Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
by Dan Sanchez
Many liberals passed sentence on the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (CCF) weeks ago. The cowboys occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Oregon were criminals. Even worse, they were culturally unsympathetic criminals. “Y’all Qaeda,” was the taunt of choice for the smart set, which rocked with laughter when enterprising wags delivered sex toys to the squares.
Yet when they put joking aside, many progressives called for these “militants” to be dealt with as “the terrorists they were”: lethally and with extreme prejudice. Besides, many said, the right-wing nuts were probably a bunch of Islamophobic racists.
The law-and-order left got what they wanted on Tuesday of last week, when several CCF members were ambushed on the road by the FBI and Oregon State Police. CCF spokesman LeVoy Finicum was shot and killed, and the rest were arrested (some after also being shot). The killing was met mostly with approval or shrugs from progressives on social media.
One notable exception was Anonymous, which released a video declaring that:
“…Finicum was killed in cold blood, as his hands were in the air. Just as Anonymous called for justice in the killing of Michael Brown we call for justice now.”
Indeed, it was the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson that first popularized the protest slogan, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” which has been chanted by many of the same liberals now justifying Finicum being shot with his empty hands in the air.
During the Ferguson unrest however, the law-and-order right would have none of it. To them, Michael Brown was just a “thug,” a known criminal who had recently shaken down a store. If he didn’t want to get shot, he shouldn’t have resisted a cop, thought many of the same conservatives now outraged over the bloody government response to CCF’s armed defiance.
Both sides reduce all questions of justice to identity politics, and effectively treat rights as a sympathy-based concept.
For the left, Michael Brown was a sympathetic figure (an underserved youth of color), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by Officer Darren Wilson. On the other hand, LaVoy Finicum was an unsympathetic figure (a right-wing, gun-owning good ‘ol boy), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the snow.
For the right, LaVoy Finicum was a sympathetic figure (a God-fearing family man), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by the FBI. On the other hand, Michael Brown was an unsympathetic figure (a young, black “thug”), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the street.
Both are blinded by their respective bigotries to the truth that rights are inherent to the individual, and are not based on group identity or cultural affinity.
Nobody should be gunned down in the road like a rabid dog, regardless of whether the individual is a pillar of his community or a hardened criminal, a philanthropic saint or an incorrigible misanthrope. Every individual has an inalienable right to life: a right not to be killed unless that individual is presenting an imminent threat to the life of someone else.
And violence is only self-defense, if such an imminent threat is real. There are no “oopsies” allowed: not for cops, for Feds, or for anybody else. Killing someone is not “self-defense” just because you “thought” a threat existed.
And it doesn’t matter how paranoid their officer training has made them. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve practiced with “No More Hesitation” targets with pictures of children, pregnant women, and elderly folk pointing guns at them. Murder is murder.
Watch it now please, not later, Watch it NOW!
Lavoy, asking citizen to learn about Leviathans BLM abuses.
Excellent work Kevin.
I am away on business matters a lot, and I sincerely appreciate you keeping this post on this critical issue refreshed.
Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"
Excellent investigative work and updating Virginia.
I am away on business matters a lot, and I do sincerely appreciate you keeping this post on this critical issue refreshed.
Thank you.
Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"
What we know for sure so far about the heinous, violent, cold-blooded "ASSASSINATION" of LaVoy Finicum:
1. Both Senators and the LGTBQ Marxist/Progressive Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, reached out to the White House through Iranian born Marxist, Valerie Jarrett, and had demanded that the Obama administration and Oregon State Police "use lethal force", to “stop the Anti-BLM virus from spreading”. The “Anti-BLM virus” of which they spoke was the enlightening and empowering of over 400 people in neighboring Grant County, which has a certified "constitutional Oath Keeping Sheriff", about their constitutional rights and the egregious Federal abuse of power, deceptive veiled illegal theft of private lands and mineral rights, i.e. sedition and treason.
It was not any coincidence that the despicable ambush was sprung, and that the London city England based "Crown Corporation" dba: the BLM, exposer, Lavoy Finicum was heinously "ASSASSINATED", on the way to that law enforcement meeting.
