Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
From: ConservativeNews - February 5,2016
'gotnews' - February 3, 2016 - BY CHARLES JOHNSON (See Link)
Jack Ludwig w/respect.
Suggest you try getting real before the Nov. election. Your compulsive and chronic kvetching about Trump reminds of a nagging spinster aunt. Home truth is real simple. What voters want is the end to the R establishment which has resisted any fundamental change. Exit polls have delivered this thundering message over and over again. So much so, that the D's have become aware and a bit fretful.Trump is an agent of change, a symbol. Hence his appeal transcends etiquette and manners, good breeding, correct grammar and syntax, as well as proper schooling; all the traits of the effete and constipated schmucks; such as the Bushes and Romney; who have been the eternal face of the GOP.
As for the Harridan, she will need a new rear end after Trump is done w/her. Bet the farm!!!!!
TVC I am not the one who has to get real before November. Check the numbers! Yes there is a large group of voters that are sick of the politics as usual and cling to Trump as the solution, about 35% and then there is 65% of the electorate who have no stomach for Trump and guess what, that 35% will get you the nomination every time. However, come the general election time, Trump will be standing with a lot fewer supporters needed to win the general election. It won't matter who he will be facing, he is done as a presidential candidate. If I were you I would hold off making any bets, especially the farm!
Ok. Speaking of numbers, lets try some 2nd grade arithmetic which shouldn't be too tuff.
Your 35% pro-Trump and 65% anti-Trump vote comprises 60% of the electorate which breaks down into 21% and 39% respectively of the total. The balance is the 40% who have dropped out of the voting cycle.
Gallup, arguably the most reputable of pollsters, has confirmed in preliminary data; that Trump has made continuing inroads among this 40%, which is a major reason for the expansion of the R vote. Agreed, we shall see whether they vote in November, yet the trend is positive and building. .
But, hey, don't allow any figures or facts to muddle your visceral animus toward Trump. Always assume the worst case scenario for him, if it makes you feel better, and stay enlightened; just like the R establishment.
well TVC you left out one important fact, of the 39% of the electorate very few of them will ever vote for Trump, I would say he might get 3%, so 36% seems to beat 24% using 2nd-grade math. Let's also be clear, I have no personal hatred of Trump, I just don't want to see America destroyed which he will do.
What was the" Reagan silent majority" break down.Look At the numbers Trump is drawing out to vote.JMO.
it would be difficult to define that number because it is difficult to define a Reagan democrat. But for the sake of this discussion I will give you that Trump is getting the lion share of that vote. As I said earlier Trump is getting his fair share of every demographic but combined it doesn't add up to those who will vote against him and, more importantly, those that stay home.
I think you pegged it Jack, I have always felt that Trump is doing the same type of crap that Perot did to get Billy elected twice.
M Trump would have gladly gone away much sooner if so many republicans didn't support him. It is hard to blame them because they were fooled by the glitter of Trump. I know the man and have been around him for most of his career and know who the guy really is, so I am not easily fooled. There are plenty of people high up on the GOP power structure that knows as much as I do and more, so you would think they would have the smarts to maneuver Trump out of the way. When you are slow to react to problems you must accept the penalty that comes with that lack of response. The GOP knows they must give up the bid for the WH this term to save their party.
I personally think that it's Rove's arrogance and influence that has just about destroyed the GOP and the conservative cause through his penchant for chastisement and retribution far beyond any rational reasoning against anyone who dares to question him. Rove's been that way since his college years. I hold Rove personally responsible for the 2012 fiasco since he was the power behind the Establishment GOP and seemingly still is. Nuff said about that.
Our clear and present danger is and remains focusing on only the Presidential Election and basically ignoring the Congressional and State Legislature Elections. As I see it everyone has been bluffed by too many years of unbridled Progressiveism into believing the President has supreme authority. Of course this has been enhanced by Congresses lack of doing their jobs for the last hundred years or so and allowing what Fearless Leader er the President wants or does.
The GOP is not holding the President in check to the Enumerated Constitutional Duties required of the President, and/or insuring they are carried out satisfactorily by the holder of that office. Consider that the GOP is and has remained mostly passive and in almost complete dis-unity for the 2016 campaign and you will see why the people themselves must focus on the other elections, Congressional, State, and Local. Not because they do or do not support Trump. Not because the Democrats will move Hell and High Water to put Hillary on the ticket.
But,simply because it is the only chance the people have of being properly represented in Government regardless of who becomes President. The people will desperately need a buffer zone between whoever becomes President, that President's agendas, and the peoples wishes for how America will proceed.
