Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
by Dan Sanchez
Many liberals passed sentence on the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (CCF) weeks ago. The cowboys occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Oregon were criminals. Even worse, they were culturally unsympathetic criminals. “Y’all Qaeda,” was the taunt of choice for the smart set, which rocked with laughter when enterprising wags delivered sex toys to the squares.
Yet when they put joking aside, many progressives called for these “militants” to be dealt with as “the terrorists they were”: lethally and with extreme prejudice. Besides, many said, the right-wing nuts were probably a bunch of Islamophobic racists.
The law-and-order left got what they wanted on Tuesday of last week, when several CCF members were ambushed on the road by the FBI and Oregon State Police. CCF spokesman LeVoy Finicum was shot and killed, and the rest were arrested (some after also being shot). The killing was met mostly with approval or shrugs from progressives on social media.
One notable exception was Anonymous, which released a video declaring that:
“…Finicum was killed in cold blood, as his hands were in the air. Just as Anonymous called for justice in the killing of Michael Brown we call for justice now.”
Indeed, it was the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson that first popularized the protest slogan, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” which has been chanted by many of the same liberals now justifying Finicum being shot with his empty hands in the air.
During the Ferguson unrest however, the law-and-order right would have none of it. To them, Michael Brown was just a “thug,” a known criminal who had recently shaken down a store. If he didn’t want to get shot, he shouldn’t have resisted a cop, thought many of the same conservatives now outraged over the bloody government response to CCF’s armed defiance.
Both sides reduce all questions of justice to identity politics, and effectively treat rights as a sympathy-based concept.
For the left, Michael Brown was a sympathetic figure (an underserved youth of color), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by Officer Darren Wilson. On the other hand, LaVoy Finicum was an unsympathetic figure (a right-wing, gun-owning good ‘ol boy), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the snow.
For the right, LaVoy Finicum was a sympathetic figure (a God-fearing family man), so he had Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights which were violated by the FBI. On the other hand, Michael Brown was an unsympathetic figure (a young, black “thug”), and a potential threat, so he was fair game to be gunned down in the street.
Both are blinded by their respective bigotries to the truth that rights are inherent to the individual, and are not based on group identity or cultural affinity.
Nobody should be gunned down in the road like a rabid dog, regardless of whether the individual is a pillar of his community or a hardened criminal, a philanthropic saint or an incorrigible misanthrope. Every individual has an inalienable right to life: a right not to be killed unless that individual is presenting an imminent threat to the life of someone else.
And violence is only self-defense, if such an imminent threat is real. There are no “oopsies” allowed: not for cops, for Feds, or for anybody else. Killing someone is not “self-defense” just because you “thought” a threat existed.
And it doesn’t matter how paranoid their officer training has made them. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve practiced with “No More Hesitation” targets with pictures of children, pregnant women, and elderly folk pointing guns at them. Murder is murder.
Watch it now please, not later, Watch it NOW!
Lavoy, asking citizen to learn about Leviathans BLM abuses.
Stewart went to Oregon and was on site at the Malheur Refuge and did WAY MORE than people know publicly, to get women and children and adults that were willing to leave, out of the refuge without, harm, without arrest, or intimidation.
He was quietly 100% successful in personally arranging to load them into vehicles and getting them out the Malheur Refuge safely and without persecution or prosecution.
There was no other option. OK was "never involved in any kind of planning what-so-ever for the Malheur Refuge indefensible debacle!
There was no other option without "taking on the a constitution usurping "leftist commie" lead US Military" without anywhere near adequate fighting manpower, without any logistics, communications, or resupply operations in place, or without any credible medical/surgical field hospital capabilities.
Many thousands from both sides would have ended up dying on an absolutely "indefensible mound of dirt" in Oxxxxx.
If the SHTF severe enough, many in the actual military WILL join with us.
The problem with the FBI is their very close ties to an absolutely politically corrupt DOJ.
The FBI may never "do the right or constitutionally legal thing" when the chips are down. The absolute and severe political corruption at the highest levels, is a very serious problem.
Our problem is that members pay $40.00 per year. X pay x,xxx times that including the PPN. But we need tens of millions for training, secure material stores, secure redundant reliable vehicles, mobile medical/surgical operations, and advanced communications and xxxxxxxy.
We are improving and getting better however.
"Silence in the face of tyranny is your consent to that tyranny"
Silence, I consider you like a brother in our fight for Liberty. But I only go with facts that can be proven. If you were there and saw him I would take your word. But I can not go with hear say as absolute. I am sure you understand.
