With President Elect Trump, we now have the advantage, and we must act fast to press that advantage, to "Restore the Republic" before the Liberals make a counter move to destroy that advantage;
Our duty to take back America and make her strong again is just starting. We need to do it systematically and correctly. We need to see if President Trump will promote a States petitioned for Article V Amendment Proposal Convention where we can Repeal or Reverse or Modify the Progressive Amendments that flipped the Country into Federal hands, and only benefit the Status-Quo of the lifetime members of Congress and their Crony Capitalists.. Repealing or Fixing amendments like the 14th, to the point where it can no longer be used to promote/legalize Anchor Babies, OR, for any other reason except Voting Rights and the ORIGINAL Provision for citizenship rights for Freed Saves. It was Never Intended to give Citizenship to Foreigners children born here. The three words that flipped the Constitution, (NO STATE SHALL) must be removed if we want to preserve our Republic. Other Quasi-Constitutional intent following amendments, like the 16th and 17th must be repealed to restore the checks and balances provided in the Constitution by the Founders.
The 16th amendment was the Definitive Progressive take over of our Monetary system by the Rothschilds and other International Banking Concerns. It refuted the Constitutional Requirement in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5: the Coinage Clause, which states that Congress, and Congress alone, had a Constitutionally Mandated Duty, and Only Congress alone has that Power, (
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; ); therefore what the Federal Reserve is doing is against the original intent of the Founders. I say that because by their interest rates, they directly affect the value of American Coin (money) and issue Fiat coinage in the form of legal tender bills (Federal Reserve Notes that have no backing like Gold or Silver as the Constitution specifies) in place of true Constitutionally created legal tender monies. It also is responsible for creating the Internal Revenue Service, and the IRS is in turn the Enforcement Arm of Primarily the Private Banking concern that is the Federal Reserve Bank, but the IRS is working under color of United States Law..This is unacceptable for a Free Nation. As is Private and Foreign Banks determining the worth of our Money.
The 17th Amendment was a major reversal of one of the most basic tenets of the Constitution, namely the EQUAL REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS for the Individual States. The Senators were never intended to represent the people directly. They were originally meant only to Represent the States and were originally appointed by the State Legislatures. They were under the direct control of those State Legislatures. Two Senators were provided for every State regardless of it's size and population to give each State Equal Representation in Congress. The Senators served at the pleasure of the State Legislatures during their terms of office, and represented their States in matters of commerce and any law or regulation that would have legal impact on their States and their Legislatures. The Peoples Representatives were the House of Representatives, and that is why the House holds the purse strings in the Federal Government. This distribution of powers was responsible for Congress being responsible to the States and People of the United States instead of what we have now with the States and People responsible to their Political Parties. The problem is, since the truth about our Nation's Government has been purposely neglected in the school system, the people really think the Senators are supposed to be elected and represent them. This False Flag Educational Propaganda must be dispelled if the Republic is to survive.Remember it is only the Progressive Liberals that call the USA a Democracy when we are in actuality a Constitutional REPUBLIC.
There are other pressing matters that should be dealt with by Amendments. Namely; Term Limitations for not only Congress, but ALL Federal Elected and Appointed Positions except maybe the Supreme Court. But, in turn, set guidelines to make and keep the Supreme Court a Non-Partisan Non-Political Governmental Body (More on that later). Congress will not voluntarily limit their time in power, or any of their self bestowed benefits. So it's up to the people to avail themselves of the provision the Founders incorporated into the main body of the Constitution
(Article V ) and do it for them.
I for one believe that the limits must be for total service time as opposed to limits for specific offices where the politicians could just jump from office to office, position to position, The compensations for those positions should only be for the term served,commensurate with the prevailing average Salaries & Benefits within the constituents geographic areas, and the amounts over and above to be determined by the people, by popular vote within the respective States, and with no further pensions or excessive privileges granted during that term to extend beyond the time in office.
To alleviate any and all questions about the Second Amendment, and the Rights it Protects:
I propose a Clarification Amendment, NOT to replace the original 2nd, but to clarify it's legal meaning by stating simply " The Second Amendment means it PROTECTS the God Given and Unalienable Rights every American Citizen over the Age of majority (18 currently) is entitled to own and carry firearms anywhere within the USA and it's Territories. Further; The Federal Government has No Authority Whatsoever, to Restrict or Infringe on that Constitutional Right for any reason Whatsoever, and any laws it has enacted are heretofore repealed and rendered null and void, and unenforceable.. States are forbidden to infringe or restrict these Rights except by Strict, Specific, and Universal Written Guidelines, agreed on by a citizens vote on specific exceptions, with a vote of 7/8 of the People in their State, for Mentally Deficient Individuals, and Convicted Felons. Those Exceptions, when agreed on by the Required Numbers of citizens of the State/States combined, SHALL become part of this Amendment. Furthermore; All States are required to acknowledge and abide by these rules for all American Citizens universally across the United States and it's Territories.
Now comes another important amendment; We need to form a balanced budget amendment, based on actual taxation revenues collected. Primarily those collected from the previous year and already in the United States Coffers. It would have to say that increased taxation would not be allowed to expand the budget, except when engaged in a Congressionally Declared War, or Natural Disaster of epic proportions. Penalties to Congress itself, would be incorporated if they could not present a Balanced budget to the President by the time specified. Furthermore the President shall have a Line Item Veto power, and no more automatically continued funding, for any Federal Program, except Critical services like but not confined to Military Pay and Provisioning shall be allowed. The line item veto may be overridden by a vote of 3/4 of Congress.
Since the President has the Authority to Make or Negate Treaties for the United States, I believe we should Petition President Trump to Remove the United Nations from United States Soil, and stop paying more than an EQUAL SHARE for it's continued existence, if it is not feasible to get out of it,altogether.. Furthermore I believe we should Petition President Trump to cancel the Trans Pacific Partnership, The North American Free Trade Agreement, and any other Treaty that does not benefit the United States, or Revamp them to give America the advantages the Progressives gave away.
As to my suggestions about the Supreme Court. A set of written guidelines needs to be created that insure every appointee regardless of political persuasion is judged by their 'ongoing track record of rulings' to insure they are within the parameters of United States Constitutional Law, and where appropriate, State Constitutional Law. These guidelines must be written in plain english the common man can readily read and understand the meanings of.
All these things are doable, and can be accomplished within the four year term of President Trump, Provided the people demand a full say in their Government, and enforce that say with appropriate amendments.
On a more personal note; I wonder if Trump will in fact override Obama's orders and release all the records Obama has successfully kept secret from the American people over the last eight years? I hope he does. We deserve to know what was hidden.
The Tradesman