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I've picked up this discussion from Stop This Insanity _ VP is good at tracking

This discussion was originally started by Ed Shaw who has been missing for a while - his health.
Anyway, VP wanted to keep it going - the discussion group heading is Islam and the West. These are his words in this post.
"Nikki Hailey   Tulsi Gabbard Both from Sikhism,  Governor Hailey record of conversion Christian.
Tulsi Gabbard  2nd District Hawaii.

I have been reading around religions from childhood and  since the internet brought a library to my Phone Booth. The Sikh's in America can be easily confused as a bad element in a community for Radical Islam to the uninformed. there is already a small public awareness campaign  I have mentioned the
 The Sikh's off and on here usually when talking about India and how the Hindus  are  becoming frustrated with Islam and boarder disputes china.  Punjab Sikh's are facing Pakistan in the north west of India with the Indian states of Haryanna and Rrajastan below that.
  Radio reports. that the boarder there is heating up with unwanted Daesh traffic bad passports or U.S. Passports and the like.

  Anyway! They are the Persiaaaaaans with the Turbaaaaaaaans a sheath knife (Kirpan) a hardwood comb (Kangah)and a Kara (Steel bracelet.)
  They are not the Islamic freaks they will be mistaken for. That is happening more. Got started early in the 1400's as a response to the waring Moguls the Caliphate ISIS! and a connection from the stories around Christianity (I Think).  Monotheistic,social justice and work for the poor and a charity of of food and clothing. Since 1450 and they are no friends of the prophet Mohamed.
 Baptized even.
  Know the difference. Small franchise owners ? many are Sikh's some are Hindus. Read the story of the Price the Sikh Women paid for not converting at  Lahore.
 Equality of the sexes though Rolls remain different respectively.
  Some bad things happend back in 84 Indera Gandhi betrayed them some how and many died.
So did indera.
 Pres. Mohdi needs to earn their trust and loyalty as the Sikh's must not stand alone against the
Horrors of Pakistan. trust must will cross this river for Mohdi from the Shik's as well.

 How Doe's respecting this religion benefit us?  They are good fighters and organisers and they will help us in bringing the Daesh to justice if we help them with the food for the temple, amongst them they speak all languages. Their Hats become Seven Meters of good rope.  Smiley  thats impressive headgear.
 Cool VP
I miss Ed: "

« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 06:56:47 PM by Voted Perot » Report to moderator   Logged
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« Reply #99 on: January 19, 2016, 07:40:49 PM »
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(I am Minnow on Stop This Insanity, Virginia Foulk on WTPUSA)  
So do I, VP. But he hasn't answered my last two messages since his last reply. He was already slowing down, then. He didn't tell me exactly what was going on, but sounded like either cancer or something like that - one where meds will prolong life, but finally reach a time when they don't help. And he had made the decision to stop taking them. Think Kroz knows more. I don't like to intrude - if he wanted to tell me more, he would have. 
Ed appreciated my concern, but left me with this thought. That he was very busy trying to put together a system for his church group (believe it was something to do with computers), and he was slowing down so much. He was worried he might not get it done. So he might not be able to follow up with others. 
Prayers and well wishing are on his shoulder from all of us. I know Kroz is saying her prayers for him daily.  She had passed that message on earlier.
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« Reply #100 on: January 19, 2016, 07:46:54 PM »
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I found this earlier, and posted it on We The People U.S.A. .  After reading this topic and your post, I began to wonder - are these mosques sikh, or Sunnis  Perhaps, there is some hope if they are Sikh. I don't really know enough.   As long as I believe  that OBummer is Sunni, that in itself would make me more open to the Sikh.
From Madison - Wisconsin State Journal.

Madison mosque to host community panel discussion on Islam, Islamic State

DOUG ERICKSON derickson@madison.com, 608-252-6149  (Wisconsin State Journal - Madison, WI)

 Numerous local officials are scheduled to participate Saturday in a panel discussion on Islam and the Islamic State militant group, also known as ISIL.

The Madison event, which is free and open to the public, is titled “Islam, Muslims and the West: ISIL — Our Common Enemy.”

