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The media asks will Trumps voters come out to vote!?

The media asks will Trumps voters come out to vote!?


I read an article a few days ago about Trump voters, in it they pointed out 10% of democrats where reregistering as republicans to vote for Trump. The article was strongly biased as it spun the data to suggest Trumps support was coming from these democrats and begged the question "will they actually show up to vote?"
As it turned out in the fine print at the bottom Trump is garnering over 40% of these voters but Trump is also in the 30% in every conservative group. Which means Trumps support is broad based and not isolated to these democrats who have crossed over to the GOP.
As I read the article I wondered why they where not pondering that with such a large number of democrats changing from democrat to republican for this election how it would effect democrat candidates instead of questioning weather they would actually come out and vote for republicans. It seems to me some one willing to go to the court house and change party affiliation are energized to vote or they would not have made the effort. This was likely just a democrat thinking someone who has been a democrat will decide not to come to the polls. LOL
Polling data suggests we are seeing a sea change in minority voting patterns and this shift to the GOP is coming from that group or at least a large percentage of it in any case. The media seems to be telling this group to stop Trumps a bigot but they don't seem to care. If I was a democrat this would scare me to death but the media remain content on telling everyone to stop play nice and let us tell you who you want to vote for.
Then today I see the headline: 
Democrats unsure Hillary Clinton can beat Donald Trump in general election
Even though the article makes every effort to suggest Hillary is worth voting for at least it scratched on the idea that Trump can win and become POTUS. I think as time goes by this narrative is very likely to grow in stature. 

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My very first time to vote in Wisconsin, I did not register.as any party. And, we could vote in either party, even during the primary. A few years later, both parties attacked that system. Then we had to vote straight ticket during the primaries. Really made me angry, because I liked some candidates in both parties - for different positions. So had to vote for the one I felt most strongly to vote for, and hope that the other candidate(s) I liked still got in for the primary.

That is why I never joined either party - until Ross Perot came along. And I'm still holding off on the Tea Party - because it is part of the GOP.  

My take on this? These Democrats who are changing party designations, will come out and vote for Trump - unless he does something really dumb and dangerous.


Many years ago I was like you voting both sides of the isle but those days are gone. The democrats have been running much to far to the left for me to vote for one. In fact the party has become so progressive that moderate democrats now run as republican.
We now call those moderate democrats RINO's so for me it all about the GOP primary, you have a choice between a conservative which gets my vote a center right candidate or a center left candidate. By the time you get to the general election you have one of the above running against a socialist in the democrat party and regardless of the label progressive or socialist I could never vote for one. So I will even vote for the RINO before I vote democrat. At least the RINO is center left and not a socialist. 

DV, the democrat party leaders or the republican party leaders never lose sight of their voter headcount. Every political writer or pollster just guess at what the public mood is on every election. That's why you get a wide range of opinion from the MSM and the polling numbers on a regular basis that never seem to accurately reflect how the election will likely turn out. Selecting my candidate I basically look for the person who I think has the best chance of winning based on their positions on issues as it relates to the mood of the general public as I perceive and I pay little to no attention to polling numbers or political opinions by paid writers or political operatives. Those sources have the least knowledge of the possible outcome.

Jack you said:

"I basically look for the person who I think has the best chance of winning based on their positions on issues"

Unlike you I vote for the candidate that most represents me and my views in the primary and until a few years ago would not vote for a candidate in the general if they did not represent my views to a large degree. However I decided it is better to vote for the GOP candidate even if hes not my choice from here on in. I came to the conclusion its better to have a RINO then a democrat so I will skip no more candidates on election day and will just vote the party line even if I have to hold my nose on a few. LOL

I understand DV, but it does little good to vote for a candidate who has little chance of winning. It has always been my position to cast a vote for someone even if I don't agree with all of the positions because I feel there is always the better choice in any election although it may not be what I consider the best. Not voting is the same as saying I don't care and therefore, give up all my opinion until the next election. I have always found someone to support from the republican side my entire voting history. This election may be the first time I will consider a democrat should one candidate get the nomination. Not only will I vote for a democrat but I will work to move every republican I can to vote democrat for the sake of the country.

As for "it does little good to vote for a candidate who has little chance of winning," by whose standards. No, Jack not me. Under no circumstance will I vote for a Democrat in the next election. For better or worse - and that is for the sake of America!!!, I cannot vote for someone I oppose, even if it looks like that person is projected to win. If that person is not my idea of what we need as President, I'll vote against him/her and try to encourage others to vote with me.   I'm not looking to vote for the perceived winner, I'm looking to vote for the one who I believe will make the right choices as President. And, like you, I will try to convince others of that candidate's value for America. Guess we are at an impasse - though; you may have a lot more opportunities to steer others to vote as you believe, I will continue to speak up and out for the one that I finally believe is the right candidate..

Here is validation of what I have said several times...Have fun DV........:)

COLUMN: Trump vs. the machine: Three hu-u-ge stories

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Posted: Saturday, January 2, 2016 6:01 pm

Despite Time magazine missing the story (surprise!), Donald Trump was the man/person/celebrity/politician/comedian/revolutionary of the year for 2015.

In honor of his six-month crusade to topple the pillars of power and political correctness in these corrupt United States of America, I am making note of the three stories about Trump that best illustrate the hypocrisy, obfuscation and lies of the mainstream media and GOP establishment as they tried to derail his one-man wrecking crew.


