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Here is the letter in its entirety ... I DON'T believe him for one second!!! I wouldn't trust this man as far as I can throw him, and that is not at all! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR .......

Dear Cindy:

I am glad that you brought your concerns to me about Barack Obama's eligibility to be President. The implication that Mr. Obama is not "a natural-born citizen" is one of a number of fabrications and falsehoods spread during the last two years' campaign to whip up fervor and sow dissension amongst Americans, and I welcome the opportunity to clarify things for you.

Numerous independent groups have lain out the spurious and scurrilous "arguments" behind this rumor. The website Snopes.com has thoroughly debunked this particular story and has posted their take at http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp. The Annenberg Foundation's well-respected and non-partisan FactCheck.org has done independent examinations and investigations, including handling the documents in question, and posted their analysis at http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html. I am glad that you brought your concerns to me and glad that I can direct you to independent resources that confirm the inaccurate and, I am sorry to concede, possibly malicious nature of this wholly unfounded rumor.

I strive every day to do the best I can for the people of the 20th Congressional District, and I take my constitutional obligations very seriously. I should never condone a violation of the Constitution and I assure that, if there were any true doubt about Mr. Obama's eligibility to hold the office of the Presidency, I should not hesitate to speak up. That is simply not the case here.


Charles A. Gonzalez
Member of Congress

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Cynthia, that is pure B.S. about B.O.! That dirty-dishonest-untrustworthy-lying-rat is sitting in the Oval Office, and is not deserving or qualified for that position. I have been following this specific issue for the longest time, and there have been numerous lawsuits for this very reason-'He' is Not a US Citizen. I urge you to take a look at this article below that is in the WorldNetDaily, which has very good info, and articles.
"Congress sued to remove prez from White House",
"A new lawsuit is challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, and this one targets Congress as a defendant for its "failure" to uphold the constitutional demand to make sure Obama qualified before approving the Electoral College vote that actually designated him as the occupant of the Oval Office."


Hopefully this'll answer some things for you that us Conservatives are wonderin' about. I hope his butt is impeached very very soon!! Then we need to oust Biden & Pelosi somehow....
Erik, I agree with you Completely! I am a Conservative, too! We are on the same side! And don't forget about Reid! Oh, and my yucky congressman above!
BO should not need to be impeached - he is not a Legal holder of the office and should just be removed and tried for treason. ALL that should have demanded proof before the election should also be removed - that would include Biden and Pelosi -- What they have allowed to happen is treason. Each of them took an oath to defend The Constitution and knowingly did nothing to Protect or Defend it!
Words cannot express what I think of Charles A. Gonzalez, and to boot he sites among other investigitory sites"The Annenberg Foundation's well-respected and non-partisan FactCheck.org has done independent examinations and investigations.
Uhhhhhhh "Annenberg Foundation", oh yea, they're real independent aren't they...can you say Bill Ares???Another Marxist buddy of" BARKY"
I faxed a letter to Mr. Gonzalez on Feb. 9th. Below is the text:

Frederick D. Stephens
112 Buttercup Trail
Georgetown, Texas 78633

February 9, 2009

Rep. Charles Gonzalez
303 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4320
Phone: (202)225-3236
Fax: (202)225-1915

Dear Mr. Gonzalez,

I am in receipt of a letter that you wrote to one of your constituents relative to the eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as President of the United States. You state:

"Dear Cindy:
I am glad that you brought your concerns to me about Barack Obama's eligibility to be President. The implication that Mr. Obama is not "a natural-born citizen" is one of a number of fabrications and falsehoods spread during the last two years' campaign to whip up fervor and sow dissension amongst Americans, and I welcome the opportunity to clarify things for you.
Numerous independent groups have lain out the spurious and scurrilous "arguments" behind this rumor. The website Snopes.com has thoroughly debunked this particular story and has posted their take at http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp. The Annenberg Foundation's well-respected and non-partisan FactCheck.org has done independent examinations and investigations, including handling the documents in question, and posted their analysis at http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html. I am glad that you brought your concerns to me and glad that I can direct you to independent resources that confirm the inaccurate and, I am sorry to concede, possibly malicious nature of this wholly unfounded rumor.
I strive every day to do the best I can for the people of the 20th Congressional District, and I take my constitutional obligations very seriously. I should never condone a violation of the Constitution and I assure that, if there were any true doubt about Mr. Obama's eligibility to hold the office of the Presidency, I should not hesitate to speak up. That is simply not the case here.
Charles A. Gonzalez
Member of Congress"

The United States faces a constitutional crisis due to the requirements spelled out in the Constitution to hold the office of President of the United States of America, pursuant to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President”

This constitutional provision means anyone born on American soil to parents who are U.S. citizens is a “natural born” citizen. No one born on American soil with only one parent a citizen can be “natural born” and that provision may not be changed without a Constitutional Amendment.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 was added to the Constitution as a result of a request from the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, The Honorable John Jay, in a letter to George Washington dated 25 July, 1787:

"Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government ; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen."

