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Just when we thought it could not get any more disgusting....

SICK! New Planned Parenthood Video Features Advisor Saying “EVERYTHING WE PROVIDE IS FRESH”

This may be one of the worst Planned Parenthood videos so far. An official laughs and sips her drink as she talks about eyes, hearts, spinal cords and gonads. She also says everything they provide is “fresh” as if she was talking about pieces of meat.


Hot Air has a partial transcript:

“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural,” says Dr. Westhoff to a prospective fetal organ buyer. “Certainly, everything we provide–oh, gonads! Oh my God, gonads. Everything we provide is fresh.” Westhoff continues, “Obviously, we would have the potential for a huge P.R. issue in doing this,” before offering to introduce the buyers to “national office abortion people” from Planned Parenthood.

If you made this up, no one would believe you. It’s like something out of a horror movie.


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Good one!

Warren: GOP will be 'in trouble' for Planned Parenthood attacks

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) attacked Republicans on Thursday for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood.
Warren said at The Atlantic's Washington Ideas Forum that Republicans want "to make it impossible for a woman who is facing one of the most difficult decisions of her life — they want to find a way to make it harder on her to get the healthcare she needs."
"They're just wrong on this and they're going to be in real trouble on this," she added.
Warren was criticizing conservatives' efforts to stop federal funding for Planned Parenthood following the release of controversial, edited videos related to compensation received for fetal tissue donations.
"All I can say is that we've been in that world before ... I'm talking about a world where women died," she said. "I'm talking about a world where women committed suicide rather than go forward with a pregnancy they could not handle and what the Republicans are saying is that they want to go back. And what I want to make clear is that we are not going back — not now, not ever."
Some conservatives had threatened to shut down the government over funding of Planned Parenthood. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has said that there will not be a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding.
"What is the first thing they have to stand up to do? Defund Planned Parenthood. That is so out of touch with reality and so out of touch with what it means to govern this country, that they think they've got to try to argue something so that they can move women back," Warren said.

Nancy Pelosi Just Refused To Answer THIS FACTUAL ABORTION QUESTION

nancy pelosi2

When confronted with logic and facts, liberals usually have a hard time answering questions about their positions on abortion, the economy and gun rights.

So when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was asked this scathing and truth-filled question about abortion, it was a no-brainer that she wasn’t able to give a straight answer.

On Thursday, a reporter for CNSNews.com asked the House Minority Leader about the definition of human life. “In reference to funding for Planned Parenthood,” the reporter said, “is an unborn baby with a human heart and a human liver a human being?”

Pelosi, flabbergasted by basic facts and elementary logic, struggled to both respond and to move her face: “Why don’t you take your ideological questions – I don’t, I don’t have –“

The reporter then continued, “If it’s not a human being, what species is it?”

Pelosi finally cracked her Botox long enough to blurt:

No, listen, I want to say something to you. I don’t know who you are and you’re welcome to be here, freedom of this press. I am a devout practicing Catholic, a mother of five children. When my baby was born, my fifth child, my oldest child was six years old. I think I know more about this subject than you, with all due respect….I do not intend to respond to your questions, which have no basis in what public policy is that we do here.

If Nancy can’t answer the most basic abortion question, what else can’t she answer?


Well, she sure hasn't a clue does she. And this proves she is an uncaring cold person.

 She is one of the worst IMO.

As a Conservative woman, my views on this topic of course is of course I choose the life of both parties involved which is the mother and child....and my relationship with the physician I choose to assist me in the pre-care and after care of birthing said child.  Any other influences do not matter.  That said, I add that the deliberate destruction of any life for pure profit or cost recoup is a crime.  


n. the killing of a human being by a sane person, with intent, malice aforethought (prior intention to kill the particular victim or anyone who gets in the way) and with no legal excuse or authority. In those clear circumstances, this is first degree murder. By statute, many states consider a killing in which there is torture, movement of the person before the killing (kidnapping) or the death of a police officer or prison guard, or it was as an incident to another crime (as during a hold-up or rape), to be first degree murder, with or without premeditation and with malice presumed. Second degree murder is such a killing without premeditation, as in the heat of passion or in a sudden quarrel or fight. Malice in second degree murder may be implied from a death due to the reckless lack of concern for the life of others (such as firing a gun into a crowd or bashing someone with any deadly weapon). Depending on the circumstances and state laws, murder in the first or second degree may be chargeable to a person who did not actually kill, but was involved in a crime with a partner who actually did the killing or someone died as the result of the crime. Example: In a liquor store stick-up in which the clerk shoots back at the hold-up man and kills a bystander, the armed robber can be convicted of at least second degree murder. A charge of murder requires that the victim must die within a year of the attack. Death of an unborn child who is "quick" (fetus is moving) can be murder, provided there was premeditation, malice and no legal authority. Thus, abortion is not murder under the law. Example: Jack Violent shoots his pregnant girlfriend, killing the fetus. Manslaughter, both voluntary and involuntary, lacks the element of malice aforethought.

