Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
by Dan Sanchez
Many liberals passed sentence on the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (CCF) weeks ago. The cowboys occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Oregon were criminals. Even worse, they were culturally unsympathetic criminals. “Y’all Qaeda,” was the taunt of choice for the smart set, which rocked with laughter when enterprising wags delivered sex toys to the squares.
Yet when they put joking aside, many progressives called for these “militants” to be dealt with as “the terrorists they were”: lethally and with extreme prejudice. Besides, many said, the right-wing nuts were probably a bunch of Islamophobic racists.
The law-and-order left got what they wanted on Tuesday of last week, when several CCF members were ambushed on the road by the FBI and Oregon State Police. CCF spokesman LeVoy Finicum was shot and killed, and the rest were arrested (some after also being shot). The killing was met mostly with approval or shrugs from progressives on social media.
One notable exception was Anonymous, which released a video declaring that:
“…Finicum was killed in cold blood, as his hands were in the air. Just as Anonymous called for justice in the killing of Michael Brown we call for justice now.”
Indeed, it was the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson that first popularized the protest slogan, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” which has been chanted by many of the same liberals now justifying Finicum being shot with his empty hands in the air.
During the Ferguson unrest however, the law-and-order right would have none of it. To them, Michael Brown was just a “thug,” a known criminal who had recently shaken down a store. If he didn’t want to get shot, he shouldn’t have resisted a cop, thought many of the same conservatives now outraged over the bloody government response to CCF’s armed defiance.
Both sides reduce all questions of justice to identity politics, and effectively treat rights as a sympathy-based concept.
For the left, Michael Brown was a sympathetic figure (an underserved youth of color), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by Officer Darren Wilson. On the other hand, LaVoy Finicum was an unsympathetic figure (a right-wing, gun-owning good ‘ol boy), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the snow.
For the right, LaVoy Finicum was a sympathetic figure (a God-fearing family man), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by the FBI. On the other hand, Michael Brown was an unsympathetic figure (a young, black “thug”), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the street.
Both are blinded by their respective bigotries to the truth that rights are inherent to the individual, and are not based on group identity or cultural affinity.
Nobody should be gunned down in the road like a rabid dog, regardless of whether the individual is a pillar of his community or a hardened criminal, a philanthropic saint or an incorrigible misanthrope. Every individual has an inalienable right to life: a right not to be killed unless that individual is presenting an imminent threat to the life of someone else.
And violence is only self-defense, if such an imminent threat is real. There are no “oopsies” allowed: not for cops, for Feds, or for anybody else. Killing someone is not “self-defense” just because you “thought” a threat existed.
And it doesn’t matter how paranoid their officer training has made them. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve practiced with “No More Hesitation” targets with pictures of children, pregnant women, and elderly folk pointing guns at them. Murder is murder.
Watch it now please, not later, Watch it NOW!
Lavoy, asking citizen to learn about Leviathans BLM abuses.
M, I do agree with that. I do know however,the more time goes by the less importance is put on the case. ...If it goes to a hearing of some sort, 2 years from now, many will have left the emotion behind and will not want to revisit such evil times. The connection to The Clinton`s certainly needs to be brought forth quickly.
Cold blooded "ASSASSINATION",.. and WHERE IS THE Lame Stream Media?????????
"Lame Stream Media",.. ARE YOU OUT THERE?? Hypocrites. Bald-faced hypocrites.
"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"
He looks just like a "devout Christian" to Chris Mathews and MSNBC
I did notice one major change, since the editorial on the AV site and what the Tradesman challenged the DOJ with publicly. (I call on the Justice Department to file charges in an open public purview to instigate those charges or be considered by the American Public as deliberately and Formally aiding and abetting the agents who did the shooting at the vehicle without provocation.
The Tradesman)
They (DOJ) are starting a PUBLIC investigation into what happened. Let's wait and see if the powers that be try for more cover-up or if they will actually do a complete investigation and prosecute the perps. even the 'elite' FBI unit is under suspicion and they have proven they lied about what happened. The lines have been drawn, and I hope that it will at the very least prevent another attack under the color of law.
