We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Clinton Foundation Money Laundering
Charles Krauthammer; ON THE CLINTON'S.

The Clinton Foundation is "organized crime" at it's finest, and we are financing it! Here is a good, concise summary of how the Clinton Foundation works as a tax free international money laundering scheme. It may eventually prove to be the largest political criminal enterprise in U.S. history. This is a textbook case on how you hide foreign money sent to you and re-package it, to be used for your own purposes. All tax free.

Here's how it works:

Once the organized crime ring of the Clinton,s, Reid`s and others learned that they would get exposed. That forced their hand to do something ,like Killing LaVoy and arresting others. The whole Bundy gang have become political prisoners. All because of the Clinton Greed.

A little perspective on Ryan, a nobody and to use Lenin's descriptive; a 'useful idiot' for the frenzied left w/Trump ascendant.

* He was elevated to Speaker w/about 250 votes; the average number in your local Little League.

* His District is about the size of an Aircraft Carrier Deck; while Trump has received some 11,000,000 votes nationally, so far.

* He was chosen as VP by Willard he Schmuck, because he's a principled conservative. Why of course!

But since Ryan is the Leader; we all need to get behind him and follow along; especially Trump. Hm.............................

We all need to follow along ?..I hope your not serious. I rejoined the Republican Party as a tea party member to change the Republican Party. to a more constitutional party..And the constitution includes everyone, not just conservatives. Paul Ryan needs to move behind Trump more than Trump behind the party.The Republican Party should not get into the mud with the Liberal Left. Fighting over life styles is to divisive. The Democrats will drowned in the mud pit alone.Small government is the goal we need to achieve.

One thing I agree with Ryan is that the unification should not be phony. It needs to be real. Most People get that..

I was jesting.

Everyone worried about the down ticket races is just more BS. The Trump voters know it is important to have the majority of both houses so Trump can do what he has to.I worry mpre about the establishment getting in Trump`s way....But Trump will cross that bridge when and if he has to. Paul Ryan better move towards Trumps agenda. All the old guard needs to take notice that their is a new sheriff in town. And he is gonna get things done. Whoever gets in the way will get run over.

Kevin you seem to think Trump has an unlimited supply of voters?

The casino magnate Sheldon G. Adelson told Donald J. Trump in a private meeting last week that he was willing to contribute more to help elect him than he has to any previous campaign, a sum that could exceed $100 million, according to two Republicans with direct knowledge of Mr. Adelson’s commitment.

As significant, Mr. Adelson, a billionaire based in Las Vegas, has decided that he will significantly scale back his giving to congressional Republicans and direct most of his contributions to groups dedicated to Mr. Trump’s campaign. The two Republicans familiar with Mr. Adelson’s plans spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

I am fine with that donation. Adelson wants to see Americans making lots of money so they have money to go to Casino`s..





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