We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The upcoming elections, should they actually be held, bring the citizens of the United States of America to the most critical decision of the past half century, if not longer.  The situation in our nation is dire right now and the decision we make in November has the potential to either finish the destruction of the Republic that has been occurring since 1988 or possibly reverse the damage that has been done by a series of corrupt NWO leaning politicians.  It is my assessment that both political parties are heavily influenced, or even controlled, by demonic forces that seek the destruction of liberty and a reversal to tyranny.  Look at the way the GOP has come out against Donald Trump, even to the point of prominent members trashing Trump in campaign ads put out by the Clinton machine.

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If you pay attention to world affairs and know the realities of current conditions using common sense would dictate that you would not support a person like Trump. Those that stood firm on not endorsing Trump I thank them for using their God given common sense.

Sorry, Jack I cannot even believe this. NO,NO,No to Hillary.  Russia is working with Iran and has signed an agreement with China - to watch each other's back. The Philippines wants us out of the area, and their President really hates Obama.  I see nothing but trouble, no matter who gets in. But Hillary has already been bought and paid for by Russia - 20% of our uranium, China, sold access to the White house Bedroom, even. 

I may not be up on all the world engagements, but I can make some very scary opinions on what I do see. 

jack, I made it very clear that I don't like Trump but only a total fool would support hitlery.  I hope you are not a total fool.  As bad as I think Trump could be he is still much preferable to the "queen of the damned", the mistress of satan.  I don't believe the election will be held but if it is and Trump wins I believe Obama will contrive an excuse to refuse to leave office and declare martial law over a blm riot or terrorist attack, dissolve congress, suspend the Constitution and declare himself ruler for life.  These actions would force a 2nd Revolutionary War or We the People accepting a Nazi/soviet style dictatorship.  Supporting hitlery shows an abysmal lack of God given common sense, actually a huge dose of satanic foolishness!!!!!

October 15, 2016
Voter fraud is real: Here's proof
By Rick Moran

An excellenty article in The Federalist by John Gibbs that gives the lie to the liberal narrative that voter fraud doesn't exist.

In fact, the problem is worse than we thought.

Yet as the election approaches, more and more cases of voter fraud are beginning to surface

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/10/voter_fraud_is_real_her...
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