Silence, I must add that the Take over of the refuge with a call to arms was wrong. After a week they softened their stance to a occupied protest. But the original hard stance is what made it a bad move.
In all seriousness we need to do this right now before we do anything else;
"Now they come for our wives and our sisters…" Gavin Seim
In another round of arrests by the FBI over a two year old peaceful standoff at Bundy Ranch, the federal tyrants raised their ugly heads in North Carolina to arrest two your women for traveling out to Nevada in 2014 to take pictures at the Bundy Ranch siege.
On Thursday, Beth Chelle Austin and Marie Parker (no relation to Eric Parker, who was arrested last week) were arrested by the FBI, interrogated and then released without charge over their participation at the Bundy Ranch siege in 2014. Gavin Seim has more on what happened.
The Lady Federalist at Don't Comply has the story:
It's reported that Marie was arrested first, and somehow allowed to call Beth from the detainment room the day before. Unfortunately for Marie, the FBI made such a showing at her place of employment, that she was reprimanded by her employer. How nice for her that exercising her Natural Right of Free Speech in 2014, as codified in the First Amendment, had such a positive effect on her life. She informed the FBI that she does not have any photos for them, and has no way to get what they want.
Both women have been very strong through this ordeal, though I can well imagine that they are very shaken up by it. The Austin's family attorney was available for Beth today, helping to secure her release. Beth also told the "just doin' our job" boys that she does not have any photos from that event, nor access to any. She is now home with her family, pending further action by the feds.
Neither woman was apprised of what the actual charges against them are, at least not that they have been allowed to say at this time. They were most certainly not told of the charges at the time of arrest or questioning, which is a clear violation of the Sixth Amendment. Not that the Bill of Rights or the Constitution mean anything to our current federal government. They've even been ordered to NOT speak with each other now that they are out of jail. They've also been informed that if "intent" is found, they will be arrested. Intent of what?
And that is the question, isn't it? Why in the world would two women need to be put through this two years after the fact? There is one reason. Our DC government knows their time is short. The protest in Oregon would only build over time to other places and states. They are seeking to shut down patriots who are standing and calling out federal tyranny, in a similar manner to how our forefathers did to the British Parliament and King George.
My guess, and I think the guess of Lady Federalist, is that if charges comes against these ladies, they will face the same ridiculous "conspiracy" charges that other patriots have been charged with. Of which there is just no evidence to support such a charge.
However, there is plenty of evidence to arrest and charge federal agents of the Bureau of Land Management with destruction of property, their blatant disregard for the First Amendment and the FBI assisting the Oregon State Police with the murder of LaVoy Finicum.
When are the people going to be able to arrest and examine the criminals who have usurped the Constitution?
I really am proud of Sheriff Clarke of Milwaukee. He stands tall against Obama and what is going on, incliding this illegal federal gang tactics.
He is a good sheriff for sure.It is nice that Fox show cases him. He is a good role model for all sheriffs. Sheriff Mack is another good one.
It was that........ or a drug overdose.
I'd bet it was one of those two.
At least two sources are confirming that a Grand Jury has been called to decide if there is enough evidence to indict four FBI HRT team members in the coverup of LaVoy Finicum, who was shot and killed on January 26, 2016 by Oregon State Police.
Guerilla Media Network reports:
Guerilla Media Network received information 10 days ago that a Grand Jury had been called to decide if there was enough evidence concerning a coverup by “FBI HRT” Team Members on the ground in Burns Oregon, to formally charge them with a crime. Members of HRT, (Hostage Rescue Team) have been accused of shooting at LaVoy Finicum as he exited his vehicle on January 26, 2016 with his hands in the air.
Legal sources in Portland told GMN that they were aware the Grand Jury had been convened but did not have information about an actual indictment, at the time the information was passed down to us.
GMN went on to report that Bob Powell of The Truth is Viral stated that he confirmed with sources at the Justice Department that an indictment may soon come against the 4 agents involved in the coverup.
“In all there were 4 shots fired at Mr. Finicum by these rogue agents, before and after he exited his truck,” Powell said.
Finicum’s widow, Jeanette Finicum, also confirmed that she had heard about the convening of the Grand Jury as well. She has also filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Oregon State Police and called on American Patriots to stand against the growing tyranny of the central government.
