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Ted Cruz 'Very Likely to Win This Whole Thing'

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz will parlay his Iowa caucus win into South Carolina, political analyst Dick Morris tells Newsmax TV.

"Cruz is very likely to win this whole thing," Morris said in post-caucus coverage Monday night. "He's going to go into New Hampshire with a great deal of momentum coming from Iowa, and [Donald] Trump has been proven fallible. He's been proven not immortal, and I think it's going to be a very tight three-way race in New Hampshire."

New Hampshire will be a toss-up between Cruz, real-estate mogul Trump and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Morris said.

"South Carolina, Cruz is going to win," he said. "The evangelical vote, the conservative vote will line up for him and he'll win South Carolina fairly handily."
At that point, Cruz will ride a wave to the SEC Primary on March 1 where he'll take his home state of Texas and capture all 152 delegates.
Cruz also will sweep Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, North Carolina and Virginia on the same day, he said. 

"Cruz will defeat Rubio, and [Jeb] Bush for what it's worth, in Florida and the game will be over, he said.

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Hillary's Campaign Chair: Ted Cruz, Not Trump, Will Be the GOP Nominee


Hillary's Campaign Chair: Ted Cruz, Not Trump, Will Be the GOP Nominee

Donald Trump may be at the top of the polls but John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman says that Ted Cruz is the most likely person to win the GOP nomination.

During a private fundraising event in Berkeley, California, Podesta told a crowd of 90 Democratic donors that Trump would be his second pick for the nomination, followed by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

Really , you don't mind the dirty tricks?

Supporting Cruz with this is so much easier then supporting Clinton as 150 FBI agents prepare for her criminal incitement on crimes against the United States of America. I don't think Cruz even broke a law according to the guest Judge on CNN. 

DV,,I do appreciate the fact that you  announced when you changed your mind about Trump...you announced it and got behind Cruz. ( I know we both loved Cruz anyways )..that took guts to do...I announced it when I found Trump to be a democrat in sheep's clothing...after awhile most folks realize what Trump is..Nationally his numbers are falling...Cruz is bringing out folks from all over this nation to not only vote for him...but to also work for free to get him elected...I recognize the character in the man...He is a modern day version of David in battle with a goliath  media and establishment and the FNC..and the RNC..And that little sling shot is bringing them down ...one by one..with the blessing of God Almighty...I am just proud to work for him in my own small way...The big donors are coming on board now and putting up matching funds for all who donate...I am by no means a wealthy widow but I dug deep and made another extra donation...to get it matched.....

Unfortunately I have given him a max donation already but I would give more if I was allowed.

3750.00 to cover me and my wife 

Charles...my daughter called and said that the Rubio campaigne leaked this to CNN ..according to CNN...I have not checked as yet...but would not be surprised if this is true...

Here is the tweet from the Rubio staffer that CNN reported about on air. 

Looks like Rubio started the ball rolling not Cruz. 

Icon for Post #141538

According to a new ARG poll out of New Hampshire that occurred after the Iowa Caucuses, Trump’s lead isn’t in any danger. However 2nd place is a different...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3zEh4ziFW

Thanks DV...I posted this on TPN as well.....:)

According to a new ARG poll out of New Hampshire that occurred after the Iowa Caucuses, Trump’s lead isn’t in any danger. However 2nd place is a different story, with Rubio, Kasich and Cruz all within one point of each other:


So it looks like next Tuesday is going to be all about the race for second place if this poll isn’t too far off. Most polls these days show Trump leading by very significant margins, but I wanted to wait until one came out that occurred after Iowa, to see if it had any impact. Doesn’t look like too much based on this poll.

Here’s the lowdown:

Sample Size: 418 completed telephone interviews among a random sample of likely Republican primary voters living in New Hampshire (264 Republicans and 154 undeclared voters (independents)).

Sample Dates: February 2-3, 2016

Margin of Error: ± 5 percentage points, 95% of the time, on questions where opinion is evenly split.

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/new-post-iowa-new-hampshire-poll-shows-its...

Don't care so much about the polls, just want to see results. Feb. 18, will find out what Wisconsin GOP will do.  Then onward and upward. I will support the nominee but sure hope that the GOP does not use their brokered plans. 

Steve king is involved too. Seems crusty & bush have joined hands now against Rubio. So who is the real

Republican't party pick?

So guess the demoncratz aren't the only dirty tricksters .




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