We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

My US Senator Jerry Moran (R-Ks), along with eleven other RINOs, voted "yes", in agreement with Democrats, to support the House Resolution seeking to stop President Trump from declaring a State of National Emergency on America's southern border and divert Executive Branch funding to secure the border by building a wall or other barrier to stop the invasion of illegals, including drug traffickers, human smugglers, sex-trade smugglers, gang members, criminals, possible terrorists, and others, currently approaching 100,000 illegal entries PER MONTH!

This is an INVASION, plain and simple, and everyone but the Democrats and RINOs knows it!   It CLEARLY requires drastic action.   Yet, "Fortress Washington" sits on its collective hands and bemoans ANYTHING President Trump tries, filing lawsuits and passing a Congressional Resolution while ignoring the elephant in the room -- THE ONGOING INVASION!

Webster's (copyright 1943) defines "Invader" as, "One who invades; an assailant; intruder."   it defines "invade" as, "To enter (a country) with a hostile army; infringe upon; violate".   It further defines "Invasion" as, "The act of invading; hostile incursion; encroachment".   

Before the vote I, along with many other Kansans, called Senator Moran's office in D.C. and urged him to vote in support of the President.   He ignored us, instead voting with Nancy Pelosi and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.   

I subsequently received a mass email from Senator Moran trying to justify his vote.   in it, he waxed eloquent on his support for the President and the need to secure the border before pivoting and excusing his vote by claiming he was "defending the Constitution" from Executive Overreach.   I think NOT!

Since 1970, there have been 40 or 50 declarations of National Emergency on all manner of subjects, foreign and domestic.   Yet, in the history of National Emergencies, there has NEVER been ONE Congressional Resolution condemning ANY of them, EVER!   And, NONE of those supposed "Emergencies" have even, remotely approached the level of crisis we face on our southern border, a crisis so severe that even Democrats now call it a crisis!

More likely, Senator Moran and his fellow RINOs are defending "Fortress Washington", the Chamber of Commerce, their big donors, and the Swamp from a man the People sent to drain it.

Senator Moran claims to know and love the Constitution, yet ignores Article IV, Section Four which states, "The United States SHALL (my emphasis)...protect each of them (the States) against invasion...".

Further, there is 10 USC 284, federal law that empowers the President to use the military in just this [invasion] scenario AND allows the military to erect walls, fences, and/or other barriers necessary to complete its mission.   U.S. Representative Mo Brooks is very familiar with this law, has advocated for its implementation for months, and can brief the President on its content and legality.   Yet, this information is apparently being kept from the President, intentionally or otherwise.

Use of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284 would instantly take both Congress and the courts out of the fray.

Despite Senator Moran's insistence that he is a staunch defender of the Constitution, I do NOT see him advocating for Article IV, Section Four and/or 10 USC 284 OR making an appointment with the President to brief him on their use.   IF (and it's a huge "if") Senator Moran actually does agree with the President on the urgent need to secure the border, why does he NOT, PERSONALLY, make the effort to advise the President of his legal and Constitutional options?

President Trump is apparently the ONLY one in Washington who recognizes that we are being invaded.   These are not "migrants", "immigrants", "asylum seekers", or "refugees".   They are invaders.   If they truly are migrants, immigrants, asylum seekers, or refugees, they can go to any official Port of Entry, file their claim, and await adjudication -- IN MEXICO as ordered by the President.  But, when they illegally sneak across the border, at illegal points and in mass numbers they become invaders and nothing else.

Why is it important to call them "Invaders"?   Words have meaning!   Calling them "invaders" automatically activates Article IV, Section Four and the use of 10 USC 284, allowing the President, as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, to send the military to the border, REPELLING the invaders.  THAT IS IMPORTANT!   "Invaders" are not given attorneys, court dates, housing, welfare, Social Security, healthcare, or anything else.   they are just REPELLED, PERIOD!

The President is not a Constitutional Scholar; he is a businessman.   He relies on his supposedly "learned" advisors to tell him of his legal and Constitutional options, something they are not doing, again, intentionally or otherwise.   If the President was told of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284, the wall could be built in short order, the invasion would stop, and the border would FINALLY be secured.

Oren Long

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Thank you for your kind words.   They are appreciated.