Law Enforcement Officers testimony, confirms this in their repeated statements about "ASSASSINATION" orders coming down from “National Command Authority” through Valerie Jarrett (B Hussein Obama)...
2. The complicit left-wing "parrot" media following orders from Valerie Jarrett-(IE: B Hussein Obama White House) laughingly REPORTED that Lavoy was stopped at a "ROUTINE TRAFFIC STOP". This asinine assertion was and still is parroted by the Governor Kate Brown's office.
Not a single human, with a live, oxygenated functioning brain, believes that Lavoy was murdered at "A ROUTINE TRAFFIC STOP"!
This was NOT a “traffic stop” in any meaningful sense of the term!
It was instead, a very meticulously planned and staged ambush site, with officers now admitting they had scouted the area for many days beforehand in order to hand pick the best ambush site possible in order to create the most efficient "KILL-BOX"....
In fact, the officers have leaked out that the original "KILL-BOX" was slated to be in Grant Co., but having a constitutional Sheriff there nixed that. Literally admitting that they were not willing to ambush and assassinate Lavoy in a county controlled by a constitutional Sheriff.
One Oregon State Police trooper’s actual testimony, stated that Grant Co. is considered a “UN free zone”; i.e. "not accountable to the United Nations".
Also, there were multiple vehicles waiting off road to spring the ambush once their rancher victims entered into the "KILL-BOX" zone.
Part of this Oregon State Police pre-planning included the planners making absolutely sure that the "KILL-BOX" zone was in an area with no cellphone coverage and with no possible witnesses once the road entrance points were blockaded.
3. Law enforcement’s premeditation also included at least one highly specialized surveillance aircraft or drone of the type "deployed by the military in combat zones overseas" to direct lethal fire onto enemy combatants.
This was NOT a standard-use law enforcement or police helicopter or Cessna, this was a "Military Warfare Weapon" authorized by the White a fucXing "ROUTINE-TRAFFIC-STOP".......
THIS WAS A PRE-MEDITATED "ASSASSINATION", a mob style HIT, carried out under orders "directly from Valerie Jarrett under the knowledge of mob HIT style murderer, Barack Hussein Obama".
4. At the first "random traffic stop", stop, Lavoy Finicum’s vehicle was clearly fired upon for absolutely no reason (people just sitting in a truck).
At least one round struck Ryan Bundy in the shoulder. Whether a lethal or non-lethal round was used is immaterial as the occupants could not tell the difference.
After the "routine traffic stop" ambush was sprung, and the ranchers were fired upon, and wounded, without any cause, they now FEARED FOR THEIR LIVES at the hands of “militarized law enforcement” and were justified in fleeing to the neighboring constitutional Sheriff for protection.
Even as the ranchers fled, "they never once showed any weapons or intention of violence toward LEO's".
5. The second "random traffic stop" ambush site, was of course prearranged on a blind curve in what is known in the courts as an illegal “kill stop”.
Even at the normal speed limit it would have been nearly impossible for anyone to have stopped in time to avoid some kind of traffic mishap.
The Supreme Court has ruled that this is a “Dead-man’s roadblock” in legal terms, and is considered as "use of deadly force".
Several professional Snipers were also pre-staged in trees and/or in special camouflaged deer hunting style stands at the second location of the second "routine-traffic-stop"..
6. Even as Finicum tried to avoid the kill stop, the first LEO intentionally ran out directly in front of the truck while firing at least 3 shots at them without any provocation what-so-ever.
It was a miracle that Finicum was able to avoid this LEO’s reckless endangerment of everyone concerned. For the second time, Finicum of course knew he and the others were being targeted for assassination.
Finicum also realized that he now had to draw LEO fire away from the innocent women in the truck.
7. Even the slow-motion video from the liberal “Oregonian”, "taken from Shawna Cox’s phone", and released by Law Enforcement, shows that "Finicum had his hands high over his head as he exited the vehicle while being shot at by Law Enforcement".
This is at least the THIRD time Finicum had been fired upon by LE while not showing any signs of violence or provocation.
