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Just thought I'd share.  Seems the Dems haven't changed. 2011 or now 2020, same old rotten bunch. But we won and got Scott Walker for 3 terms. Wish we'd done it again this last election for Walker - Evers is worse then Biden or Sanders.   

Subject: James Finn Garner and his Politically Correct Bedtime Stories

On June 26, 2011 I sent a note to this author asking if he'd be willing to let Wis. State Journal print his story "Chicken Little." The reason? Here's my note to him.

' I Found a copy of your book, POLITICALLY CORRECT BEDTIME STORIES; read it and was enchanted. It is so true of current politics even now. One of the stores, "Chicken Little," describes exactly what is happening in Madison, Wi. at this time. Instead of a donkey, Chicken Little could represent the Democratic Party. I Wonder if you would give me permission to send a copy of this story to the local newspaper, Wisconsin State Journal. I Find it so Appropriate. We have Democrats running away to Illinois (The sky is falling) and then suing because their partisan Supreme Court Justice candidate was beat and so they called for a recount. Then they recalled 6 GOP Senators for passing a bill, and the GOP recalled 3 Democrats for running away. "Foxy Loxy" is working overtime to stop the recalls, to stop the Supreme Court, to stop the Collective Bargaining law from being enacted. Sounds just like your Chicken Little story. Sue, sue, sue; then counter sue, sue, sue.'

I got an OK from the author and sent a note to your newspaper, never heard back, though. Anyway, I'm trying again, because what is going on right now is just a rerun of 3022. Enough already.

Virginia Foulk  

6852 Carpenter Rd

Mazomanie, WI 53560


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I feel most of the MSM rhetoric and the political stories we hear are specifically planned propaganda to divert out attention from the truly crucial political actions that are taking place behind the curtain. We are at a severe disadvantage at this point because we have just started to fight against a system that has been secretly attacking us for almost 100 years. 

Political Correctness has always been weaponized against our stated principles of Equal Justice, Free Speech, Personal Liberty, and Self Government. The powers that be have been against that last principle from the start of America. They have been since our making it work has shattered their control and they want it back. ERGO the ideology of a New World Order that regresses humanity back to the political dark ages where it was rule by force instead of rule by Law and consent of the ruled.




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