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From: TeaPartyTown.us ConservativeNews - February 5,2016

  'gotnews' - February 3, 2016 -  BY CHARLES JOHNSON (See Link)


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Families victimized by illegals vow to block pro-immigration candidates, 'You will never occupy Oval Office'
The families of 30 Americans raped, tortured and murdered by alleged illegal immigrants are urging Republican voters ahead of Super Tuesday to reject Sen. Marco Rubio or any presidential candidate who isn't strong on protecting the country from undocumented criminals.

"We do not want other families to die at the hands of illegal aliens. We want to end the massacre of innocents in exchange for enriching open border self-interest cartels. We are pleading with the Republican voter: Reject Rubio," said the 30 in an open letter to Republicans from The Remembrance Project, formed in 2009 to honor those killed by illegals.

Fears of Trump as Fascist
Echo Similar Warnings
Against Ronald Reagan

How panicked should we be about the rise of Donald Trump? A professor at Harvard, Danielle Allen, recently published a widely shared op-ed piece in the Washington Post likening his rise to that of Hitler in Germany.


Marco Rubio-led Senate national security group seldom meets
Since March 2013, Sen. Marco Rubio has co-chaired a Senate arms control task force that has met only three times, yet his office has accepted each year a $100,000 reimbursement for the costs of staffing the group.
That's establishment!

knowledge and information don't come cheap! If we want to have some knowledge about national security other than what the administration feed us you have to spend the money by getting expert advice where ever you can find it knowing full well this advice will be outdated.

The Tea-Party Warriors Who Are Now ‘Establishment Republicans’

A specter is haunting the conservative movement. From the dark underbelly of corrupt Washington, D.C., an unyielding “Republican establishment” has come out to feast upon the mutilated corpses of Reagan, Goldwater, and Buckley. The smarmy hucksters who make up its rank are masters of disguise: During the day, they insist that they represent the great silent majority of conservative Americans; at night, they prove that they’re in it only for the money, the power, and the Georgetown social scene. The monsters have names — such as Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Nikki Haley, Trey Gowdy, Mike Lee, and . . . wait, what?
 So was trey gowdies attack on hill/benghazi just smoke?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/429972/tea-party-republicans-...

Great truth in what Charles Royer is asserting. As an example, visit any number of sites who label themselves as aligned w/conservatism and the tea party and you will read a torrent of frenzied abuse and contempt directed not only at Trump but at every issue he supports.

It should always be kept in mind that politics has always been a low calling that attracts the corrupt, dishonest and venal. What they say is meaningless; instead like Dracula's Igor, it's what they do.


I fear Trump because of his track record and long term friendship with Hillary. Trump to me is a Liberal in a Conservative mask. Like I said elsewhere I predict if Trump runs against Hillary Hillary will win. If Trump runs against Sanders Trump will win. If Trump does not get the nod from the GOP he will go Third Party and Hillary oe Sanders will win depending on who gets the Dems nod. This seems like a highly constructed plan to place another Liberal in the White House. 

What we should be doing is uniting to push the Conservatives running for Congress and hopefully get a stronger majority that could overrule a Presidential Veto.We need to unseat the likes of Pelosi and her Ilk in both houses. Fortunately it looks like Boxer and Reid are not going to run, and McCain is getting drubbed and probably will not be reelected.

Before he was against him! Guess LDSers can lie as good as anybody!

Romney asserts that Trump ain't a conservative.

Er.........................since Romney knows absolutely squat about conservatism, how would he know??????????

Exclusive: Koch brothers will not use funds to try to block Trump nomination
The Koch brothers, the most powerful conservative mega donors in the United States, will not use their $400 million political arsenal to try to block Republican front-runner Donald Trump's path to the presidential nomination, a spokesman told Reuters on Wednesday.

Thank goodness for that. My niece worked for the Koch brothers in Kansas - she really liked them and the company. Unfortunately, her husband had a problem - so she left him and came back here to Wi.  But she has nothing but praise for the Koch brothers and the company where she worked.  

the plan is to let Trump be killed in the general election, why to waste good money to keep him from getting the nomination. 




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