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Muslims Creating Viable 3rd Party For 2016 Try At Islamic Supremacy

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel
A new political party is being built in the United States to turn Muslims into an Islamic voting block. They've set their sights on the 2016 elections.
Please see my important update and offer below – Mat.
Eighteen Muslim groups banded together to form the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, a coalition that will "unify the approach, agenda and vision of the Muslim community" in America, said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
According to a report by the Washington Post…
"The council plans to advocate for issues important to American Muslims and to boost their voter registration. Awad said 'Muslim Voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016.'"
+ + Exposing the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO).
While the USCMO may seem like a normal course of action for likeminded people in America to organize, Allen West writes that the USCMO is the Trojan Horse for the advancement of Sharia and Islamic influence...
"U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) membership reads like a Who's Who of [Muslim] Brotherhood front groups… USCMO aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of 'institutionalizing policies' favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law. This development bears careful monitoring in light of the U.S. Brotherhood's recently exposed goal to wage a 'civilization jihad' against America that explicitly calls for infiltrating the U.S. political system and 'destroying (it) from within' — an expressed objective from the strategic memorandum.
"[Y]ou have an administration, headed by Barack Hussein Obama, under which this Islamic infiltration can find acceptance and cover, including as part of the administration in certain key positions, such as Homeland Security," West says.

Among the first steps of the Islamic strategy for conquest, called "civilization jihad," consists of infiltrating governments and affecting their foreign and domestic policies while introducing Sharia into the nation's laws.
It is well documented by the Center for Security Policy and others that members of The Muslim Brotherhood have already infiltrated many U.S. government agencies, universities, and other taxpayer-funded institutions – and they have powerful friends in the media, Congress, and the executive branch.
We must know and understand the forces that are rising up within and against our nation. The battle for the soul of our nation is more than an ideological battle against liberal progressive socialists. There are powers working within as a "Trojan Horse," presenting "peace" and "friendship" on the surface but deploying strategies to destroy the United States from within, which they call a "cultural jihad against the Great Satan."
+ + Be informed!  
 Our Patriot's Handbook on Sharia's Threat to American Culture exposes the growing threat to America including segments on Sharia's advancement worldwide.
This exclusive Liberty Counsel resource discloses how the advancement of radical Islam and the infiltration of Sharia into our nation are among the greatest threats to any freedom-loving country's culture, system of justice, and religious freedom.
Click here to order your copy of this valuable resource now.
+ + Lt. Colonel Oliver North had it right…
In 2004, Ollie North wrote an op-ed warning of the pending dangers with the rise of radical Islam both worldwide and subtly in the highways and back roads of America. He warned us, as the ancient Chinese warrior Sun Tzu taught his men, to "know your enemy" before going into battle.
The Patriot's Handbook on Sharia's Threat to American Culture covers a number of important topics including…
• Sharia's advance throughout the world
• The Constitution and Sharia – Collision in America's Courts
• Infiltration through Cultural Jihad
I've also written an exclusive special essay contained in the Handbook that is an overview of this growing threat.If you haven't already ordered your copy, please do so quickly.
Thank you for taking immediate action on this critical issue.
God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. I believe every patriotic American should help expose people and organizations that promote Islamic supremacy. Overtaking our system of law and government, destroying our religious and cultural roots, and wiping Israel off the map would be their crowning achievement. We must not allow these radical Islamist goals to happen!
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Nice find M. This shows the non violent part of the Caliphate. The politicians are finally putting the caliphate in their speeches ,but they fail to realize that there is a non violent strain to their concept. And it is already well developed in our country. They have Lawyers, and the Lawyers are infiltrating our political system. And our politicians are only seeing the caliphate as being violent and in the Middle East.Hell, Obama and the useful idiots in both parties, give the Muslim community praise for contributing to the USA political process.

Politics are just war by another means.

Perhaps it is why early Christians avoided it entirely for 300 years, until apostasy set in. 

