Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
The United States needs a leader and not a politician with baggage that preaches the Tea Party message but has done nothing to further Tea Party values other that run their mouths about how much they will get done when they are already in elected offices and have done nothing but run their mouths. We don't need any first term senators that have done nothing but speak the game then avoid staying away from getting rid of all the illegal aliens. Closing the border is one thing but getting rid of the illegal aliens that are here is the first and foremost issue the Tea Party wants "Done" without question. Time for some new blood and Donald Trump fits the Tea Party agenda.
Please take a moment to view this new Donald Trump web site. All Tea Partiers are invited. We support all "Tea Party" true conservative anti illegal alien web sites, persons and candidates.
AS I stand here, yes I'm more angry about the GOP - they lied and they failed. I will not vote for any Democrat, but there are some GOP that I will not support either. However, for the President lets pray for the right one.
Virginia, I have said I support Rand because I think it should be our top priority to change (reform) how Washington does things. Rand`s low poll numbers tell me that people are more interested in other agendas to be at the top of the list. We do have a selection of candidates that are all pretty good conservatives. I feel confident that we will avoid electing a progressive. I just feel that we need to get the one who will change Washington. I will be happy to support almost all of them in the general election, should my main choice falls short. But I will not support any progressive period.
Good, because in addition to the Presidential election, we have to monitor the locals. And they try to sneak amendments and regulations past us too.
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I think what many miss about Cruz is his campaign looks so much like Reagan, at this point he was behind in the polls and hated by the Washington elite in both parties. The Republican establishment joined in with the media selling a message of "He cant win" On election day he proved them wrong. Rino's join the media trying to tell conservative voters they need a moderate to win but the facts are every moderate the Rino's sent to the general lost. Reagan, G W Bush both ran from the far right and won.
So lets all stop pretending Cruz has no chance, history speaks volumes about how wrong that sentiment is. What scares the left and the media is the Reagan democrats come out and vote with a strong conservative at the top of the ticket, that spells dome for dems down ticket. It really that simple. Quite buying the bull
I remember those times very well DV. In the early primary season before the first primary vote was cast Reagan had little support that he could win the nomination over Bush. After the first three primaries were held and Bush won two out of three the projections for Bush to win the nomination were looking very good. That news changed the mood of the primary voters and Regan went on to sweep the next three primaries. That changed the whole completion of the race. By Mar 4 the nomination process was essentially over, Reagon would get the nomination. Now that brings me to your comment about Cruz winning. First order of business for Cruz is to win the nomination. Can you tell me where he shows some signs of being competitive at this time? Looking at the first three primaries, I don't see Cruz winning any of those. So if we are going to use Reagan's 1980 election as an example, tell me where Cruz get's his first victory. IMO the media and the liberal democrats would love to see Cruz get the nomination. I don't think the liberals are worried about Reagan democrats, I doubt there are any left.
If you look at the Cruz move up of late you see a steady trend higher and as Carson has lost steam Cruz has gained. If Trump is ever knocked off the top his votes will head to Cruz no other candidate offers them a chance to see the boarders sealed, or illegals removed. If Trump does manage to remain on top then he will be his VP and will run after Trumps term is over.
What many fail to see is over 50% of the GOP is against open boarders, Trump voters will not run the way the elite would hope. Going into election day real conservatives have the edge this time around. It is going to be a pleasure to see the Washington GOP spin their way out of this. LOL
DV..You are really great at this ..You remind me of someone else who was really great at know so much of the inner workings...I will have to read you to continue to learn more..
Hello Jack your post has some very serious errors in it, for one the brokered convention was in 1986 and Ford was the second place finish but went on to win in the convention. In 1980 Reagan won hands down in the first round, Bush the establishment candidate was the runner up and that's why Reagan gave him the VP spot.
This time around it is likely to be more like 1980 based on an email from Jeffrey Lord, Ronald Reagan’s associate political director, He suggests the right is fired up and will have picked a candidate once super Tuesday passes. I agree mainly because the early states are winner take all with the delegates and include near all the blue states and Florida. This was decided on to propel the establishment candidate forward. Trump is winning in all these states and if he wins will easily carry the nomination.
At this point even in the blue states the establishment candidates are trailing badly as more and more conservatives rebel against the establishment. In my view its not will conservatives win its which name on the mantel Trump or Cruz.
The number of people who actually vote in primaries is extremely small compared to the total pool of registered voters. The overwhelming majority of those that do vote in a primary election have carefully selected their candidate. Those that are only influenced by the polling number is a very small number. Trying to identify those that will actually vote is also nearly impossible. In the case of the democratic primaries this year, since Hillary has such an overwhelming lead, It will be easy for anyone to project her nomination. However, no one will come close to the final numbers. As for the Republicans, as of this date there is no candidate that is the clear front runner. Thump has held the lead for a long time so you could classify him as the front runner, but with possibly two other candidates showing they are within striking distance makes it impossible to solidly handicap the race at this time. As each primary is closed the favorite will most likely surface and handicapping the winner will become a much easier projection. The poll number never give a true indication how the race will end up, just like how the money is wagered doesn't reflect the winner, only the odds.
Just for the Record, I support Kevin in his comments about if people step over the line they will be suspended up to being removed. The rules are clear on that point.
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