We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

In 2018, Stop the Liars and the Lies the Lying Liars Lie

Let's resolve this year to be done with the liars in Washington and stop defending the lies they spread like warm peanut butter on hot toast.  Lies like, well, anything that falls out of Sarah Sanders word-hole.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a liar by proxy for any number of White House liars, who spends her days repeating their lies or, sometimes in fits of fantasy, makes up her own lies, none of which bear any resemblance to the reality that the rest of us are living in.  The deficit is bad, needs to be reduced, the Dems must stop increasing the deficit,... ...wait.... yes, this tax bill will.....no, it will not increase the deficit by 18 trillion dollars over the average liar's lifetime as the Fake News is reporting.....


She is in fact, a Liar by profession.  She gets paychecks to lie, in public, on camera, to people whose job it is to repeat her lies to us, the general public, and when she stops lying, she will be fired.   You know it, I know it, she knows it, the White House knows it. 


Not a word of what she parrots to us is ever, ever true. If she says the president said this or that, it is not true.  She talks to the president something like never and has no clue regarding his thoughts on any topic, and is certainly lying when she is telling us that Trump meant "this" when we all heard him say "THAT!"

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T, sometimes the old confederate flag just means they want to rebel against an oppressive government or situation not of their making,not necessarily Racist statement. Not all Trump supporters are bad either, just think along different lines. Take me for instance on June 23 1963 I was a teenager and went to downtown detroit where I lived then, to watch a spectacle. Instead I listened to and understood the speaker for the first time.

That speaker was Dr. King and it was the practice march before the Washington and Selma marches. I walked with the marchers, and yet, I support  Trump and feel that not allowing people to display the defunct symbol of the failed Confederacy is an abrogation of their first amendment rights to free speech.

I also hate it when someone burns or desecrates an American Flag, but by dint of the first amendment and the SCOTUS Ruling, they have that right of expression. Remember it's only Political and obnoxious speech that really needs protecting. Groups that use or advocate others to use violence do not have such protections about promoting violence, it's just ,like shouting FIRE! in a crowded theater when there is no fire.

Besides that the Communists would probably use the Antifa or Hammer and Sickle sticker because both of those are Communist trade marks. So is the swastika the symbol of the American Neo-Nazi Party and I don't like those either but they have the right to display them as long as they don't preach using violence or are actually using it.

Now that I have enraged you I'll tell you what I think. I don't like the KKK,Neo-Nazis, Antifa Communists, or any group that purports to be the be all and end all, and is somehow above the law, and uses violence to promote their agendas.

So far it's been the Democrats running at 3 to 1 on admitted sexual abusers. The Democrats abdicated their moral high ground in my personal opinion, when they recanted about Franken, and tried to get him to stay instead of resigning.

Moore needed to go too, but the real issue that needs to be addressed everywhere in the United States is the issue of voter fraud. That negatively impacts both parties and our collective self image of a free and honest Nation.

We truly need a National Voter ID that costs the individual nothing but verifies their legal right to vote. This could be accomplished several ways to insure every legitimate voter had their ID. We also need a better system to insure the Military gets their absentee ballots in time to have them be returned in time to count. I have personally seen two times where this did not happen and their votes were not counted.

T. Amnesia, back in 2014 you posted an article. I will again try to refute your ideas by matching them up against my own observations when I wore a badge.;
The "problem" is simply white police killing unarmed and presumably innocent (until proven guilty, remember that??) blacks, then demonizing the victim, covering it up with manufactured evidence, and getting of scot-free time and time again throughout this great nation.  We are better than this.  Our citizens, regardless of color, deserve more than this. 
First off it's not just White police, that's as much a racist type of statement that is in the same order as all blacks are something or other. It's plainly not true. It's all races of police that have brought their prejudices into what should be a neutral force. I have been on the other side of the badge and unfortunately there are about 2% of bad cops on every force, possibly 3%. The problem IS IN NOT getting rid of them.The basic problem in every city I studied was the Black on Black crimes of violence. 


It is the actions of the police that is causing the unrest, not any behind the scenes maneuvering by some imaginary group of dictatorial politicians.  When a teenager is killed because he was walking in the  street, we should be outraged.  When a man is dead because he sold one or more loose cigarettes, we should be angry.  When a cop drives up on a 12 year old child because he puts his hand in his pocket, we need to get violent! 
There is never a good excuse to get violent in protesting, it only hurts the people. I cite the 67 riots in Detroit, who were the biggest losers there? Most of the Black Neighborhoods were burned out and the suburbs were untouched. That violence and it's consequences happened basically that way in every American city that had riots.
I started out in Detroit.in the late 60's. Police in that city and every other city I have been to are highly politicized. Police Departments and officers actions are controlled by Departmental Policy. BTW Department Policy for units other than STRESS was You were not allowed to use your weapon unless there was an OVERT act by the perp. Just aiming a gun at a cop was not considered an OVERT ACT by the department, Aiming and cocking the weapon was the OVERT ACT.BTW, I make no excuses for the actions of the STRESS Unit, glad it was disbanded. I still say that untamperable personal cameras worn by officers would be a good solution Turned on at the beginning of the shift in roll call and being turned off at the end of the shift at debriefing.