8. Law Enforcement then waited until Finicum was facing away from them, trying to stand up while trudging in knee deep snow, and facing multiple attackers from all sides, before the assassins shot him in the back, not once, not twice, but THREE times in the back!
9. Last, but not least, between 2 and 5 FBI agents are now under criminal investigation for the shots they fired and tried to cover up. There is little doubt that the Oregon State Police will also come under further scrutiny as the investigation unfolds and civil lawsuits enter the courts.
"Silence in the face of tyranny is your consent to that tyranny"
Silence, I have no crystal ball. I can not predict how this will end. ..My gut tells me this just might be the event that all militia Patriots will attach too. The elections have many hoping that maybe we can win our Country back via elections. ..For me I have said this is my last election cycle that I will put any faith in.. We are seeing the ruling class show their true greed. After the elections, I believe many Patriots will start to cluster around the country..Grouping up to gain confidence. I will be one of them. LaVoy has given us an event to rally around. A defined reason to act on..A gathering of Patriots will happen I think. This is my view inside my crystal ball......PS..If the GOP steals the election. That will be the tipping point for a couple million I think.
I am wondering just HOW MANY "routine traffic stops" it would actually take to force oxygen into an oblivious, lazy, inattentive, "media parrot" or sheepeople's very tiny little lethargic brain??
Just curious, but I certainly don't expect a painless solution to this open, yet obvious question in the end for them (the O-bot Zombies).
OK is now focused on CPT (community preparedness teams).
The primary focus initially is to build a completely independent coast to coast wireless communications network, and the organizing, linking, and the training of a comprehensive staff of medical services volunteers that could possibly be eventually attached to a series of all volunteer future ixxxxxxy Bxxxxxxxx's like a mobile Bxxxxxxxn Aid Station to be set up as a medical section within each ixxxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx's support company.
I believe that this is possibly the most patriotically sound strategy going forward, just talking theoretically of course, just like the theoretical odds of ""a routine traffic stop"" resulting in the heinous, bloody "ASSASSINATION" of an innocent mountain rancher?%^&*?
Check back in a year, we just might have a-couple-a "routine community preparedness teams" for their next "routine traffic stop".
"Just a completely harmless speculative opinion" of course.
"Just like a routine traffic stops", completely coincidental and harmless.
"Silence in the face of tyranny is your consent to that tyranny"
Now if this is true, Oregon and the BLM, and FBI have destroyed the Constitutional rights of these men. Where are the freedom marchers for this?
Political Prisoners in Oregon: Divided, but Not Conquered Jim White — March 29, 2016
Just as many of our actual laws have been replaced by rulings based on “color of law,” the part of the actual law that states a defendant is innocent until proven guilty has not been merely replaced, but seemingly ignored; especially when it pertains to the political prisoners held by our federal overlords.
Although I only know a handful of the political prisoners being held currently, the ones who I do know give me much less concern than the unconstitutional, land-enforcement strike teams known as the BLM and US Forest Service; two groups who now wish to possess sub-machine guns, by the way, and a main reason Utah Representative, Jason Chaffetz has proposed legislation to abolish their powers. One person who would certainly agree is Nevada Assemblywoman, Michele Fiore.
Michele Fiore is certainly an enigma in today’s world of modern politics. She would be considered much more of a “statesman” than a politician, as she defends the Constitution, and its principles, while putting her personal aggrandizement on the shelf. As I stated, Michele is a rare find in today's political circus; and a welcome guest on NorthWest Liberty News.
Michele joined our broadcast on 3.28 to report on her recent visit to the numerous political prisoners being held out west, and her accounts of the way these innocent people are being treated is shocking. According to Michele, the men, not one yet convicted of an actual crime, are in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, and when they do finally get to exercise they are chained and allowed to walk around in a dog kennel. Before you claim that I sympathize with criminals, keep in mind, once again, that not one of these political prisoners have been found guilty of a crime. They have been accused for certain, but are presumed innocent according to the law.
As Michele further reports in the interview below, the political prisoners who she spoke to have absolute clarity as to the magnitude of the situation; and are determined to remain steadfast in their commitment to God, their country and their posterity. Please make sure to listen until the end so you can learn about the best way for you to help.
