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NOT KIDDING: Trump already backing off of a full repeal of Obamacare

Trump isn’t even president yet and he’s already waffling on a full repeal of Obamacare. Why? Because Obama made an appeal to him:

WSJ – On health care, Mr. Trump said a big reason for his shift from his call for an all-out repeal was that Thursday meeting at the White House with the president, who, he said, suggested areas of the Affordable Care Act to preserve. “I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that,” Mr. Trump said in his Trump Tower office.

“Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced,” Mr. Trump said.

Amended?? UGH!

Obama is nice to Trump, says ‘pretty please’, and Trump’s already willing to considering leaving parts of Obamacare in place??? What a principle-less chump!

Congress had better kick Trump’s ass on this issue and put a FULL REPEAL bill on his desk and then DARE him to veto it. They better hold the line on this issue!

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so that only leaves it at , is it constitutional for the feds to do it .

or is it covered under the 10th and its a state issue

My feeling is that completely dropping Obamacare, will take time. And the GOP   as been talking for last few years, about removing Obamacare and setting up  an different health care plan. Still will take time, and here's praying that they will have a better plan in place. (Though,I l;iked the program we had before Obama got his hands on our health care.)So is Trump backing off, I don't really think so, and has he agreed to hold off because of Obama? I don't really believe that either.

Actually my wife and I ignored the thing from day 1.

Was not difficult at all since the problem is not BOcare it's the way the medical industry is run as a crony to government.

virginia the point is only progressives want a fed gov healthcare system  not constitutional conservatives.

I voted for Ross Perot.

rueters has been dogging Trump ever since he announced , now quoting WSJ isn't that rich. I've been on these or similar boards TParty Patriot's ect. for near 10 years. I am a constitutional conservative but to hang on every word , talk about Tocqueville and con,cons is fruitless. It's been proven that partisanship by any name can't work, ask Ted Cruse.
Trump didn't become a BILLION AIR by micro managing.You hire good people , pay them well & hold them responsible.That's how business works that's why politicians have no clue , they only think about holding their positions. So let's not hang on every word please!

The day after the election . The career minded politicians were thinking of how to get re-elected next time. That is the most important agenda they have.

Let them burn their own liberal anarchist houses. We have big hoses with which to dowse the flames of tyranny. Nam Sain?

The headline is a load of hot air as Trump said nothing of the sort.

His substantive objective remains the replacement of Obamacare; his method remains to be determined.

After watching the media urinate all over itself during the campaign; anyone quoting the likes of Rooters

truly needs to wise up.

then ignore the headline and address the fact that he said he would do a full repeal, not a repeal and replace.

I always thought our stance was that the feds had no authority to be in our personal healthcare.

my ow things change

on a further thought based on trumps own words 

I guess some were right that he would be worse than we thought.

thats why I didnt vote for him

Hmmm...............sounds like you're related to JL.

And no one gives a crap who you voted for.




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