The best things we can do is to push this information and keep pushing it until it must be covered by the Corrupt Main Stream Media in a public forum. So, keep passing this around and keep protesting on OP-ED pages and all social media we can post on. When the information is out, it ties the hands of the Govt. to perform more dirty tricks.
The far left-winger LGTB Governor, Kate brown, has no legal grounds to fail to make public, "the individual names and home address" for every individual "ASSASSIN" that fired a gun at Robert "Lavoy" Finicum.
Lavoy Finicum "was violently murdered with his hands in the air, shot in the back and the face while shouting out that he was just trying to get to a meeting with the Grant County Sheriff".
A lot of people, tens of thousands, have the fully legal right to simply be told the names and addresses of the cowardly "assassins" that fired a shot into Lavoy Finicum.
Simple enough for the tyrant axxholes. Just give us the information that we are legally entitled to.
"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"
"I agree the public needs to know, however".
RESPECTFULLY NOTED AND WITH DUE CONSIDERATION GIVEN,.. HOWEVER, "Lavoy Finicum, WAS NOT afforded such courtesy of aninimity, extensive delay, and just consideration under the color of LAW and DUE PROCESS!!
This "can not be intelligently denied" by anyone involved in this assassination matter.
LAVOY WAS BRUTALLY ASSASSINATED "during a routine traffic stop".
You are an ex LEO, you most certainly do know shix-from-shinola in such matters.. You do know cold-blooded murder when you see it, "during a routine traffic stop".
This was a premeditated "ASSASSINATION", "during a routine traffic stop".
Playing by Leviathan's laughable rules has been abjectly 100% futile for some time now. Leviathan's monarchical problem now,.. not ours, not in any way.
At this junction, Leviathan is "hopelessly lawless and un-constitutional, and politically weaponized", just simply give us the citizens, tens of thousands of us, "the individual names and home address" for every individual "ASSASSIN" that fired a gun at Robert "Lavoy", information that we are fully legally entitled to.
Then "let the chips fall where they fall", the color of law and justice has been removed from the process by Leviathan in favor of political lawlessness, and political weaponization for its self-serving expediency and access to infinitely valuable mineral rights on private property.... Not our rules, Leviathan's choice of rules.
"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"
That's why this was included in my post on the LaVoy video about this subject.
I firmly believe the enforcement agents who were shooting at the vehicle WITHOUT PROVOCATION, any known DEPARTMENT PROTOCOLS, went well beyond any legal or departmental policy covering such situations, and those enforcement Agents should be indicted for 1st Degree Murder and lesser charges of Attempted murder for what they did after shooting LaVoy Finicum.
I see no legal, procedural, nor moral justification for what they did. Furthermore any supervisors who protected those agents or sequestered evidence or testimony of said agents be charged with aiding and abetting the aforementioned crimes.
I call on the Justice Department to file charges in an open public purview to instigate those charges or be considered by the American Public as deliberately and Formally aiding and abetting the agents who did the shooting at the vehicle without provocation.
The Tradesman
I have been following.the family has released two statements.I have a few points I would like to make.
*It was an ambush. predetermined. i have a friend that lives there, travels the road to work, the entry points from arteries were blocked off, she saw them and worried that there had been a serious accident, it was not a routine traffic stop.
*He crashed into the snow to avoid hitting the authorities standing in the road, TO AVOID USING HIS VEHICLE AS A WEAPON!
*I believe that the FBI video has been edited. it has had the sound removed and the timing markers. the sound would not only record the voices but also the shots.
*I question the new synced version just released that supposedly has the phone footage from inside the car with it. why would a man, exiting a vehicle with his hands in the air, call for them to shoot him. the people in the car have never said that was the case, the FBI video clearly shows a shooter from the trees (in the back), the family reports he was shot 9 times one in the face, he was left to just lie there and die unattended, they did nothing to help him after he was clearly down…they had an ambulance on scene and have had the audacity to bill the family for it.
Lady Boots.
That is the worst tragedy I have ever seen. Everyone of those Officers should be dismissed for unprofessional behavior. They killed that man for no reason except they wanted to force an issue.