Article reposted with permission from Northwest Liberty News.
Special Agent in Charge Greg Bretzing has been providing press conferences in the wake of the Oregon standoff and the murder of LaVoy Finicum. However, it has come to my attention that Mr. Bretzing has also been linked to the lead agent at Bundy Ranch, as well as wrongful deaths related to a 2009 Indian Artifact Investigation.
The Los Angeles Times has the complete story of what took place in Utah during the artifact investigation. It's a horrible story of entrapment that led to several suicides, including Dr. James Redd and an undercover agent.
Red Smith, at Shasta Lantern, sums up what took place:
In 2009, current Special Agent in Charge of the Malhuer Occupation, Greg Bretzing was the Special Agent in Charge of a massive investigation into the theft of Indian artifacts in the Four Corners region of Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. The investigation centered around the alleged taking of and sale of Indian artifacts from Federal Lands. However those lands, while under BLM management, are public lands and the legality of removing artifacts is still in dispute. The two year long investigation headed by Bretzing culminated in June 2009 when FBI and BLM agents conducted coordinated raids on 24 defendants serving 12 separate indictments.
Understand that four of the alleged criminals in the investigation were over 70 years old and had spent much of their lives collecting Indian artifacts.
Dr. Redd's son, Jay, talks about what took place and calls out the Bureau of Land Management as those responsible for his father taking his own life in the video below.
However, the wrongful death suit that the Red family filed named one man in particular, Daniel P. Love, who was the lead investigator in the 2009 investigation. This is the same man who was the Special Agent in Charge in Bunkerville, Nevada at the Bundy Ranch standoff. However, it was Agent Bretzing who provided testimony in the wrongful death case claiming that Love's actions were justified due to alleged threats against federal agents when they were attempting to serve warrants against Dr. Redd and his wife, who were in their 60s at the time. Sound familiar to anything else these guys do?
Smith goes on to write about some of the details of the investigation as well as point out some of the strong arm tactics and thuggery that Bretzing seems to have following him everywhere he goes.
Central to the case was one Ted Gardiner, a former super market chain owner turned drug addict, who was broke and burning furniture to stay warm when he was contacted by the FBI and Special Agent Dan Love, who pressured him into turning informant. Paid $10,000.00 initially, Gardiner would receive $7,500.00 a month for the next two years to covertly film artifact collectors and dealers in an attempt to build the Government's case. Gardiner was the one that ultimately led to the Redd's being indicted in the case over a small shell smaller than the size of a dime that was carved into the effigy of a bird. The piece in question had been discovered by the Redd's on an artifact hunting trip near their home in Blanding, UT. Gardiner arrived at the Redd family home in an attempt to sell what he claimed to be Native artifacts, Jeannie Redd ended up trading the small bird shell for a turquoise pendent Gardiner passed off as being found on Comb Ridge. In fact he had just purchased the item from two meth addicts in a nearby trailer. Special Agent in Charge Bretzing and BLM Agent Love considered this "trafficking in Native Antiquities". It was these kind of methods of entrapment and outright deception that led to serious questions regarding the case.
The LA Times provided the following information about what later took place:
Nearly a year later, early on the morning of June 10, 2009, Jericca Redd was making breakfast with her mother when, through the kitchen window, she saw movement on the front walk. "Holy cow," she said. "What is this?" Men in flak jackets moved up the steps, weapons drawn. "Federal agents!" they yelled. She unlatched the door, and the officers shouldered in. "Where's the white bird?" one shouted. Officers handcuffed Jeannie and kept asking about the white bird. Jim Redd arrived home from his morning rounds 15 minutes later to find half a dozen SUVs in the driveway and agents crouching in the junipers. They hauled him out of his car at gunpoint, handcuffed him and took him to the garage. A BLM special agent interrogated Redd for the next four hours, according to family members. The agent taunted him, pointing to garden tools and asking, "Which shovel do you like to dig bodies with?" He told Redd he would lose his medical license for illegally removing an ancient artifact from the Navajo reservation.
