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How Property Taxes Demonstrate We Are Not Free
Written by: Steve Richards  Published on: November 3, 2015

When this country was founded, land was considered to be owned by the king. The king would divide it among the people he favored and they would lease it to people to live on it. This is where the term “land lord” came from, as the land was divided amongst lords and dukes and other titled people. It was the feudal system and the main problem is, if you can never own land, it is difficult to ever store wealth or to obtain wealth.

The founders wanted land to be allodial. Some state constitutions demand that land be allodial and prohibited feudal tenures of every description. I find property tax very troubling as I believe it violates the constitution in many ways. If I buy something and obtain ownership of something, I pay for it and when I pay the agreed upon price, I am done paying. If I rent something, I get to use it only as long as I pay the rent. There lies the problem property tax is, rent payments for land people are supposed to own. This begs the question of what gave the government the right to take control of all land so they could charge rent on it forever.

I know many are going to say that the Supreme Court says it is constitutional and, therefore, it is okay. Frankly, I say that is a bunch of hooey. The clowns in the black gowns are not going to say money that gets taken and that they benefit from is unconstitutional. Normally, it would be a conflict of interest for a judge to preside over something they benefit from, but that has never stopped them in tax court. Considering that the Supreme Court is too stupid to know there is a difference between marriage between a man and a woman or the “pretend marriage” of two men, who engage in sodomy, I really do not expect intelligent rulings from those clowns. The Supreme Court also continues to fail to realize that babies are human and that Planned Parenthood should not be allowed to murder babies and sell their body parts. There are too many bad rulings to even begin to name them all, but it is obvious that judges’ orders seem to be hallucinations more than accurate interpretations of the law.

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Politicians claim this is a free country and that when veterans like me were in the military, we were defending freedom. My question is, if I can never own my home without paying rent on it to the government, how can I ever truly be free? If I can never work without the government demanding that I pay income taxes and, therefore, showing their belief in their ownership of me, how can I truly be free? They claim ownership of my home and the work I do. That does not sound like freedom to me.

In reality, freedom is the right to say no and to opt out of what they want me to do.

I will try to use an example that even a judge can understand. If ten people want to rape an individual, allowing the individual to vote on which of the ten get to rape them first is not freedom. Allowing the victim to choose who they cannot say no to is not freedom. Even if the ten attackers pretend to be a court of law and rule that it is legal to rape the individual, it is still not freedom. True freedom is the individual’s right to tell the attackers no. It does not matter how many vote to violate that individual, it is wrong. It does not matter if a foolish judge hallucinates that it is somehow legal for the individual to be violated, it is still wrong.

I realize that is an extreme example. The reason I wanted something that extreme is because there needs to be some point that majority rule is not acceptable. As a country, we need to start realizing that judges not only can be wrong, but that they have been wrong and that includes Supreme Court justices. We also need to realize things will only get worse if we continue to allow them to be wrong. Every election continues to be our voting for politicians that continue a system we cannot say no to. Ask yourself, do the politicians treat you like property to be used as they see fit, or do they act like they work for you? Nothing makes a bureaucrat or politician angrier than being told no. They can make a screaming two year-old look reasonable. If we cannot say no, we are their property.

This campaign season would be a good time to elect people that will not tolerate judges that make corrupt rulings. If we do not demand better from our leaders, then we get what we deserve. The problem is our children do not deserve this type of government, even if we do. We need to be like the founders of this country. Instead of looking at our descendants as someone to pay our Social Security and to stick with the national debt, let’s actually leave them a country that is in better condition than we found it.

Now that’s “change” I could hope for.

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I understand that the taxes were to pay for services, and gas taxes for highways, and so on. But it seems that too much is being taxed while we are losing our rights to our property.  Oh, and it seems to me that our government was to stop the debtors prisons. Looks like that isn't true anymore either. 

Bottom line is all high taxed states are loosing population. Loose population , and you loose power in federal election. If you do not like your state taxes, Move. But when you move, do not bring your same old status quo ways. If you can not afford your taxes, do not complain. Do what you need to do. I say let the Democratic, high tax states suffer. Suffering for a while will always turn the tables. Democratic states are still looking to raise taxes. How dumb can they get. Do not let their stupidity tear your personal lives apart. MOVE...That is how you fix your problem of paying to much tax. It is your life and you are responsible for your own happiness.

Sounds good, but I like where we live. However, I would not like, New York, California, Mass. New Jersey, and all those East Coast places. Except for the dang Dane County nitwits, Wisconsin is A-OK with me.  Though my husband is talking moving to Arizona. No, no. Our family is here.




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