Mangus Colorado.
This and the rest of the post was also placed on the site on it's editorial page. that page is read by Congress, the White House, several major Colleges like Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth,William&Mary, and others on a regular basis. It must have had some impact because the day after it was posted on the AV site the DOJ announced they were starting an investigation and had already determined the FBI and Oregon Officers had lied about what transpired.
Because there is an ongoing criminal investigation by the DOJ and now I hear from the Oregon ATTY. Gen. that is sufficient reasons to not add anything that would detract from those investigations. The names of the officers will come out but not their addresses mainly because it would needlessly endanger their innocent families. No matter what we would like to see happen, the law must be obeyed in spirit and to the letter or we are no better than them.
P.S. The Tradesman, Lady Boots, and Mangus are internet friends of mine, and are also activists like us, and are also regular contributors to the AV site.
Here's more problems for those who stood up for the Bundys:
Nevada Assemblywoman: If You Were at Bundy Ranch and Had a Gun, Nevada Prosecutors are Looking to Arrest You within the Next Few Days Tim Brown — March 19, 2016
In an exclusive interview with Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore on Friday, she told Oathkeepers News Media Director Jason Van Tatenhove that Nevada prosecutors mentioned the fact that there was another round of "mass" arrests of American patriots who showed up in Bunkerville, Nevada at the Bundy Ranch siege in 2014 with a gun.
"The Nevada prosecutor that was in Oregon last week, told an Oregon attorney today, Friday March 18 through the upcoming Tuesday, they will be doing another 'mass' amounts of arrests of anyone that was in Bunkerville with a firearm in 2014," she the Nevada Assemblywoman.
Pick up the video around the 9:00 mark for Fiore's comments on this issue and take time to educate yourself with the entire video on the updates she brings as she has really represented her people there in Nevada like no one I've ever seen do.
Fiore added that she had received a call from someone that had been in Bunkerville with a gun, and according to her, "the FBI stalked him for I guess a few weeks, stalked his house, his 12-year-old daughter was home, pulled up right behind him, and he was polite and he invited them in."
"He was cautious," Fiore added. "But I advise everyone… if the FBI or the police want to question you, absolutely not without your attorney."
That is wise advice and also a right you have under the US Constitution, which states in part in the Fifth Amendment, "No person...shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself."
Of course, many people want to be friendly, but they are naïve to the workings of how manipulative certain people in authority positions may behave. I'm not saying all of them do, but the fact of the matter is your silence is a right that is protected under the Constitution and you do not have to comply with questioning in such a manner as it could be used against you in a court of law.
Fiore echoes this sentiment. "We don't have a problem with law enforcement, but their intention is to entrap, and their intention is not pure. So I would highly suggest that no one speak with the FBI or the police without your attorney because they do not have good intentions at the moment."
So, how many people are we talking about in this latest round of arrests? According to Van Tatenhove, "There were hundreds, if not thousands of people there."
Fiore confirmed that there were over 2,000 people at Bundy Ranch at one time.
However, when are the American people going to stop buying the lies of the state-controlled media and begin to look past the propaganda and see the truth and the violation of the Constitution by the DC government and the Bureau of Land Management? When are they going to see how this is trickling down from DC to the governors, sheriffs and even to local prosecutors? When are their eyes going to be opened and their strength renewed and deal with the criminals in their governments? Will it take a mass round up of arrests based on unlawful, trump up charges, or will the people wait until it's too late and they are the ones being arrested and hauled off to jail, and the propaganda machine rolls right over them defining them as terrorists and criminal?
This is nothing but the heavy hand of government attempting to silence dissent, undermine the First Amendment and the rights of the people to peacefully protest (yes, even with guns on their sides or in their hands... after all, the government had trained snipers lining them up in their sights!), and basically attempt to control the people from speaking out through fear tactics. We cannot let this stand!
Patriots, be vigilant and ready!
Finally, for anyone who was at Bundy Ranch and is targeted by these lawless thugs, several top lawyers are providing pro-bono representation for you. All you need to do is download this form and fill it out.
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