The agents searched the Redds' home until late that day. Jericca said Love told her 140 agents were in and out of the house. A neighbor said snipers were perched on the roof. They seized computers and the artifacts listed in the search warrant, all except the white bird. When they departed, it was sitting unnoticed on the bottom shelf of Jeannie's display case.
To commemorate the occasion, the task force minted over-sized coins with the words "Cerberus Action" and an image of the three-headed hell-hound.
During the investigation, Gardiner had spent $335,685 buying 256 artifacts — both illegal and legal. He was the only person connecting all 28 defendants. No charges were filed against the biggest collectors.
"Special Agent in Charge Bretzing's link to this case is troubling in light of the accusations of wrongdoing and excessive tactics that mirror the current situation in Burns, Or. and the circumstances surrounding the death of LaVoy Finicum," wrote Smith. "Now enter into the equation the question of Indian Artifacts at the Malhuer Reserve and accusations that occupiers were defiling them and one must begin to become suspect."
"Considering Agent Bretzing's connection to another investigation, one involving the FBI and fraud, corruption and National Security Leaks out of the FBI's Salt Lake City Office, it is a downright frightening pattern," added Smith. "Throw Bretzing's ties to BLM Agent Dan Love and Love's connection to the Bundy's into this circus of similar coincidences and that pattern begins to crystallize. Where FBI Agent Greg Bretzing goes, questions of corruption, fraud, strong arm tactics and death will follow."
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Oregon standoff/Bundy Ranch reporter and Marine veteran Pete Santilli arrived at the Henderson Nevada Detention Center on March 29 to be arraigned on March 30. Though Santilli has been arrested on obvious trumped up charges, he remains steadfast about his decision to go and report on the Bundy Ranch siege in 2014. He also pointed the finger at Daniel P. Love, who was the lead investigator in a 2009 investigation, which resulted in a wrongful death lawsuit, with Oregon Special Agent in Charge Greg Bretzing, who also led the Oregon standoff. Love was also in charge at the Bundy Ranch siege.
According to Deb Jordan, who is the co-host for The Pete Santilli Show, Pete wants everyone to know that his "resolve has not changed."
In an interview with Santilli, he said, "When I arrived at Bundy Ranch in April of 2014, there was a clear and emanate danger and threat to my life, and that of the Bundy Family who were protesting within their rights, as given to them by God and outlined in the United States Constitution. It is now, as it has always been that my testimony is; The United States Bureau Of Land Management, under the direction of Daniel P. Love, was poised in an aggressive manner, and having already displayed a willingness to physically harm the family and anyone who supported their protest, I believed my safety and the safety of everyone on that Ranch was in question and we were all in danger of losing our life."
"I never carried a firearm - I never picked up a rock - I never touched a Federal Officer - nor did I threatened to," said Santilli. "Within the many archived hours of footage you will be hard pressed to see me or Cliven Bundy and many others charged, with a weapon pointed at anyone. The only people pointing weapons at anybody when I arrived at Bundy Ranch was, as it has always been, the BLM. They can charge us with whatever they like, but it certainly doesn't make it so."
Santilli even took the opportunity to speak with Daniel P. Love in an attempt to get him to reconsider what he was engaging in against the Bundys.
"He gave me the same bullheaded response he was giving everyone else," Santilli said. "He challenged me with a threat. Just like he challenged the Bundy Family with threats. Did I threaten him back -- NO -- I told him the truth, and the truth was these people were resolved to meet him head on. I tried my best to convey to him that this was not going to end well if he came at these people with his pride and guns in their face."
"I still stand on my initial belief that Daniel P. Love is fully responsible for what happened at Bundy Ranch, and nobody else," Santilli added. "I stand by my decision to go to Bundy Ranch. I stand by my decision to ask for the help that Sheriff Doug Gillespie refused to give. I stand by Cliven Bundy and his family and am proud to do so. The Government failed to protect Cliven Bundy -- It failed to protect peaceful protestors -- It failed in every way a government could fail and now they blame the people for doing what they [the government] should have done."
Mr. Santilli also says that things were pretty sensational at Bundy Ranch. Yet, he believed what he was doing by providing coverage via reporting is to be protected under the US Constitution's First Amendment.