During the time the Constitution of the United States has been in effect, no President has failed to meet the eligibility defined by this Constitutional provision. There have been many attempts to remove this clause in the Constitution, all rejected. It was inserted as the best safeguard to prevent any President from being elected that may have allegiance to a foreign power.

Comes now Barack Hussein Obama who has sealed every record from his Certificate of Live Birth to his records from Occidental College, Columbia College, Harvard University plus travel into foreign countries not permitting American citizens which could reveal his actual legal citizenship and name.

The only thing we know for sure about Barack Hussein Obama is that he fails to meet the requirements of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

Posted on Obama's website is this admission:

When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.

What could be clearer than that statement from Obama? Barack Obama could have been born in the Oval Office.....but he is still not a "natural born" citizen of the United States due to his alien father.

There are (in fact) FIVE obstacles standing in Senator Obama’s way:
1. The ‘natural born Citizen’ clause applies to his ‘date of birth’ (so his Kenyan and Indonesian ‘Dual Citizenships’ and what he has done about them are noteworthy, but not really relevant;
2. ‘Dual and Multiple Citizenship’ is addressed by the Code of Federal Regulations, subsequent to an Act of Congress, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended through 1994, and is our current law;

What is Dual Citizenship?:
Dual citizenship means that an individual is a citizen of two countries at the same time. It is also possible to be a citizen of three or more countries. However, every country has its own laws regarding dual citizenship. Some countries allow it and others do not, while some countries have no particular laws regarding dual citizenship. Dual citizenship is not something that can be applied for. It is a process that happens when a person becomes a citizen of another country, in addition to his or her country of birth.
3. The 14th Amendment clause “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” usually is understood to mean “subject to the laws” of the United States” (therefore, subject to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended);
4. Obama’s particular form of ‘Dual Citizenship’ (British) was specifically precluded by Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 and therefore is ‘incurable’ by Congress or the Courts;
5. The constitutional duty of the President is to take care that the laws of the United Stated be faithfully executed. That is not possible to do, if the President is already disqualified from entering upon his office.
Barack Obama is not and cannot be a “natural born” citizen.
The words of Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the Constitution are clear that no one except a natural born citizen shall be eligible to to the Office of President. “Natural born”, at the time of the writing of the Constitution, and for the last 220 years, means born on U. S. soil to parents who were citizens. It is the condition “at birth” that describes this unique category of United States citizenship.
The Federal Courts have no wiggle room in the provision in the Constitution to accomplish any “judicial activism” as the words mean the same today as they did in 1789 and the reason for the provision has never been needed until Barack Obama burst upon the scene, and although eligible for a US Senate seat, he is not eligible to be President of the United States.


Frederick D. Stephens
Mr. Stephens,

Thank you for doing that! What a great letter! I do not have the mental capability of writing a letter like that, so I appreciate what you have done. Has he written you back? I would be very curious indeed to see his response. He basically has that kind of attitude in all of his responses to me. Obviously, the man drives me nuts! Every single issue that comes up, we are complete opposites. Is it possible to post his response on this thread when/if he does?
God bless!
Mr. Stephens,
Has there been a reply back from Mr. Gonzalez in response to your letter above? Would love to see it posted here if he has. Thank you and have a great day!
I don't believe Gonzalez either. We all know the truth and contacting "certain" congressmen about it is pointless. This congressman sounds like he is definitely in the tank for Obama and judging by his last name, Gonzalez, he is probably on the pro-illegal band wagaon too.
One thing that I am hoping is that at some point someone who knows the truth about Obama will speak up. I am referring to people who work at the various places where Obama's records have been sealed like Occidental College, etc. Maybe even someone who has access to his sealed medical records. It is a small hope but still within the realm of possiblity.
Mr. Stephens, that's a great letter! If you continue the dialogue with your representative, you can get more info here. It will show any person you meet that Obama is not eligible to be in the White House.

They suggest writing back to your congressman/congresswoman to ask WHY they did not insist on proof that Obama is eligible. Why? Engage your congress person in that dialogue and don't quit until they answer the question WHY didn't they do their duty on January 8th and object to the electoral college results until the eligibility was proven? Of course, it doesn't matter where Obama was born, he is not eligible simply because one of his parents was a citizen of Great Britain (because Kenya, the country of Obama Sr, was a territory of the UK in 1961).

Read, print, distribute the fliers called 'the Tree of Liberty' at this web page to help educate your neighbors about this issue. Thank you for not giving up on our Republic!




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