We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

I registered back to the Republican Party in 2010 so I could start voting in primaries I truly thought the Tea Party was out to fix the Republican Party so I wanted in. My fear of dying being registered to the R Party is the reason. The Tea Party has not delivered and it is obvious it will not. I will vote in the General if you Republicans pick someone I can vote for with out feeling sick about it. I will continue here to do my constitutional healing work. But that is it .To me there is not a single candidate polling in the top tear. That will take fixing Washington as his top priority.For years the Tea Party talked that it was the main agenda. I warned about becoming divided over individual issues and look what happened. One guy comes in and talks of building a wall and everyone flew to him. While others clung to others who spoke of the same things as Trump but in a more even tone. Only One kept talking about fixing Washington and he was left in the dust from every one jumping on the issue ban wagon. Sp you will not have to worry about my vote in the primaries , and I will not have to worry about dying a Republican.

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I do not care what the rest of the world is doing. They are wrong. They all wanted to be like us Till  we wanted to be like them. Socialism is not what we are. No way...You are a progressive Jack and do not even know it.

The education system was overrun by unions. Unions are controlled by the Godless organized crime machine that took over the media and the WH thru fraud and propaganda.

A man of note once said "I didnt leave the Democratic Party... it left me."

Cant promise one set of things while continuously producing another to principled people.

I studied the NWO for a few years in the early 90's. came to the conclusion it was just warmed over bircher thoughts.

Don't fall victim to the doom and gloom ads on TV, You know the ones,,,this will fail in 2013,,that will fail in 2014. They even had ron paul shilling one a few months ago. The current one for 2015 is crashing banks .com. All you have to do is buy their book for 34.95 and be saved.--lol---Speaking of ron paul,I don't think rand will get any more than the 3 per cent that Sr did and he's looking for a way out now.

Arrow, Try googling The Bilderberg Group. And tell me that they are not really running the show.

Arrow you do not know me. I am not the shallow person you think I am.. I know of the imfomercials that Sr. did. That is not research.Please find out what I know before you just take a wild guess at thinking you know how deep I am...So ,when you STUDIED the NWO order for a FEW YEARS. What were some of the angles you investigated from . And who were the people you researched to be the visionaries of the NWO ?..If you do not mind I may be able to learn something from  your studies. Our be able to see where you hit a dead end. There are many layers to this pyramid.

I would like to know too. Anyone who has invested time and energy into studying and researching NWO interests me. I believe that the game is on, and want to know more.

IE; republican establishment. The establishment candidates are Bush , Rubio & now "Nikki Haley". Only someone like Trump can change that.
Just sayin.

I will not support Trump in primary.I am going to re register in a day or two. But will vote for him in General if need be to defeat the D`s. Trump is a wild card and could be dangerous to our constitution. To me he is a roll of the dice, Cruz is a career politician who once in will lap up a good amount of establishment cool aid.So he is under Trump on my list. Rand is the top by far for me.But the MSM did their dance on him.He was the original anti establishment choice.

Got to hear part of Rand Paul's single debate format - wish they hadn't used the props, but yes, he is very interesting and yes, he is starting to fall within his dad's Libertarian party line. I don't mind that - reminds me of Ross Perot. Also another one here has said much the same about Trump. Unless miracles change the landscape, we'll be looking at Cruz or Trump in the Primaries.

Every speech of all candidates are on you tube... To hear them speak in their own words is the best way to know them But some are smooth talkers that you need to identify.  Career politicians practice smooth talking for that is the industry they are in.

Virginia, you have time to make your decision. There is no way of projecting what the landscape will look like six weeks from now. Watch carefully what takes place in Iowa and then in New Hampshire and finally in South Carolina. Only then will you have enough information to handicap how the field will do in the remaining primaries.




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