If anyone doubts that the feds were engaged in criminal actions of stifling free speech and the right to peacefully assemble in protest, just check out what happened at Bundy Ranch.
"Having the United States government threatening to kill people is a pretty sensational thing to have happen," he said. "Was my speech overly urgent? Was my speech offensive? You bet. But the truth is the truth. From the Governor of Nevada down to the Nevada State Representatives, and every politician in between -- From Reporters like myself, to Fox News Dennis Michael Lynch -- we all saw and reported on the fact that the BLM was out of control and acting outside the constraints of the United States Constitution and threatening to kill people."
You can read some of the comments of the people that Santilli mentions here.
"I did the right thing at Bundy Ranch -- I did the only thing I could do. I did the only thing I knew how to do, and that was as a professional journalist bound by the Constitution, I told the truth about what was happening to that family."
Indeed Santilli did just that, and so did many others. Not only that, but he also covered much of what took place in Oregon before being arrested for what took place at Bundy Ranch.
While Pete, the Bundys and other political prisoners who are incarcerated currently have stood their ground, Santilli remains steadfast in his resolve to see everything they stood for followed through on.
In a letter I received from Santilli this week, he wrote that he truly believes he is being persecuted for his opinions and relentless pursuit of the truth.
Santilli also said that receiving letters from people is the "highlight of his day."
Friends, I don't know if the founding fathers, those that gave their all, many languishing in prison as the War for Independence raged, received the kind of encouragement that we can provide to these men, but I know we have that opportunity. Pete and others need to be encouraged and they need financial support.
If you are so inclined, please consider donating to help Pete at or write him at:
Henderson Nevada Detention Center
18 S. Water St.
Henderson, NV 89015
Inmate #0000909461
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In seeking the release of Cliven Bundy on Tuesday, Attorney Joel Hansen referred to Bundy as a “political prisoner” and said the government does not want to release him for fear it would lose if the case is ever heard before a jury.
Yes, friends, the Fifth Amendment seems pretty clear to me here:
“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”
There were no bombs used, guns fired or credible threats made by Cliven Bundy. Did he say he would stand on his principles? Yes, absolutely, but the man is being kept in solitary confinement in prison without bail, like many of the men who were involved at the Bundy Ranch siege two years ago. For two years these men were free. Did they engage in anything that was a crime? Were they a threat to the community? Nope. Yet, the majority of them cannot get bail, something that is offered to various people who engage in all sorts of criminal behavior.
In filing paperwork on Tuesday, Hansen referred to Bundy as a “political prisoner.” Though the judge that decided to keep him in jail back in February after his arrest in Oregon declared that he was both “lawless and violent,” no evidence has been presented to substantiate those claims.
“The government seems to be afraid that it might lose in a jury trial, so it wants to keep him in prison, in solitary confinement, as long as it can because he, like Nelson Mandela, is a political prisoner,” Hansen wrote. “There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution allowing the federal government to hold political prisoners without a trial. Nothing.”
I don’t know if that is a good thing to write. After all, Mandela engaged in actual terrorism. He was not a freedom fighter. He was a totalitarian
However, here is the more pressing issue that Hansen brings up in his filing.
“Does Mr. Bundy have the right to raise a constitutional question about the legality of the high-handed tactics of the BLM?” Hansen asked. “Of course he does — and particularly by making statements about the actions of the BLM and by the exercise of people’s First Amendment right to peacefully assemble and the people’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”‘
Review Journal adds:
Hansen likened the armed Bunkerville standoff with law enforcement on April 12, 2014, to the Revolutionary War battles at Bunker Hill, Concord and Lexington between American patriots and the British.
He also argued that no one from Bundy’s side ever fired a weapon or assaulted a federal officer and that the only acts of violence in Bunkerville were committed by federal agents.
“The government has seemingly put together a strong case against Mr. Bundy, but when it is seen for what it really is, it is a collection of unsupported allegations, inconceivable innuendos, bald assertions and unproven allegations,” Hansen wrote.
