We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

We are faced with the most critical moment in history for this country. This Administration has an agenda. and that is to forever change the constituation and our bill of rights. We have sat back and said, let someone else do something. Why vote my vote does not count anyway. Well now look where we are..A goverment that is so corrupt and crooked,lying theaving. And they think that we are so stupid that we must let the goverment think for us because we are too dumb to think for ourselves. Well what now. Will we come together and do something or are we going to set back and wait for someone else to do something.
I say we do something. We must vote this bunch of crooks out of office. They need to be fired. Lets start over. Let the corrupt companys that got themselves into trouble go under. It is not our responsable to bail them out. Our Children and Grand children will be paying for this corruption for many years to come...We must stop this and stop it now,before it is too late. If in fact it is not already too late. It is up to us lets role people and stop this now.. Let all make a showing on the Fourth of July. Let!s make a statement that will be heard around the world and get the attention of these stupid goverment officals that think we are so ignorant. Lets tell the we have had enough and we are not going to put up with this corruption any longer.. Please we must stand together. We cannot stand by any longer. WE MUST STICK TOGETHER LIKE NEVER BEFORE.

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GOOOH stands for 'Get Out of Our House' and is pronounced like the word 'go'. It is a NON-PARTISAN plan to evict the 435 career politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives and replace them with everyday Americans just like you.

Get out of our house
And another important step --- not just electing conservatives to the house and senate, but you yourself should run for precinct captain in your own precinct. What is a precinct captain, you say? Short videos here explain - do this each and every one of you --- don' t just watch this and forget it. Win the seat of precinct captain in your precinct if you care about liberty.

Another organized and well-informed non-partisan effort





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