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Epic Fail: Establishment Plan to Stop Trump ‘Anemic, Underfunded, U...

Matea Gold and Robert Costa at the Washington Post update the Republican Establishment’s struggle against 2016 frontrunner Donald Trump–and its failure to attract big-money donors such as the Koch brothers or legacy operatives such as Karl Rove.


Ted Cruz’s Surge in Polls Angers Rubio Supporters

Haters from the Rubio camp and those Democratic Party talking points-spewing armchair quarterbacks, who think they can accurately foretell the future when it comes to the 2016 Republican presidential primary race, have better come to terms with the fact that Senator Ted Cruz is very much “electable.”

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<> on December 5, 2015 in Davenport, Iowa.

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A billionaire who is backing former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has launched a personal campaign against fellow billionaire Donald Trump, calling him an insecure, narcissistic bully who needs to be stopped.


The media went nuclear over Trump's anti immigration stance and did in a big favor in doing so. His poll numbers are rocketing higher and as the articles start to appear about why they have decided not to call them the silent majority or the Reagan democrat it appears Trumps support is to be called the nonvoter.
Another new theme I'm seeing is that inauguration is good for America but not for Americans, It appear they think that we will all trough common sense to the wind for the greater good and except the unacceptable, and I assume all the voter should team up against the nonvoter's.
They just don't get it. 
The billionaire geologists are out to get Trump.
The top one percent who keep buying loyalty from our politicians are scared silly and for good reason. Think of it if you could call a politician and get what you wanted would you support Trump. Not on your life they like the current statuesque, they are in love with the power they have and Trump says no we will do what's right for Americans not what's right for the 1%.
If I was a 1%er I would be shiting my pants but guess what, I'm in the 99% who stand to gain by a Trump presidency. We the people are tired of seeing the system reward wealth at the expense of the middle class it is time for a change.  

Well stated DV...

By soopermexican

After a pretty ridiculous swipe at Ted Cruz’s evangelical faith on Saturday, el Trumpo continued the attack today by calling Cruz a “maniac” for his efforts as a Senator.

And that doesn’t sit too well with the Great One, Mark Levin:

mark levin on trump

I have a feeling we’re going to be hearing more of Levin’s opinion on this on Monday on his radio show.

Trump might be ramping up the attacks because he sees polling that shows Cruz gaining on him nationally, and actually defeating him pretty badly in Iowa. 

For his part, Ted Cruz just made a funny joke out of the critique from el Trumpo and posted it on Twitter. 

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/mark-levin-aint-too-happy-with-trumps-late...

So far Ted Cruz is being much more Presidential in his campaign. Hopefully, he keeps it up -to a certain extent. We do need someone who will As Teddy Roosevelt was reported to have said, "speak softly but carry a big stick."  


Imagine If Donald Trump Ran As A Democrat — It’s Not Too Hard To Do

Photo of Jamie Weinstein
Senior Editor

Imagine for a moment if Donald Trump made the decision to run for president as a Democrat instead of as a Republican.

As Trump-mania continues to dominate the Republican presidential primary, it’s not hard to envision an alternate reality – one where the real estate billionaire is taking the country by storm as a Democrat.

In many ways, it would have been easier for Trump to enter the Democratic primary than the Republican primary. Trump was registered as a Democrat from 2001 to 2009 and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid over the years. (In fairness, he has donated a lot of money to Republican candidates as well.)

As a native of liberal New York City, it’s not surprising that Trump has a much longer record of being pro-choice than he does of being pro-life.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/12/13/imagine-if-donald-trump-ran-as-a-...

this presents the question ...if trump can switch to a 3rd party...can he switch and run as a democrat????   I could see this happening

DUH!!!..Lol just when all of American is realizing that democrats will not keep us safe ...they are busy protecting the muslims who block vote democrat....LOL Trump is too smart to do a dumb thing like that !!!!!!!




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