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Donald Trump is licking his chops. He has a good chance to win the Republican nomination. He knows he can beat Hillary as I do also. .Donald is in the know of people that can take Hillary And Bill out of the picture for good. The Career politicians are not privy to the same knowledge that Mr. Trump is. This is a little sample of what I mean.

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OK. Then let me say that you are right.But to say that it would be closer if there was just 2 in the race is your opinion. To some, that might be read that there would be less taking aim at him. Lets remember that he was hugely out number. He was attacked from all angles.He had to spread his attacks thinly around the board. If he had just one attacking him ,and he could apply all his ammo at one opponent. I think it could easily be said that this race would already be over. You see Jack, When you fire at someone, you should be ready to take in coming. Trump knows how to win..When he gets Hillary One on One. It will be an onslaught. She will wish she was in jail.IMO..So you go join the Democrat party and round up all your crony progressives and get ready Jack...THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET REAL.

No Kevin what I mean it would be a closer race if there was just two in the race I assuming those getting out of the race their votes would be distributed in some manner between the two remaining candidates. How that split would occur is purely speculative on anyone's part. Based on the makeup of the electorate and how much hatred there is towards Trump I think it is reasonable to assume the other candidate would get a fair amount of those votes. Would it be enough to beat Trump, who knows, but it should tighten the race a bit.

As for the fight between Hillary and Trump, she and the democrat machine will have a boat load of stuff to throw at Trump. He will be so busy defending those accusations he will have little time to fire at Hillary and anything he fires has been out there for years so it is not likely to change her voters position. For the sake of this country I hope I am right.

What boat load ?...And let me add that Assumption is the mother of all screw ups.In other words, when you are assuming . You really are hoping. And when your hoping,You really are looking for a miracle. Just sayin !

Any one will beat Hillary. Record low turn outs for Democratic Primary races says it all.

You forget the graveyard votes yet to be counted secretly.

when predicting the future it is always a guess sometimes using good data and other times just hoping. I am using a little of both.

Trump is a mob kingpin about as loyal to the Constitution as Oblabla.

You know, I wonder - I suspect he got into this because he wanted to make some headlines; but now I'm wondering if his getting so much of the vote if he isn't starting to believe in himself and want to help America. And if that is what is happening, he will make some serious choices in who he would select for staff and VP. So if he does win the nomination, I hope and pray that I'm on the right track -.  

Trump and the Clintons, Obama and the Clintons.

Godless F...ks in the WH...how are these people not understanding the affect of propaganda?

Can I get a Christian POTUS devoted to preserving the Constitution please?

Yes, he would be electable.

We are still the majority even though the media has beaten you down.

Wake the F... up!

Please do not give Bill Clinton a third term!




Yes, Hankelvis  Christians are still the majority in this country but they certainly are not all conservatives. Winning the election has nothing to do with the candidate it has more to do with which one offers more to those who take the time to vote.

Hillary is the baggage Queen. Scandal after Scandal. I think her evil ness will be exposed for good this summer.




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