We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

This is my personal belief and not the official stance of WTPUSA.

I'll let you in on something, I personally am a firm believer in getting the 14th,16th, & 17th amendments repealed. I see that as the necessary start to restoring the Constitutional requirements the Founders put in place when they designed the Constitution. Here's why; The 14th although it was meant to be the vehicle that allowed the freed slaves to have citizenship and voting rights had a time bomb contained within it. That time bomb was the Words "No State Shall" Those three words flipped the Constitution from a control on the Federal Government by the States as was intended into the States being controlled by the Federal Government.

 It may sound crazy but I believe the same faction that wanted to make George Washington King since they saw themselves as the new American Lords, remained as a hidden faction and had quite a bit to do with the wording of the 14th,16th,17th as well as becoming the original "Democratic Republican Party" The modern Republicans split off prior to the Civil War over the slavery issue which they were against.

They (lets call them by their current name, Elitist/Progressive/Socialists, in short Progressives) had to accomplish much more than that to bring us to this point in history they had to find a way to circumvent the Constitutional restrictions on gathering money for the Central Federal Government so they could make it grow and that's why they took the money making powers away from the Constitutional appointed controller, the Treasury, and created a private central bank called the Federal Reserve. They still had the problem of the Senators being under the direct control of the State Legislatures they represented so they could bypass that restraint by the 17th amendment and gain power in the Senate (Think Harry Reid) they could use to further weaken the States control over the Federal Government.

That brings us up to now. The 9th & 10th amendments are nullified by the ratification of the 14th. States Rights are almost non-existent. The People have been made subservient to the Government instead of to the Constitution by those three words in the 14th, giving the Federal Government superior and overriding control over the States and the People.

The last ditch effort we have as the People, is the basic get out of jail free card the Founders placed into the Constitution as Article V . Granted this has with only one exception been totally used by the self same Congress to feather their nests, and we can see where that has gotten us. Subsequent Congresses has always spread a whispering campaign that if the States and People should use it, it would destroy the Constitution. What the Hell do people think the successive Congresses have been doing with it?  I believe they say that because they must call one then have no say in what is proposed. They know it will be the downfall of their usurped and stolen powers to control the States and the People.

It will take the People to stand up and DEMAND their State Legislators petition for an Article V amendment proposal convention to reverse the most toxic to freedom amendments those Congresses have laid on us over the years since the 14th was passed.I also feel that We won't have any successes until we regain the Legal upper hand so that Congress can not pass laws nor can SCOTUS override laws that restrict Federal powers and restore the power to the States and the People to control the Federal Government.

We must also beware that the Congress does not do what they did in the 1980's when the Nation was aligned behind a Balanced budget amendment so they passed the Gramm-Rudmann act and SCOTUS allowed it to flourish for just enough time that Public sentiment vanished for an amendment then they declared it unconstitutional.

I know that was long winded, but that is the reason I am trying to unite the various factions, and put up with so much here in hopes to form a unified support for an Article V convention to repeal those three toxic amendments. Be it through a COS, Direct petitioning of the State Legislatures, or a combination of both as the very first order of business we must accomplish in this fight. And, also to get people to fully Vett all the candidates so they can decide who they really want to support in not only the Presidential Election, but in all the other elections.

In my opinion; A predominantly Conservative Congress is the key. After that is done, we will be able to address the other problems the Progressive/Elites have saddled us with.

Finally, if you agree with me please let me know, and if you don't agree please let me know your reasons why.


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I know you have given me OK to share your posts, but this one is your personal belief and so I am letting you know I will be sharing it with family and friends, and on Stop This Insanity site. These original amendments did what they were created for, now they are no longer right for the country, since the reason they were created is no longer true. Trying to change them, though will take a consorted effort by everyone in most of the states.   


I listed that thread as Personal commentary to separate it from being something Official on the site. Those personal feelings are just that and not to be construed as an official WTPUSA stance. Feel Free to spread the thread around.


Understood, and I will present it as such.





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