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From: TeaPartyTown.us ConservativeNews - February 5,2016

  'gotnews' - February 3, 2016 -  BY CHARLES JOHNSON (See Link)


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Thanks For this article. The more information gathered the better the choice of for whom to vote.

Thanks for the information. Everyone bit helps.

Interesting article for what it is worth, but it doesn't change my opinion on supporting Cruz. As for him betting on long shots, he joins the crowd of a lot of foolish betters, I choose to bet my money on sound facts not I like the color to the horse or they are a school buddy.

Jack I can see you are going to be so disappointed when Cruz is POTUS. 

Not disappointed DV, I would be surprised that he even was able to get the nomination let alone win the general election. My disappointment in Cruz as POTUS is the opportunity we missed to make a difference in how are government functions and to start to ball rolling in the right direction. However, DV I am still of the opinion Cruz will not even be in the starting gate for the general election, therefore, no concerns about him getting the job. I am still trying to find a logical path for Cruz through the primaries.

The only candidate that can talk about restoring the economy and jobs has not been invited to the debate today, none of the top three candidates have a clue how to fix the economy or jobs. The jobs fix requires the economy to be fixed first and the economy fix is knowledge of technology, a skill most people lack and most of our politicians, if not all. Trump didn't lose the Iowa caucus but thank GOD he did or we would have nothing to look forward to.  

Jack, I suspect you believe that Carly Farina just might be the one who could help fix the economy. That just might be something one of the other candidates should consider. Not has VP, but in some other capacity - that would be crucial to working within the banking, jobs programs or such. Just a thought.

that would depend on who would be sitting in the Oval Office. She would not be effective if she can't explain what policies need to be adopted that her boss could understand. I can't see Carly explaining technical issues to Trump or Cruz and a light bulb lighting up in their head. You have to have some understanding of the subject before you can even begin to comprehend the solution.

One thing really strikes me .Why are the talking heads picking on Rubio for saying Obama knows exactly what he is doing. He says Obama has an agenda to take America down. I think Marco is right. And I am not in any way a supporter of his.The others except Trump think Obama is just ignorant or stupid. Obama does know what he is doing. I find it odd...Let me fix what I just said. Most of the candidates think Obama does what he does by design.Why the frig does the media feel he is of base for saying that.All media is saying same...Maybe Rubio deserves another look IDK. But if the Media attack him,that tells me something.

the media is playing into the hands of the republican candidates who are trying to keep Rubio and Cruz as legitimate candidates for the reason they are first time senators and they use that to compare to Obama as a first-time senator getting to the WH. The media is just playing the song the republicans want to hear. They are not driving the discussion the candidates are driving the discussion.

So, You are saying the media is on the up and up ?

no, I am just saying the republican candidates are giving the media exactly what they want, to use every available moment to make the republicans look foolish no matter who the candidate might end up being, setting the stage for the general election coverage.




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