“I’ll believe it – When I see it,” said Mrs. Finicum on Wednesday.
Though the Oregon State Police were apparently responsible for actually shooting Finicum to death, the FBI claimed to investigate several of their agents concerning failing to report that they fired shots at Finicum and his vehicle. They apparently disposed of the bullet casings as well.
Listen to Bob Powell’s report on what is taking place.
The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by
Well this is good news, but we shall see if a conviction comes. I doubt it. Virginia ,Thank you for following up on Lavoy`s story. It is important to keep it on the front burners and not forget.
Lavoy Finicum's widow announces plans to sue feds, state cops over husband's death
By Kale Williams | The Oregonian/OregonLive on August 27, 2016 at 1:19 PM, updated August 29, 2016 at 1:32 PM
The widow of Lavoy Finicum, the 54-year-old Arizona rancher and key figure in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation earlier this year, plans to sue the Oregon State Police and FBI for civil rights violations relating to his death, her lawyer told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Saturday.
Jeanette Finicum, who has been outspoken in her criticism of the shooting, retained California-based attorney Brian Claypool, who said he plans to sue both the state police and two individual FBI agents over Lavoy Finicum's death on Jan. 26 on a remote stretch of Highway 395 north of Burns.
Claypool, who is also representing Ryan Bundy in the ongoing criminal case over the refuge takeover, said in a statement that his intent to file the lawsuit comes as new evidence has emerged.
"There is now physical evidence (shell casings) that proves that two FBI agents lied during the law enforcement investigation by stating that they did not fire the first shots at Finicum's vehicle," Claypool said. "The US Department of Justice is investigating the two FBI agents for perjury."
Finicum, who had become a spokesman for the self-proclaimed militia group that staged the takeover of the refuge in protest of federal use of public lands, was traveling with several other key figures from the standoff on the day of the shooting en route to a community meeting 100 miles north of the refuge in John Day.
Finicum was driving a truck that carried carried Ryan C. Bundy, 43; Ryan W. Payne, 32; Shawna Cox, 59; and Victoria Sharp, 18. In the Jeep behind them was driver Mark McConnell, 37, Brian D. Cavalier, 44, and Ammon Bundy, 40, the public face of the occupation.
The occupiers had been moving without police interference between the refuge and Burns, even attending a county-sponsored community meeting at Burns High School a week before the shooting, but that day state police and FBI agents attempted to pull over both vehicles.
Finicum nearly ran over an FBI agent before stalling in a roadside snowbank as he attempted to elude the roadblock set up by law enforcement officials. Officer statements and cellphone video taken by Cox from inside the truck showed that Finicum repeatedly ignored police orders, first at the traffic stop and then after he crashed trying to get around the officers.
Officers repeatedly ordered Finicum to get on the ground after he got out of the truck, according to the video shot by Cox. An investigation found that Finicum first faced a state trooper taking cover in nearby trees, then turned toward two troopers advancing from the highway.
Those two state troopers fired when Finicum turned back toward the trooper in the trees while reaching for a loaded 9 mm Ruger semi-automatic pistol inside his jacket, investigators said. He died at the scene.
Prosecutors found that state troopers were justified in their use of deadly force against Finicum.
"All six shots fired by the Oregon State Police, the three into the truck and the three that struck Mr. Finicum, are justified," said Malheur County District Attorney Dan Norris. The shots were "in fact, necessary," he said.
But five unnamed FBI agents have since come under investigation by the Department of Justice after one of them allegedly lied about firing twice at Finicum and the four others were accused of helping to cover it up afterward.
Ryan Bundy was wounded — with his supporters claiming a bullet lodged in his arm, where it remains — at some point during the shooting, but who fired the shot that wounded him or if he was wounded by shrapnel remains unclear.
The investigation into the FBI's role in the incident has fueled conspiracy theories over Finicum's death, which Claypool described as "motivated by political reasons."
Finicum's family said in a statement after the shooting that he was "executed in cold blood" and accused law enforcement of deliberately misleading the public about what happened. His widow, Jeanette Finicum, echoed their sentiment.
"My husband was murdered," she said in a statement.
Claypool said, although a lawsuit had not been filed yet, Finicum's family would be moving forward with the claim "with 100 percent certainty." Claypool said more details on the suit would be revealed at a press conference in late September.
The Oregonian/OregonLive reporter Les Zaitz contributed to this report.
— Kale Williams 503-294-4048
(Can't post the pics, too many spaces.)
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