1) The Incredible Shrinking GOP Loyalty Pledge

You remember the outrage when Donald Trump refused to raise his hand at the first GOP presidential debate in August, right? The candidates were asked if they would promise to support the eventual nominee of the Republican Party, whoever it was. Everyone else on stage raised his or her hand like good little marionettes, but Trump said he couldn’t do it. He said he wanted to be treated fairly, and if that happened, he could support any nominee who beat him.

The mainstream media seized on this issue, and claimed it ought to cost Trump his place on the stage for the next debate. Indeed, the outrage kept growing as Trump’s lead ballooned that summer, but after a meeting with GOP Chairman Reince Priebus on Sept. 3, Trump said he was being treated fairly and signed the party’s loyalty oath. So did all the other candidates — more than a dozen of them.

Of course, if you thought that was the end of the issue you were mistaken. By September, it was becoming clear that Trump’s loyalty wasn’t the problem; it was his failure to gracefully commit political seppuku and make way for Jeb Bush. Indeed, as it became clear that Trump wouldn’t not disembowel himself, it became obvious that the GOP establishment had their own knives out and were preparing to surround Trump like those fine Roman senators on the Ides of March with their daggers concealed and their smug superiority exposed as they assassinated Julius Caesar.

By the end of the year, Jeb Bush and John Kasich were saying that the pledge they signed was worth exactly the same as a basketful of promises from congressional Republicans — bupkis. But once it became clear that Bush and Kasich were the third-party threats, not Trump, suddenly no one in the media remembered that the pledge existed.

2) The Amazing Invisible Reagan Democrats

For the past 25 years, political analysts and cable TV’s talking heads have bemusedly announced that the problem with contemporary GOP candidates is that they are too far right — you know, compared to Ronald Reagan!

This is wrong in so many ways that it’s hard to know how to respond. One of the proofs of Reagan’s supposed centrism is that he won the presidency in two landslide elections thanks to the support of crossover Democrat votes. Those voters came to be called Reagan Democrats, and seemed almost mythical for the past few years, as the Mainstream Media promoted the idea that Republicans were way too crazy to attract votes from any Democrats.

Then along came Trump, who of course is considered by the Mainstream Media to be the craziest hombre to come along in many a year. But lo and behold, the reason he is invincible is because he’s attracting Democrats back to the Republican Party. Crazy may be just what the political doctor ordered.

Turns out that Reagan Democrats are blue-collar workers who are sick and tired of losing earning power. They aren’t college educated, but they are smart enough to know that they don’t want to send their children to college to be indoctrinated in politically correct hogwash. They are smart enough to know that 20 million illegal immigrants in the country means 10 million fewer jobs for them. They are smart enough to know that while not all Muslims are terrorists, almost every terrorist worth his salt is a Muslim.

And the only person talking TO these blue-collar Democrats, instead of down to them, is the billionaire Donald Trump. That’s bad enough, but even worse is that a lot of the new crop of Reagan Democrats (or is that Trump Democrats?) aren’t just white anymore. Imagine how scary it is for the Mainstream Media to see Trump on stage with a dozen black preachers! (“How do we call him racist now!”)

A recent poll even revealed that among the Republican candidates, Trump is actually winning the lion’s share of black and Hispanic votes. No wonder Trump was dead even with Hillary Clinton in a poll last week. But what’s really fascinating is that while Clinton claimed 7 percent of the Republican votes, Trump was winning 12 percent of the Democrat votes.

It’s enough to make heads spin in the headquarters of both branches of the Uni-Party.

3) The Dog Ate My Constitution

If there was any one thing that turned the Mainstream Media and GOP Establishment into a united front against Donald Trump, it was his announcement following the San Bernardino attack that he would stop all Muslim immigration to the United States.

“How horrible! How primitive! How unconstitutional!” all the poobahs and pundits declared. “This will surely end the Trump disease, er, candidacy, once and for all!”

Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York who came to fame as the United States attorney for the southern district of New York, proved that a legal education at the New York University School of Law is worthless when he declared that Trump’s proposed ban would be an “absolute violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.” Apparently reading the First Amendment was not required in becoming an expert on it at NYU.

Just for the record, let’s take a look at the elusive amendment and see what it actually says about religion. Here it is:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Clearly, the first two clauses of the amendment are the only ones relevant to religion, and neither applies in the immediate instance of Trump’s ban on immigration. He did not say he was establishing an official state religion, and he did not say he was banning the practice of the Islamic religion. What he said was that because of the danger to the citizens of the United States from Islamic terrorism, he would not allow immigration by non-citizen Muslims. By long-established precedent, non-citizens who reside outside the country have no right to enter the country, and they have no constitutional rights, period.

Rudy was merely parroting politically correct nonsense, and assuming no one would notice. The Mainstream Media certainly didn’t. The Associated Press and other media outlets wrote numerous stories condemning Trump. In addition to citing the First Amendment, these so-called experts also referred to Article VI of the Constitution and said Trump’s ban would violate the “no religious test” clause. I suppose that  line of argument works on people who have never read the Constitution, but it only takes a few seconds of work to look it up and find out that the clause only applies to holding a political office or position of public trust, not to immigration!

Doesn’t seem to matter what the facts are. Apparently, the last refuge of scoundrels isn’t patriotism; it is the Constitution


F the MSM, they all belong in jail for treason.

Thank you DE  that was music to my eyes. 

God bless you

Back atcha..DV...and may 2016 be a blessed year for all us Conservatives...

As the media asks will they come out and vote for Trump, the first poll of the year asked the question and the answer was YES by a wider margin then any other candidate. What will they come up with next. LOL

If the media had any idea who was coming out to vote they would know who would win. This poll is as accurate as the rain forecast for next month and that is much easier to predict.




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