We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

For the members of We The People I think it would be nice for you to know Pete Santilli who shines the lite on the establishment trolls. He seems to be a Great American.

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Ranchers gather to sign a Declaration , Then have a day of festivities..  

Pete Santilli is not liked by everybody....

People in Burns asking for people to come to burns and protest. This video is Debbie who is Pete`s co anchor on the radio show. This should be listened to. She gives lots of true information. The people of burns are demanding the FBI leave town. And also demanding The Sheriff And the Judge to resign........

I pray that there are many out there willing to come protest.  If I could do so, I'd go. No money, and a hubby that has health problems. I'd be willing to donate some money though if that would help.

While Tyranny has Pete locked up in hopes of controlling the press. Real Patriots do not bow to Tyranny. God bless Deb who picked up the baton of Liberty..Can not wait for Pete to get out.Gee I wonder what kind of Hat he will wear.

Appears that the enemy against us are not going to allow bail. Really?  What next - a surprise jailhouse fight and another murder?  Wouldn't surprise me.

................First they throw him out of meeting for saying How about the Constitution...And now the lock him up on trumped up charges.

You guys are not going to believe this. Rhodes I know you have been following from the beginning...You got to check this out... .Pete is even yelling at the establishment from jail.




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