Madinah Community Center, a mosque on Madison’s West Side and one of three in the city, is sponsoring the discussion.

“The purpose of this particular event is to show what the real Islam is, and to publicly and strongly continue condemning ISIL,” said Masood Akhtar of Middleton, who will serve as moderator. He worships at Madinah Community Center and is known locally by the title “adviser to the Muslim community.”

Akhtar said it is critically important during this difficult time to send a very strong message “that we are in this fight together.”
Confirmed participants, according to Akhtar, include: U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Black Earth; Madison Mayor Paul Soglin; Madison Ald. Samba Baldeh; Dane County Executive Joe Parisi; Ismael Ozanne, Dane County district attorney; John Vaudreuil, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin; Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney; Greg Neumann, political reporter for WKOW-TV, Ch. 27; and Alhagie Jallow, imam of Madinah Community Center.

“To maintain peace and harmony, we all need to work together and not create an environment of fear that terrorist organizations like ISIL can use as a recruiting tool,” Akhtar said.

He views the potential topics as being wide-ranging, from educating the public about “the right message of Islam,” he said, to discussing the constitutional basis for religious freedom and hearing from law enforcement officials about how Muslims can stay safe in an environment of Islamaphobia.

The event will take place from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday in Room 4, Level 4, of Monona Terrace.
 Masood Akhtar will serve as moderator Saturday for a community panel discussion on Islam and the Islamic State.  (His statements)

 Despite insult to Islam, murders must be condemned -- Masood Akhtar 

I strongly condemn the deadly assault on the Paris headquarters of French satirical magazine…
In the Spirit: As Ramadan nears, all three Madison mosques are in growth mode
Two have big plans for constructing new mosques, and the third is settling into a spacious new home on Madison's Far East Side.
 In the Spirit: For Muslims, Ramadan means fasting but so much more 
The holy month ushers in a greater emphasis on spiritual growth and charitable acts, plus an effort to break bad habits.

Doug Erickson | Wisconsin State Journal
Education and religion reporter
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Voted Perot
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« Reply #101 on: January 19, 2016, 09:23:33 PM »
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  "Sikhism has its own foundation that reflects some of the Hindu and the monotheism of the earlyer
beliefs and perhaps even coptic christian. After the Moguls (Islamic expansionists), not that it ever was but after that period Islam would forever be rejected and Sikhs have stood face to face with that
horror for the north west corners of India.
  Narendra  and the region needs them, Hindus need them, I suspect the  average Hindu recruit
probably needs a little Gurkha/Sikh hand to hand Philosophy Grin if you get my drift. Smiley. in short Islam is antithetical and has no historic commonality's with Sikhism
Cool VP"

« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 09:40:36 PM by Voted Perot » Report to moderator   Logged
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« Reply #102 on: Today at 08:53:22 AM »
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Thank you for that info. I'll share it later on We The People.

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 this is the man for this season of discontent The best vice president in the solar system Smiley VP ( from Stop this insanity - Voted Perot)

Written by Allen West on September 14, 2015
In the strategic game of war, nothing can be perceived as coincidental. And when it comes to the long war against Islamic fascism/jihadism, we must pay attention to the indicators and warnings, and not allow our emotions and wanton sense of benevolence to get the best of us.

Sadly, our kindness is considered a weakness to the devoted acolytes of the violent warlord known to the world as Mohammad. An epic moment termed the “Arab Spring” became a movement subverted by the venerable Muslim Brotherhood — and the West, namely the United States, believed its members to be the only ones who could bring stability. It was no different than the Clinton administration trusting the Taliban to quell the post-Soviet/Afghan War turmoil.

And just last Friday we remembered, fourteen years later, the ramifications of trusting Islamic jihadists. One must ponder the future consequences of the Obama administration’s folly in trusting the militant theocratic regime in Iran.

So against the backdrop of the “great humanitarian crisis” of the Islamic migration invasion into Europe, comes a call to do exactly what jihadists are called to do.

