Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
The FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was originally formed to combat organized crime, the gangsters of the 1920's, the Mafia, and foreign spies during WWII and the cold war. Under clinton and obama it would be more appropriate to call it the Federal Bureau of Ambush and Murder since ambushing and murdering patriots is what they now do. They no longer investigate anything but instead have become the SS of the demokrat party, ambushing and killing people that stand up against the tyranny of the federal government. Waco, Texas was an assault on and murder of people who had done no harm nor posed any threat to anything but government tyranny. Clinton sent in heavily armed SS troops to Waco, Texas to murder nearly 100 people, mostly women and children, even using an armored vehicle, more precisely, an Abrams tank, to attack a shanty occupied by a Christian cult that posed no threat to anyone. Then he sicced his attack dogs on the Weaver family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, murdering a child and a woman armed only with an infant, all to prove that the federal government answers not to God, the Constitution, or We the People, but only to a lust for absolute power and murder of citizens. Now we have seen the murder of Robert Lavoy Finicum in Burns, Oregon, likely on orders from fuhrer obama, because he helped organize a protest against the unlawful seizure of private property by the tyrannical bureaucrats of the Bureau of Land Management, a gang of thugs who also answer only to a lust for power.
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Mr. Russell, You my friend have a pretty good grip on the truth of this. Obama and the Clinton`s have much blood on their hands. There are a few Republicans that are guilty of the progression of the NWO. It is all the elite Bankers who run things, They have used big Corp. and Certain career type greedy Politicians to promote their vision. A long the way a few local small time politicians have put their greedy grubs in the pot and screwed things up for the Bilderberg crew. The judge in Harney County who controls so much has opened the door of truth. These little greedy slugs have ruined thins for the Clintons and Reid who were getting rich of the backs of the BLM. These little slugs ( SHERIFF AND JUDGE ) if they are lucky will see the bottom of the bus. But if I were them I would be careful. They will find a bullet and the FBI will blame it on hostile constitutional terrorists. And then watch the MSM sell that narrative.Yup, Same old shit different fly`s...And all the little people will go Oh My.
Kevin, thanks. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the truth, only a willingness to see it. Obama and his ilk aren't even trying to disguise their now plans. they have moved on to blatant "in your face, what are you going to do about it" open warfare against liberty loving Americans. I believe open warfare is on our doorsteps and this will only escalate as more patriots stand up because they can no longer deny the reality. I expect them to come after me any time. I am disabled from a stroke but I won't cower from my duty as an American citizen and the oath I took as an Army soldier in 1968.
Bob , Keep God in your Heart . As far as what to do . Have faith.Faith that there are Good Man in the LIberty Movement. Lavoy was just one of many. Lavoy`s death should be used to bring attention to many. Use your prayers to get answer of how you are to help move the Liberty movement. I do not know what my next move should be .But my faith will guide me.I have never felt the Holy spirit more than I have felt it since joining in the Liberty movement as an individual. I have no one that tells me what to do. One thing we do not want to do. Give Obama the platform or the event that gives him the right to call for Marshall law. I have to have Faith in the Oath Keepers in that regard. What I do for now is just beat the Truth Drum of Liberty.My mission is a teaching mission. The heads of many are stuck in the sand I will swim through the name calling and the lie`s .to get the truth out. This I know is what I am to do.Constantly leaning on God to show me the way...As far as them coming to get you because you speak out. I would say they have bigger worries than you. I personally figure they might have my profiled as a terrorist. But there are many. Hey if they come get you maybe we will bunk together. LOL. In a serious note. You must decide were you draw your line in the sand. My line has been drawn and I think you know were it is. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH. I am all in. The same as Lavoy has been for years now.
Kevin, I lean on and am guided by God constantly. He has given me the ability to write and guides me in everything I pen. God is the author, I am merely the scribe. This article is intended to bring attention to many and to honor God and the life of Lavoy Finicum. I am sure I am also labeled as a terrorist although I am no more than a patriot with no violent intentions and a very small and rather insignificant player in the liberty movement but everyone is needed regardless of their significance. I don't know what my next move is either, other than listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as you mentioned. Obama doesn't need us to give him a reason to declare martial law, he will create his own lame excuse and do it but that will be his downfall as the military will likely rise up against him when he orders them to begin killing their own families and neighbors. that is why Obama has armed bureaucrats and drug cartels within our borders and is importing moslem terrorists. war is coming to our streets, I believe it will happen in the summer, or fall at the latest. I know I am small potatoes to them but they will get headed in my direction eventually. When God completes my healing I will be a higher priority than I am now but I am a threat to tyranny now because of the number of people who read the articles and the light comes on for them. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH is also my motto and I am doing what I can to continue to live by it. Keep the faith and keep up the good work. God bless you and God bless America!!!!!
Bob , If the Tyrants gather us up. I will pray to be bunked near you and other good Patriots.I think I will open the eyes to the Government news Corps. so maybe some will be able to see through their lie`s.
The whole Liberal News ,Left wing news ,Right wing News. Is just the orchestrated propaganda of the good cop bad cop type of strategy...That is excepted by those who fall for that disguise The masses figure they are so smart to figure it out. In reality ,it is blind ignorance on the part of the masses. But a very shifty smart ploy by the devious Bilderbergers.
What "right wing news"? if you are talking about fox, they are no more right wing than I am 10 feet tall. they are part of the lame stream media, just sneakier!!!!!
They will have to kill me and I will come back as part of the army of saints Jesus brings with him.
I am with you on that one Bobby boy. Jesus is my General.
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