I wonder if this isn't more of the same - take over America. On Saturday, there will be a planned gathering by the Muslim community to meet with others and try to convince us that they are on our side against ISIL. (They used ISIL).  It is their hope that others will see Islam as they believe it is, and not as ISIL uses it - (We are not terrorists and do not support ISIL). U.S. Rep. Pocan will be attending, and several Madison politicians also will be there.  Wonder how smart Pocan is, he is so gay that he let his male friend kiss him when he won the election - in front of TV cameras.  I read the paper at the Dr.'s office, waiting for hubby's DR. appointment, so will have to pick up a paper later. 

Madison mosque to host community panel discussion on Islam, Islamic State

DOUG ERICKSON derickson@madison.com, 608-252-6149  (Wisconsin State Journal - Madison, WI)

 Numerous local officials are scheduled to participate Saturday in a panel discussion on Islam and the Islamic State militant group, also known as ISIL.

The Madison event, which is free and open to the public, is titled “Islam, Muslims and the West: ISIL — Our Common Enemy.”

Madinah Community Center, a mosque on Madison’s West Side and one of three in the city, is sponsoring the discussion.

“The purpose of this particular event is to show what the real Islam is, and to publicly and strongly continue condemning ISIL,” said Masood Akhtar of Middleton, who will serve as moderator. He worships at Madinah Community Center and is known locally by the title “adviser to the Muslim community.”

Akhtar said it is critically important during this difficult time to send a very strong message “that we are in this fight together.”
Confirmed participants, according to Akhtar, include: U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Black Earth; Madison Mayor Paul Soglin; Madison Ald. Samba Baldeh; Dane County Executive Joe Parisi; Ismael Ozanne, Dane County district attorney; John Vaudreuil, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin; Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney; Greg Neumann, political reporter for WKOW-TV, Ch. 27; and Alhagie Jallow, imam of Madinah Community Center.

“To maintain peace and harmony, we all need to work together and not create an environment of fear that terrorist organizations like ISIL can use as a recruiting tool,” Akhtar said.

He views the potential topics as being wide-ranging, from educating the public about “the right message of Islam,” he said, to discussing the constitutional basis for religious freedom and hearing from law enforcement officials about how Muslims can stay safe in an environment of Islamaphobia.

The event will take place from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday in Room 4, Level 4, of Monona Terrace.
 Masood Akhtar will serve as moderator Saturday for a community panel discussion on Islam and the Islamic State.  (His statements)

 Despite insult to Islam, murders must be condemned -- Masood Akhtar 

I strongly condemn the deadly assault on the Paris headquarters of French satirical magazine…
In the Spirit: As Ramadan nears, all three Madison mosques are in growth mode
Two have big plans for constructing new mosques, and the third is settling into a spacious new home on Madison's Far East Side.
 In the Spirit: For Muslims, Ramadan means fasting but so much more 
The holy month ushers in a greater emphasis on spiritual growth and charitable acts, plus an effort to break bad habits.

Doug Erickson | Wisconsin State Journal
Education and religion reporter

Just like Satan being the greatest deceiver by making people believe he didn't and doesn't exist, so will Islam try to do the same. If you want the truth of the matter read the Koran on how to treat non Muslims. They all are supposed to adhere to that dogmatic belief.

All else is Taqiyyah or

noun(in Shiʿite Islam)

the practice of denying one's religion, permissible when one is faced with persecution, especially by Sunnites: regarded as a means of protecting the religion.
Seems that ISIL is Shi'ite and ISIS is Sunni.  Remember Obama won't say ISIS, just ISIL? Well,  ISIL is now fighting such a war against Shiites, Christians, Yezidis, secularists, so what would that make Obama?


WOW..keep is posted Virginia...

God forbid their ability to do this...

Be careful what you wish as the way I see God ending this matter is by just ending the entire mess.

Of course the people of the USA could end it by much less divine means by just stopping the inflow and ending the breading grounds for Islam with this prison culture we seem to pretend does not exist.

But then thats what He warned us of numerous times, do it yourself cause you wont like the way I handle it, with scads of examples just to drive the point home.




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