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Just when we thought it could not get any more disgusting....

SICK! New Planned Parenthood Video Features Advisor Saying “EVERYTHING WE PROVIDE IS FRESH”

This may be one of the worst Planned Parenthood videos so far. An official laughs and sips her drink as she talks about eyes, hearts, spinal cords and gonads. She also says everything they provide is “fresh” as if she was talking about pieces of meat.


Hot Air has a partial transcript:

“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural,” says Dr. Westhoff to a prospective fetal organ buyer. “Certainly, everything we provide–oh, gonads! Oh my God, gonads. Everything we provide is fresh.” Westhoff continues, “Obviously, we would have the potential for a huge P.R. issue in doing this,” before offering to introduce the buyers to “national office abortion people” from Planned Parenthood.

If you made this up, no one would believe you. It’s like something out of a horror movie.


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Noticed some new signs out along HWY 12 between our town and the next town - on the way to the Wisconsin Dells.. (Suspect most everyone knows about the Wisconsin Dells, playground area. )  Anyway, the signs are really eye-opening. It shows a tiny little baby and the message? I even had fingerprints before I was born.  Seems that little fetus already had fingerprints before 3 months.

The left and the other evil that is behind the murder of babies for profit want us all in denial that these are little functional human beings before they are born, when it is so obvious. I am glad more and more people are getting involved and speaking out because PP has a war on babies going on. We as a nation should be ashamed that PP was not shut down immediately when all these videos broke in my opinion.

Yep they should shut the doors on the MURDER factory immediately!

VIDEO=> Debbie Wasserman Schultz Refuses to Acknowledge Her Children Were Human In The Womb

Tuesday night among the post debate spin the DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was seemingly caught off guard by an Media Research Center (MRC) reporter.
wasserman schultz abortion

Instead of asking about her thoughts on the debate the reporter took the opportunity to ask Schultz about abortion inquiring if she believed that her children were human beings before they were born.

The answer was both predictable and shocking at the same time.

The DNC Chair refused to give a yes or no answer instead reverting to standard liberal talking points about “reproductive rights.”

Great work by The Media Research Center reporter exposing the sickness that is the Democrat party’s view on human life.

The exchange went as follows:

Reporter: You have three children, correct?

Wasserman Schultz: I do.

Reporter: How old are they?

Wasserman Schultz: I have twin 16-year-olds and a 12-year-old.

Reporter: In your opinion, were they human beings before they were born?

Wasserman Schultz: You know, I believe that every woman has the right to make their own reproductive choices.

Reporter: But what did you believe about your children?

Wasserman Schultz: That I had the right to make my own reproductive choices, which I was glad to have and which I was proud to have.

Reporter: So were they human beings? Just yes or no.

Wasserman Schultz: They’re human beings today, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to make my own reproductive choices, as – a right that every woman has and should maintain.


Humm, as a mom, I enjoyed putting my hand on my stomach and feel the human child that was growing inside my womb. And sometimes feeling the little movements as the child turned. My husband also sometimes listened to the child - ear on my stomach.  Perhaps she never really carried her children - they were just brought by the stork.  She sure doesn't sound like someone who actually carried a child to term.

 I think the leftist knows they were human beings before being born, I think she is sticking to the leftist talking points she has been spouting for years and is being paid by her masters to say. She is a pathetic example of motherhood IMO.

I agree with both of you she does not sound like someone who actually carried a child AND she is a pathetic example of motherhood.

In the 2014 election cycle alone, Planned Parenthood-affiliated groups that can't give directly to candidates or coordinate with them, such as Planned Parenthood Votes, a Super PAC, made over $6 million in independent expenditures.

That included $1.85 million spent in support of Democrats and $2.87 million spent against Republicans.

"In addition, Planned Parenthood's PAC gave nearly $590,000 to congressional candidates, all of them Democrats."

Just one of many in a rigged system where ALL taxpayers moneys get channeled to democrat porpoise. 

 Thanks Charles that is infuriating!

Associated Press

Luis Gutierrez Tells Women Obama Will Keep

Planned Parenthood ‘Safe’

Amnesty supporter Rep. Luis Gutierrez said during a recent congressional committee hearing that President Barack Obama will not allow Planned Parenthood to be defunded and will veto any legislation that seeks to do that.

Of course keep us all as taxpayers paying for the murder babies for profit business of PP. How very disgusting that is.

Proof we have lost control of our country.




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