I work in Criminal Justice an have been amazed that many charges are reduced or pleaded by the lawyers and Pros to top their conviction or client process list up, in short the Prosecutor conviction rate is high and will assist in higher office or land a better partnership at a big arse firm.... Criminal attorney's client list goes up as they negotiate lower charges and less cell time with many states looking on how to empty out prisons for lower cost to taxpayers, no new or updated prisons for the NIMBY crowd....A vicious cycle that has been turning for so long there never seems to be a rational consensus on how best to go forward.
Now with Planned Parenthood at the for front of this cold and cruel activity IMHO will never be held accountable and will never loose funding.  Should funding be stopped ..... Of Course... they do not need taxpayer finding..... but as a political arm of ONE POLITICAL PRARTY that has any influence in a vote to fund will use it!!!!  There are not enough in the Senate to stop veto from the POTUS on this and recent days show my statement to be correct.  Until dynamics change, better communication and good and sustaining action plans are in place.... this topic as well as many others will continue to frustrate informed voters,continue in the loss of better budget management, and the inability to realign the Government's true role within the Constitution.  ALL this and more makes my hair hurt.... strangles every taxpayer wallet, and continues to divide a nation that is on the most destructive Administration in history IMHO.  
Choices have to be made.... tough to say the least, now the question and burden is on voters to carefully make a decision..... Who can do the job of many issues we are faced with today ,,,, from this topic of Planned Parenthood to the international issues as those of the Mid East....   

Perhaps Pelosi needs to read your post. You have it correctly stated.  Suspect, though it won't do any good. She has no interest in anything not to her wants. 

Sadly, Pelosi sold her soul to the devil a long time ago and truth and evidently life has no value to her.

Dearest Virgina and FreedomRider,

     Pelosi is the gel nail coat of the political arm that governs now.....meaning, she suffocates anything she is applied to and tries to "Pretty Up" the mess of this Admin and those she supports.   I would love to crawl in the minds of those who keep voting her into office which may explain the Mental Illness issues we have in this country, imho

If ever there was a need to reintroduce common sense and lessen the grab of Progressiveness is in California... yet I know this many never be within my life time..... for there are more than just Pelosi, yet in the deep recesses of mind and heart..... one can hope.....

Excellent description of Pelosi,however,  I would not blame it all on the voters. The masters of this regime have voter fraud in place for all of the worst of the worst.

California is full of illegals you can be sure there a large number voting for her.

4 things Planned Parenthood's president admitted under oath

Tuesday's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood was interesting.


Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards faced direct questioning from Republicans and soft kisses from Democrats.

The real value of the hearing was that, unlike when Richards appears on TV, this time she was under oath. That yielded several admissions.

First, Planned Parenthood often says that abortions are only 3 percent of the services they offer. The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" has given this dubious claim "three Pinocchios." When Richards was asked to divide the number of patients Planned Parenthood saw last year by the number of abortions, the answer was 12 percent. Even more amazingly, when federal funds are exempted, 86 percent of Planned Parenthood's revenue comes from abortions.

Second, Richards and Planned Parenthood advocates regularly claim that women receive mammograms at Planned Parenthood facilities — as she did on CNN in 2011, to give one example. Asked by freshman Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah) if Planned Parenthood facilities offer mammograms, Richards admitted they don't. None of the 650 to 700 facilities offer mammograms, nor do they even have the equipment.

Third, Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.), the author of the bill to end taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood by shifting the funding to community health centers, asked Richards to explain her claim that her bill would block access for women's health. Community health centers outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities by at least tenfold, and they offer additional services like mammograms that Planned Parenthood does not offer. Richards had no real answer.


Fourth, Rep. Steve Russell (R-Okla.) asked the single most interesting question of the day: If federal funds do not go to abortion services, would ending federal funding reduce abortion services? He cleverly caught Richards in a trap. Admit that federal funding goes to abortion, and Planned Parenthood is violating federal law. Admit that ending federal funding doesn't reduce abortion services, and you undercut the defense of Planned Parenthood's funding. She had no real answer and was clearly stumped.

There were other interesting moments:

  • Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) asked Richards to explain why she apologized for the "tone and statements" seen in the videos, if Planned Parenthood had done nothing wrong. She had no serious answer.
  • Richards also said, under oath, that no baby had ever been born alive and then aborted at a Planned Parenthood facility, a claim that was directly contradicted by recent witness testimony in front of the same committee.
  • After repeatedly claiming that Planned Parenthood was a nonprofit, Richards admitted that, in 2014, her organization had $127 million in excess revenue after expenses (what normal people call a "profit.")
  • Richards also admitted that Planned Parenthood spent $40 million on travel and parties, which breaks down to $13,000 a day.

Planned Parenthood regularly claims that the hidden camera videos that were released were "selectively edited," but two forensic examinations found that to be false. As The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway reported, both forensic reports, including one commissioned by Planned Parenthood, "assert that there is no dubbing or alteration to the audio and no evidence of misrepresentative editing."

Tuesday was not a good day for Planned Parenthood. Its boss had to admit a number of things that contradicted her previous public statements and undercut her defense of the organization's practices.





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