Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Matea Gold and Robert Costa at the Washington Post update the Republican Establishment’s struggle against 2016 frontrunner Donald Trump–and its failure to attract big-money donors such as the Koch brothers or legacy operatives such as Karl Rove.
by Breitbart News26 Nov 2015, 2:29 PM PST5,437
Haters from the Rubio camp and those Democratic Party talking points-spewing armchair quarterbacks, who think they can accurately foretell the future when it comes to the 2016 Republican presidential primary race, have better come to terms with the fact that Senator Ted Cruz is very much “electable.”
by Javier Manjarres26 Nov 2015, 11:50 AM PST602
ABSOLUTELY Mac thats why I try to provide something other than just posting articles and video to support my opinion then its not so much an opinion and becomes reality/fact
thanks mac
If that is what you call friendly debate, we view things very differently..
DV..I have chosen to ignore him...If we answer him it just encourages him to say and do more...You are worth sooo much to this tea party...opposing view points are sometimes needed he is a non conservative and all the rest here are conservatives maybe with an establishment type or Two...I am enjoying the daylights out of your posting...Keep up the good work..this is getting more and more interesting as we go forward..I like it that you are here to help us understand more..That poor guy is only here to argue...we won't learn anything from him...but we will from you...I hope you will accept my friend request...:)
I see your point DE's easier to ignore someone than prove them wrong...keep up the good work darling we all love you for what you are
BLADES, there was a reference to the Constitution on another post. I saw it yesterday, and thought perhaps you might have seen it. I'll try to find that post and give you the info. He was talking about the 2ND Amendment and that it was part of the Constitution. And he would make a very big change that the Democrats would hate him for it.
well go ahead... but the bill of rights is not the constitution...two separate documents...BoR's is for the people and the states and the Constitution is what chains the fed. government from overstepping their authority...and that is why donald will never acknowledge it ...he is a dictator at heart...just listen to him ...
dmitri if your talking to me you have given nothing to debate other than your opinion mixed with a bunch of sound bites that can be easily de keep saying that trump and cruz are both ...THE MAN... but provide no proof...just sayin
In any one of cruz's speech's he quotes the Constitution dozens of times while the donald has never said it least I cant find where he has!!!
messa thinks thats a big deal...since I am tea party....Constitutionally limited government !!!
BLADES, copied only a part of the post from M. Not sure if this meets your request, but I tried.
That is no longer the case, at least regarding his stance on gun rights and the Second Amendment, as Trump just released his official policy position on his campaign website.
“The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period,” the position paper began.
Trump went on to explain that the right to keep and bear arms is a right that pre-exists both the government and the Constitution, noting that government didn’t create the right, nor can it take it away.
He also rightly denoted the Second Amendment as “America’s first freedom,” pointing out that it helps protect all of the other rights we hold dear.
SORRY but as we all know the BoR's is a separate I stated before the COTUS is what keeps the fed gov in check and thats why he will not acknowledge it he always says...I WILL GET IT DONE...and the constitution is not his play book...
and he is still in no way close to Ted Cruz on that or anything else
Bill of Rights, yes it is separate. I was just looking to see if he had used the word Constitution. But did not look to see if he used the word and discussed how it would affect his performance as the Pres.
So it is still in the air.
I think your missing the whole point V..even if he has said it , does not mean he will follow...remember the whole complaint about BO and the dems is they do as they please and the law be I hear trump talk just like Obama in how he will do things...his way , get er done ...yadda yadda ...
but to even put him on the same stage as someone like Cruz is a little least on a tea party site.
And trump cant even say the word let alone make a case for it being the bedrock of the USA!!!!
I must disagree with your Statement that the Bill of Rights is a separate Document from the Constitution. The BofR is the First ten Amendments and although it first pertained strictly to chaining the Federal Government by further guaranteeing the Federal Government could not block any of our unalienable rights Like the right to protect and defend ourselves in the 2nd, they also protected us from Government overreach in legal areas like the right of dissent without fear of retaliation and the right to worship as we saw fit (meaning no Government official religion like Henry the 8th did in England.) and blocked the government from certain legal practices like the presumption of guilt that was forbidden by the 5th etc. The Bill of Rights only originally constrained the Federal government and did not even apply to the States Until 1925. See;
excerpt from article;
"Prior to the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment and the development of the incorporation doctrine, the Supreme Court in 1833 held in Barron v. Baltimore that the Bill of Rights applied only to the federal, but not any state governments. Even years after the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Supreme Court in United States v. Cruikshank (1876) still held that the First andSecond Amendment did not apply to state governments. However, beginning in the 1920s, a series of United States Supreme Court decisions interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment to "incorporate" most portions of the Bill of Rights, making these portions, for the first time, enforceable against the state governments."
So by that you can see the 14th Flipped the Constitution from it's original intent.
You can further see collusion by the Congress in the Amendment process by using a glaring example of the 10th Amendment.
"The word "expressly" ultimately did not appear in the Tenth Amendment as ratified, and ... was appended in handwriting by the clerk of the Senate as the Bill of Rights ... the federal government is limited to only the powers granted in the Constitution, ... and made each state liable for all damages directly related to the waste.".
Sorry got off topic a little there but as you can see the Bill of Rights is part and parcel of the Constitution as is every other amendment of that Document to modify,Clarify, or Obfuscate the intent of the Basic Original Document. For the most part, the amendments other than the First Ten put severe restrictions on how Congress interpreted the Constitution.
As was indicated the States each had their separate State Constitutions that held as they were and still are Independent Sovereign Nations joined voluntarily with each other for mutual protection and wealth producing enterprise. You can also see the subsequent amendments proposed solely by Congress has done nothing for the people but instead has had the effect of negating portions of the Constitution proper and the Bill of Rights to facilitate ever more power and control to the Central Government. So all the amendments from 1 through 27 are part and parcel of the Constitution.
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