Do you not have children, nieces or nephews??  How will you react when one of them gets bullets pumped into him because they thought he was reaching for a non-existent weapon?  Is your answer going to be "Follow the money?"
Since people have mostly gone to the automatic pistol type it is a split second decision by the officer on what is going to happen with a suspect. 12yr olds do carry guns and knives, that's how far we as a society have fallen in our moral codes and society standards. Parents don't seem to discipline their children anymore, and that is endemic to ALL races.Community standards have been destroyed by Political Correctness and Progressive Indoctrination.We can see the lack of moral conditioning in all the latest sex scandals that are now being aired. In truth, people  have forgotten or are deliberately ignoring what Dr.Martin Luther King was teaching. Many have twisted his words for personal profit. 
I believe as he believed; 
Equality goes hand in hand with mutual respect and self respect.
Equal Justice under the law instead of the falsehood of Social Justice the Progressives have shoved down our throats.
Equal access to education, and that education be of a high standard universally taught in all schools instead of the socialist crap being taught now.
Equal opportunity to succeed or fail on one's own merits.That goes hand in hand with Equal justice and Equal Education access.
Mutual Respect among people where a person is judged by their actions.
I also believe in;
A way built into the system for people to work their way out of welfare programs that are simply the modern day enslavement plantations.
Doing that would take mandatory remedial education and training for existing or soon to be existing jobs with competitive livable wages. 
Doing that would have to avoid the trap of just raising the living wage and losing a multitude of jobs because of it.
If you raise the poverty level you do not erase poverty, you just make it that much harder to get off the dole that has been keeping people enslaved to poverty since LBJ created the failed "Great Society" concept that perpetuates economic slavery.
I also believe we need to return to the Religious principles that taught what basically can be described as "The Golden Rule" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If people practiced that, we would not have many problems at all.

That was a different thread with a different topic, altogether. 

This thread is about the dazed and confused state of the White House and the lies that come out of it every single day of the week. It's about a president that does not know or care what the truth is, and his staff that lies to the public on every topic.  It's about knowing what the truth is, recognizing the lies, yet doing nothing about it.

The most amusing aspect of this thread is, on January 1 when I began this, I had no inkling that the book "Fire and Fury" was poised to hit the bookstores in a matter of days, exposing our president for exactly what he is.  That's a real LOL !!!

What a shame. I tried to believe you wanted to have a fair and knowledgeable discourse. Instead, we now have a fellow Wolff in black clothing. It's necessary to understand the real reason I and many others voted for PRESIDENT TRUMP. We have had enough of the Clintons and even the Bushs, the McCains and those other politicians taking our money and using it for their fun and games.

Until we get rid of all those in power and start with fresh faces in Congress, in the FBI, the CIA, EPA, and all those other agencies (For which We The People have no voting rights to elect them) we will do what we can to vote for Trump-like candidates. Go President Trump!!! . 

I understand why you voted for Trump.  You didn't like the options presented on the ballot.  Neither did I.

The difference,however, was that you thought Trump was a better choice than, say, someone who could actually read.  You thought Trump was smarter than someone who had concerns about affordable education, global climate change, and the environment. 

So, we now have Trump and, just like you, I say, "Go Trump!!  Go NOW, go quickly, and please stop lying to us."

T, It appears to me that you throw bombs like a political terrorist. Where are the facts to support your rhetoric for I see none?

Let us review facts - Trump was correct Obama Administration did "tap" Trump towers phones and other communications equipment? He said the Russian thing was a lie about his involvement? He said the Trade deals were horrid for Americans? He said like JFK tax cuts would stimulate the economy? 

Oh ye of the Socialist bent believe Bernie (who is the 1%) just lies and like Obama promises taking other peoples money (earnings) so they can give it to their voters. 

Now please share with us the proof that Trump lies but socialists tell the truth?

Forgot to mention - voted for Kennedy, did not vote for Reagan, can't remember who I did vote for. Voted Bush once, then voted Ross Perot twice. So as an independent, I vote for the one I believe represents America (my family, to be exact).  My dad with his small business, took exception to Roosevelt and the SS act. He believed way back then, that it was a "Ponzi" scheme. And it sure appears to be such. Just like Obamacare and several of the other programs created to control us, including thecontrol over our educational system.. And I voted against Mitt Romney, didn't like him then and now I dislike him even more.