As reported by the Daily Mail, “Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri called on young Muslim men in the United States and other Western countries to carry out attacks inside there and urged greater unity between militants. “I call on all Muslims who can harm the countries of the crusader coalition not to hesitate. We must now focus on moving the war to the heart of the homes and cities of the crusader West and specifically America,” he said in an audio recording posted online on Sunday, referring to nations making up the Western-led coalition in Iraq and Syria. He suggested Muslim youth in the West take the Tsarnaev and Kouachi brothers, who carried out the Boston marathon bombings and Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris respectively, and others as examples to follow. Zawahri reiterated his position on Islamic State, repeating what he said in a recording posted on Wednesday – that he viewed the group’s claim to be a caliphate as illegitimate but would join them in fighting Western and secular forces in Iraq and Syria.”

Hmm, perhaps I’m the only one who noticed this but does Zawahiri consider Russia to be part of this call to arms? After all, it is Russia which has landed a 1,000-man contingent in Syria and has called for a coalition to fight against ISIS — actually all the Islamic jihadists groups threatening Bashar Assad.

What I see here is the al-Qaida leader focusing on what he deems as the “weak horse” — American and Europe. And this call comes as we are blindly about to allow entry of hundreds of thousands of “refugees” into the West.

Now, I’ve been watching many reports and perusing through many pictures and just have to ask, why are all these young Muslim men being considered refugees? You can call me heartless all you want, but they should be turned back.


I would develop entry criteria which focuses mainly on the elderly, women, and children. I would refuse entry to any male who is of fighting age and physical ability.

Let them go back and fight for their own country — not coming here to seek government assistance and greater expansion of the segregated Muslim enclaves which have spawned domestic terrorism — consider the result of the “refugee” issue from Somalia into the Minneapoils/St. Paul area and the hotbed of Islamic jihadist recruitment it has become. We see what Dearborn, Michigan has evolved into – these areas become feeding grounds for the anti-Western sentiments which Zawahiri or ISIS can tap like an oil field.

And consider the preposterous assertion of Saudi Arabia that they will not accept any of their Muslim brethren but will be delighted to fund building more mosques all over Europe to accommodate the newly arrived. And you can be sure that Wahhabist clerics will accompany these mosques — and we know how that ends up.

Now of course the Islamapologists will accuse me of promoting hatred — funny, they say nothing when Louis Farrakhan talks about killing whites — but everything I’m writing here isn’t hyperbole or conjecture, it has happened.

Under the guise of humanitarian relief we are enabling the Trojan Horse of Al Hijra to come inside the gates while we sleep and partake of our own debauchery such as killing our own babies and harvesting their body parts. Europe already has an issue with its sustainable birth rate and is about to allow in a demographic which within a generation or two could pose a significant shift in numbers, and degrade their already tenuous economic situation.

It appears that in lacking resolute, principled leadership, all of Western civilization is on the precipice of ending at its own hand — which is the goal of Al Hijra, a non-violent invasion. That is not fear mongering; it is a forthright analysis of the current global security atmosphere and events taking. What also enables the jihad to grow is the lack of an informed electorate, more focused on being entertained and distracted by innocuous stories and tales that feed the mindless cravings rather than enlighten.

The people of Troy believed the Greeks had departed. They saw a large wooden horse left behind and their vanity led them to presume it was a tribute to honor them in victory. They brought the horse into their gates and held a great celebration, and while in their sleep and recovering drunken stupor, they were slaughtered by the Greeks concealed in the horse. Of course we hardly teach history and certainly our kids don’t know of Homer’s Iliad or the Odyssey (in fact, how many of them know this is Constitution Week, honoring September 17, 1787?) — so it’s easier than easy to enact this strategy. How many of our wannabe presidential candidates have even read the Hadiths of Mohammad to understand his traditions and how they impact modern Islamic jihadist strategy, goals, and objectives?

Let me reiterate a very pertinent point: we are NOT winning, and talking about winning does not guarantee winning. The only thing that guarantees winning is a winning strategy, not rhetorical bloviating.

Send the military-aged Muslim men back to their countries.




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