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From: TeaPartyTown.us ConservativeNews - February 5,2016

  'gotnews' - February 3, 2016 -  BY CHARLES JOHNSON (See Link)


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gamblers make their money on either side of the odds TVC, if the odds are even that Trump wins the general election the big money winners will be on the other side of that bet. I never bet the odds or do professional gamblers, we bet where the percentage of winning will be. It is highly unlikely Trump will win the general election. It is also highly unlikely he will have a large turnout of voters for him. You can go and play the house odds all you want, I plan to bet where there is more sound return for my wager. I also pray I am right not for the sake of picking up a few bucks but for the sake of the country.

weapons in the wrong hands can be dangerous, hands are the keyword, someone is using the weapon.

Replying back to Jack, your mention of where were the 15 million voters that didn't vote/ Well, even though I voted for Romney, many of those I heard from did not bother to vote. They thought (like I did) that he was not a strong enough person to take over the Presidential seat and fix what was needed.  They just did not believe in him.  And that is why even my husband (who did not vote for Romney) now is going to vote for Trump. Right or wrong, he will not bend. At least that is what we'd like to believe. And that he will honor his commitments to America. #1, remove most of Obama's EOs.

Virgina I am sure your husband is sincere about voting for Trump but I can assure you there are millions of republicans who will not dare vote for Trump and that will kill his chances of ever winning the election.

A look in the rear view mirror?
We’ve seen this movie before
Every presidential cycle, the mainstream media select our candidate for us.

Dole was the sane candidate, superior to the crazies. McCain was the “maverick,” whose adoration was sung by all the liberals. Romney was the class of the field, otherwise dominated by ideological purists.

But this presidential election is like no other. This time, the MSM are corralling us by giving one man unlimited air time – as much as he wants – and creating the meme that he is untouchable. That he can do anything and say anything, and they can’t touch him. In truth, it isn’t that they can’t touch him, but that they won’t touch him. At least not until he’s declared the nominee. Or haven’t you already seen this movie?

So this time, it’s not that they endorse Trump, as they did McCain and Dole, but that their hands-off policy gives the false impression that they can’t touch him. But in fact, they’re simply leaving him stand while he soaks up the votes of all the flyover rubes the MSM have been ridiculing for decades. These patsies are buying the snake oil Professor Marvel is selling, so why upset a good thing? He could, in his words, “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters.” Because the MSM are treating his gaffes as they did Bill Clinton’s – not as something to be excoriated, but rather as something to be admired for his ability to get away with them.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/03/weve_seen_this_movie_be...
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Are they really that smart?


Ain't they doing the same for Hillary? Why haven't indictments been charged over the Private server and e-mails? I'll answer that with a euphemism; The Devil protects his own as long as they serve his purpose.

Exactly the point.we need a real shakeup, helter shelter style. Any chance of that coming from Rubio,cruz or Willard? I DON"T think so.

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza said his upcoming film about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is going to result in a lifelong prison sentence.

D’Souza said he was locked up for 8 months in a “federal confinement center” for a “relatively minor campaign finance infraction” following the release of his film, 2016, about President Obama.

“If that film got me eight months in the slammer, this new movie is going to earn me life in prison,” he said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “It’s time to take the gloves off.”

D’Souza described the film, Hillary’s America, as a sordid history of the Democratic Party from the very beginning all the way through Hillary Clinton.
D'Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’

One thing he left out was that it was the Democrats that helped the fledgling KKK and protected them until the Kennedy administration.

Niel Who?
Neil Bush, Jeb's brother, joins Ted Cruz's finance team
After Neil Bush was banned from banking activities for his role in the Savings and Loan scandal in the late 1980s, he decided to bank on education and founded Ignite Incorporated. Ignite sells software to help students prepare to take comprehensive tests required under the No Child Left Behind act that was pushed through by Neil’s older brother–President Bush. [includes transcript]

Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry and President George W Bush have quite a few things in common. They both went to Yale. They are both members of the Skull and Bones society. Bush invaded Iraq and Kerry supported him. The President proposed the Patriot Act, Kerry voted for it. Bush pushed through the No Child Left Behind Act and John Kerry voted for that as well. In fact the things that united Kerry with Bush were the major points of contention with his former rival Gov. Howard Dean. Today on the program, we are going to take an extensive look at one of these: No Child Left Behind.
The return of Neil Bush
Even in the Great Recession, the dim bulb of a dynasty manages to cash in on the family name
He travels far in search of deals. As the chairman of Houston-based TX Oil, Neil met with Turkmenistan’s crackpot Stalinist dictator, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, in an effort to gain offshore oil concessions in the Caspian Sea. The tightly controlled state media claimed that he brought a letter from former President George H.W. Bush wishing “sound health and successes” to Berdymukhammedov, and thanking him for inviting Neil “to your beautiful country and for receiving him personally despite your heavy work load.”
In November 2010, Neil returned to the country for the Turkmenistan International Oil and Gas Conference, and TX Oil hosted the event’s closing cocktail party. “The oil business is in the Bush family bloodline,” he declared, according to an account in an energy industry publication, Nefte Compass.




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