This is important to note. The only shots that actually occurred came from the Oregon State Police and the FBI in the cold-blooded murder of LaVoy Finicum. Not one protester fired their weapons. Even at Bundy Ranch, it was only federal agents that tasered law-abiding citizens, killed cattle and infringed on their right to peacefully protest and address their government for grievances.
However, the claims of the government being scared to actually go to court against Cliven Bundy have their roots in a April 2014 Bureau of Land Management claim that they are worried that Bundy may just have prescriptive rights and that his defense may just use that should his case see the inside of a courtroom.
In addition to Bundy, Jerry DeLemus, an American veteran who headed Donald Trump’s campaign, was also ordered to continue to be detained after entering a plea of not guilty for charges he also faces that stem from the Bundy Ranch siege.
Reposted with Permission from Freedom Outpost.
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
Virginia, Nice reporting and research on this..Many here know about this issue. And they know the truth of it, thanks to work like this...I am pretty good at calling how things will go. I knew this would become a huge issue. It is simply an example of how the government is becoming an oligarchy. This issue needs to go viral and open the eyes of everyone to the truth of it. This issue will become the center piece of the Liberty movement...Thanks for caring . You are a good Patriot for sure...
Just found this also on Freedom Outpost.
Political Prisoner Cliven Bundy's wife had a few choice words for Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), and she took the time to put a short video together to air her thoughts out to him after Reid said, "And the reason we haven't been able to do anything to this point is … the Bundy boys and his pals. Because of the fact that the Bundys are in jail, I'm going to reach out to the White House … We'll see if President Obama will protect this area. He has the authority, as any president does, to stop this sort of destruction and stop it now."
Carol Bundy's husband, Cliven, along with her four sons are in prison now because they took a stand against a corrupt and criminal DC government and its strong arm gestapo, the Bureau of Land Management and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
In an emotional video, Mrs. Bundy not only mentioned her family members who were in prison, but also made mention of LaVoy Finicum, the man who was murdered in cold blood by the Oregon State Police with the aid of the FBI.
"I have a best friend, whose husband was shot," she said. "And Harry Reid put out a YouTube today talking about saving our land for future generations."
She then inserted in her video some of the beauty of the land that she and her family live on and have ranched for generations.
Though she shows us the beauty of the land she occupies, she asks, "What more could a rancher's wife ask for other than to have her family and her friends home where they need to be with their families?"
Mrs. Bundy then pointed out that Harry Reid recently had a picture of a Joshua tree falling down due to abuse. However, Bundy rightly says that is a part of life, just like animals and humans die, so do plants.
She then gave him a piece of her mind.
"Harry Reid, you are elected to go back to Washington, and what you're doing to my family and to the State of Nevada is absolutely horrible," she declared. "And I am, for one, very angry today. I'm angry at Harry Reid for thinking that because my men are in jail, it's ok to come now and take the land; the land that belongs to the State of Nevada; the land that my family has farmed and ranched on for generations, that we make our living off of because we have private property rights on this land."
"I'm not trying to take it away from anybody," Bundy said regarding the land that her family has dwelt on for generations. "I'm not trying to take it away from the American people. I'm not trying to take it away from the State of Nevada, but Harry Reid, you sure as hell are!"
She then gave an open invitation to Harry Reid to come visit her at her ranch and "look her square in the eye" and tell her that she and her family are "domestic terrorists." She also encouraged him to come to the ranch and demonstrate where her family has engaged in any abuse of the land.
Of course, Reid won't do that because he is a coward.
The video ends with many pictures of the land surrounding Bundy Ranch, along with contract information of representatives, both local, state and federal that need to be contacted on behalf of those who are "political prisoners" in the prisons of the real domestic terrorists.
Please take time to visit the Bundy Ranch blog, where you can contribute to help support these men who have taken a stand for liberty against tyranny. Don't forget to also support people like Pete Santilli, who also stood alongside these men and fearlessly reported live on location both in Nevada and Oregon.
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It may be time for Mr Rhodes and the Oat Keepers to plan an occupation of the Bundy Ranch.. I certainly would hope the Oath Keepers are planning some kind of action. I have a feeling that there will be a call to action soon. I may have to go and offer my services as a cook. Cooking for a couple thousand will take some doing.
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