It will also give the people time to regroup and put proper Constitutional checks back on the runaway powers usurped from the People and the States over the last 150 years.
As to your assumption that the GOP realizes that they need to give up the White House this term to save the party, I say if they do that they will not only lose their Party, but will lose the Country in the process to full blown Liberalism/Socialism/Progressivism. In effect the NWO!
Hey M, I liked Perot - really disliked both Clinton and Bush.
Anyway, you are correct- the GOP will kill any chance of Congress becoming a detriment to the President. and we will lose everything this country upon which America was founded.
Scary isn't it, but I will not give up. Wish I could do more.
While I do fear Trump I do listen to Bill Bennett and he seems to have a balanced response to politics from a decidedly conservative viewpoint. This is what he said about the Trump Candidacy, and if Trump would come out and declare he is definitely going to do these things, it would ease my mind somewhat about Trump.
What do you think about this?
Bill Bennett's Morning in AmericaA fast-paced, eye-opening morning show featuring intelligent conversation with top guests from the worlds of politics, media, sports and entertainment.
They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don't be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few. It's about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one.
It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich — everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media, and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened like never before.
Donald Trump can self-fund. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business, and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart. It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the “old boys club.” They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations . . . like Big Pharma or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock, stock and barrel by foreigners, like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments that own Hillary with their Clinton Foundation donations.
These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there’s one man who isn’t beholden to anyone. There’s one man who doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the teachers’ union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the Bar Association to fund his campaign. Billionaire tycoon and maverick Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help. That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat to those people. Trump can ruin everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slave masters.
Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Don’t you wonder why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama? Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the purse strings, yet has never tried to defund Obamacare or Obama’s clearly illegal executive action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right? First, I’d guess many key Republicans are being bribed. Secondly, I believe many key Republicans are being blackmailed. Whether they are having affairs, or secretly gay, or stealing taxpayer money, the National Security Agency knows everything.
Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government even knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account. The NSA, the SEC, the IRS, and all the other three-letter government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. They surveil everything. Thirdly, many Republicans are petrified of being called “racists” . . . so they are scared to ever criticize Obama or call out his crimes, let alone demand his impeachment. Fourth , why rock the boat? After defeat or retirement, if you’re a “good boy,” you’ve got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job waiting. The big-money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose, they win.
But Trump doesn’t play by any of these rules. Trump breaks up this nice, cozy relationship between big government, big media, and big business. All the rules are out the window if Trump wins the Presidency. The other politicians will protect Obama and his aides — but not Trump. Remember: Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama’s birth certificate. He questioned Obama’s college records and how a mediocre student got into an Ivy League university. Now, he’s doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do. He’s questioning our relationship with Mexico; he’s questioning why the border is wide open; he’s questioning why no wall has been built across the border; he’s questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America is in our best interests; he’s questioning why so many illegal aliens commit violent crimes, yet are not deported; and he’s questioning why our trade deals with Mexico, Russia and China are so bad.
Trump has the audacity to ask out loud why American workers always get the short end of the stick. Good question! I’m certain Trump will question what happened to the almost billion dollars given in a rigged no-bid contract to college friends of Michelle Obama at foreign companies to build the defective Obamacare website. By the way, that tab is now up to $5 billion. Trump will ask if Obamacare’s architects can be charged with fraud for selling it by lying. Trump will investigate Obama’s widespread IRS conspiracy, not to mention Obama’s college records. Trump will prosecute Clinton and Obama for fraud committed to cover up Benghazi before the election. How about the fraud committed by employees of the Labor Department when they made up dramatic job numbers in the last jobs report before the 2012 election?
Obama, the multinational corporations, and the media need to stop Trump. They recognize this could get out of control. If left unchecked, telling the raw truth and asking questions everyone else is afraid to ask, Trump could wake a sleeping giant. Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes. No one else but Trump would dare to prosecute. He will not hesitate. Once Trump gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. The goose is cooked. Holder could wind up in prison. Jarrett could wind up in prison. Obama bundler Corzine could wind up in prison for losing $1.5 billion of customer money. Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails, or for accepting bribes from foreign governments while Secretary of State, or for “misplacing” $6 billion as the head of the State Department, or for lying about Benghazi . The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison.
Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. And Obama himself could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters. Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after everyone involved. That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. Yes, it’s become open season on Donald Trump. The left and the right are determined to attack his policies, harm his businesses, and, ........... But they can’t silence him. And they sure can’t intimidate him. The more they try, the more the public will realize that he’s the one telling the truth.
What he said!
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