhetoric anymore than there was to Obama's. Ask your self what really happened after Obama got elected, where did it lead you to ? Lots of damaging foreign policy and a fanciful dream of one world socialist global village. It won't work Jack. What's needed now is for every nation to settle down and look after their own. That's were Trump comes in for the United States, turn inwards but not necessarily isolationist, foreign policy is still required but not the rampant mistake ridden policies everyone has been subjected to
BTW my internet connection was cut 20 hours ago after my first post in this thread, got nothing at all, came back on during the night. Two legged gremlins at work I think
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