As for President Trump he seems to my thinking to be just like me. Not GOP, Not DNC but America. 

Really? Trump can't read? For shame, you know that is a lie - so you must be T. Wolff.    I thought Trump was smarter than someone else? Wrong, I believed he had something better to offer than Clinton; and he seemed to care for America. As for the programs that have been dumped on America, the Education System, Obamacare, EPA, and dozens of other programs and agencies - well I would love to see them all destroyed, They are run by un-elected criminals that take our money and spend it on parties and special programs that help only the politicians.  And Obama's executive orders and the regulations he and the agencies pushed on America only forced extra costs on businesses and cost the citizens more for getting services needed.  Also, we have members of congress taking advantage of these special perks, like not having to use Obamacare. Wonderful. So you believe Pres. Trump is mentally unbalanced and can't read. Well that's fine - because you will be proven wrong, again. Keep thinking that way as President Trump makes America Great Again.  And oh, the 25th Amendment won't help get rid of our President Trump.

Who judges us? Ourselves? Emphatically not!!!

Trump has labeled himself a "stable genius". Really?

Even school children from my block are now giggling.

Voted for him and wish him well, yet his neurotic behavior cannot endure.

Since he knows neither himself nor his enemies; he has set himself up for a catastrophic fall.


The problem is not so much with Trump as with his fanatical detractors gotcha games and shotgun attacks that are if not actively promoted by the admittedly biased press, are in the very least negligent in providing actual opposing information. I cite the trend that showcases the dramatic closing of retail stores around the USA. While the press has not attributed that phenomenon to the record sales on the internet as the causative factor with increasing profit margins by those stores while cutting their operating costs, provide innuendo that it's Trumps fiscal agenda that is causing the closures. That is all they can say, because the figures show that unemployment is at record lows and the stock market is at record highs. 

In point of fact, Progressives, Entertainers, RINO's,Biased Press, have unrelentingly been attacking him since he won the election. Also in point of fact, the same people who are attacking him are not able to comprehend what an actual business man instead of a politician is doing in office. In short it scares them because he's lifting up the edge of the tent and letting the public see the rot currently in our system.

People single out Trump and say he's lying or mentally unfit. However they disregard all the politicians constant lies to the public, even when there is valid evidence they are lying through their teeth. The fact of so many of his wins in the political sector after frivolous and quite frankly unconstitutional challenges from Federal Judges who are supposed to know the laws are either ridiculously or deliberately downplayed over and over again. Some consider that is the work of the "Deep State" but It goes back to the WWII conflict and post WWII years. If you are old enough you will remember Eisenhower's speech on leaving office warning the American Public that he was leaving behind a terribly massive Military/Industrial Complex. I believe that is what is in fact to adamant in opposing Trump's agendas because it is eroding their power. Don't forget it was the Progressive Democrats FDR/HST that allowed it to build so big, and the subsequent Democratic administrations treated it as business as usual allowing it to grow even bigger.

 He's a pathological liar, a braggart, and a fool.  If reporting the truth that contrasts his lies are "shotgun attacks" it's because the lies come out of his mouth like flocks of geese. All one needs to do is




Regarding the store closing allegation, please provide citations that back your claim. I Googled "store closings due to trump" then I activated the "find on this page:  Trump".  What I found was


and this

then this

now this

and this

and finally, this.

They all mentioned internet shopping, e-commerce, changing shopping habits, or Amazon, but the word "Trump" was never found.  In fact, government policy was never mentioned.  So my conclusion has to be that your assertion is misguided.

Finally, I remember that FDR and Truman "allowed" the military/industrial complex to grow so big was so we could WIN WORLD WAR II !!!  But that was almost 80 years ago!  Today the republicans continue to increase military expenditures year after year, after year, while the Democrats strive to reduce that budget item and are ridiculed for it.  

Really? The Dems have been in control for a very long time, even when Bushs were in. So lets blame everything on Trump.  Does our military mean anything to the Dems?  No. I have 2 purple hearts inherited from my mom - her 2 younger brothers both killed in WWII.  And our son-in-law. died of contagion he acquired from working the toxic dumps in Desert Storm.  My daughter received a special report on what caused his Illinois and death, but the government never actually helped him.  Of course, this is also Trump's fault.

Right now I have a very sick husband, and my Kids Ranch Tutoring begins again next week.  So will have to start getting ready for encouraging the children I'm tutoring -on reading and spelling.. One girl, only 9years old has told me that she is going to be the first woman president. This is why I'm working with the Kids Ranch program - to encourage each one - and to enjoy each new experience that a child is willing to share. (This one first thought she'd be President right away; when I told her she had to be at least 35years old, she came back next session and let me know that she would be an ambassador, and a lawyer first.)   




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