To get my article published in the Kansas Paper of Record I went to the paper in person, sat down with the lady in charge of Letters to the Editor, and discussed its importance.   All newspapers have a word limit on letters, so we finally agreed that they would publish it as a "Guest Editorial" or "Guest Columnist" and, thus, not compromise their word limit rule.   Perhaps you could do the same.

At the same time you could send it to everyone you know, especially people in other locales/States and ask them to try and get it into their local/State newspapers.

My goal is to somehow, in some way, get my Article IV, Section Four argument in front of the President.   I have long suspected that he is surrounded by many closet never Trumpers, cleverly disguised as advisors and such.   Either they don't know the Constitution or don't want him to know.   If we can get my Article IV, Section Four argument to enough people, eventually he will hear it or be told of it.

The President is not a Constitutionalist; he is a businessman.   Of necessity, he listens to his advisors.  They are most probably more concerned with politics than with the survival of the country and/or the Constitution.   I can hear them now, "Oh, Mr. President, you can't do THAT.   It might piss off the MS-13 vote or the ISIS vote."   I'm being facetious, of course, but you get the point.  

If the President is to have a chance at building the wall and securing the border, it will be with OUR help, not Congress's.   That is why I ask everyone to forward my column far and wide with the request that recipients try their very best to get it published for all to see and read.

Please keep trying.



Have special contacts in Texas, Florida, N Carolina; will pass on your info. (The Texas family is very informed - about Sharah law, and living under such while in service for our country.)  

In my view President Trump is the RINO because he isn't part of the republikrat establishment, the ones wholly owned and controlled by NAZI war criminal George soros.  The gop is not the party I belonged to but has rather become one wing of Soros's New World Order Socialist Party.  Being a RINO used to mean abandoning the gop to support the demonkrat agenda but today both parties have the same agenda, turn the nation into a subsidiary of the one world government.  President Trump isn't one of them and isn't on board with their treason so they hate him and give their best effort to defeat him at every turn.  I call Trump a RINO out of respect and admiration of him for standing up for God, the Constitution, liberty, and me

Guess I'm not part of any party -voted for JFK, years ago. Voted for Ross Perot - Reform Party, and joined the Tea Party, . Then stopped voting for any party - only candidates that met my personal belief. So President Trump, was supposedly a Democrat, then changed to GOP. Humm. Well, President Trump, no matter what, I believe you are what America needs, - even if you are a rascal; and sometimes I understand that your tweets and posts ae rather eye-openers. (I do not use Tweeter, Facebook, or any of the other interchanges, not interested in being scammed, horn-swallered, or mis-understood.)  And, I have my own CCW license that I will use defend to the limit against any party of fools put out by either party. This is 2ND Amendment property where I reside. 

Don't like the name RINO, though, thank you very much. And Trump should not be considered in that vein, either.

Thanks for your support for Trump, he needs people who believe,.  

President Trump is a patriot trying to restore what Almighty God and our founders began.  demonkrats and republikrats, the elephant and donkey wings of the New World Order Socialist Party, hate Trump because he isn't one of them.  I wasn't old enough to vote for JFK (the last democrat my parents voted for) but voted for Perot also.  I support President Trump totally and oppose the soros owned establishment just as much.


When people tell me they don't like Trump because he tweets (or for some other lame excuse) I say, "Yeah, Trump is a rude, crude, lewd, dude.   So what?   So, too, was Patton, but he was our best general.   Even Harry Truman occasionally enjoyed off-color humor.   We have a choice, 'form' or 'substance'.   I'll take substance every time."


Oren, I am with you on this also.  Form means nothing, only an illusion, but substance means everything.  President Trump may be rude and crude but he is honest and upfront with his beliefs and plans unlike his NWO opposition.  God bless you, God bless President Trump, and God bless America!!!!!

Very well stated, Virginia,

Happy to see you are still active on this site.


I get it, and you are right in a way.   Like Virginia, I too thank you for your support for Trump.


Wonderful effort Oren, and I hope you will succeed in having this article published in the proper Kansas newspaper. But allow me to disagree with you on several points.

First: you seem to be treating Sen. Moran and other RINOs as your enemies. They are not my enemies. They are on my side. They stand for my way of life and my values and morals. But they are cowards and simply scared to do what it takes.

Second: I don’t believe that Trump does not know “Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284”. I am sure that one or two advisors explained this to him. I believe, and am convinced Trump believes, that we do not need our army to repel these kind of invaders. Just let cognress give him something like 25 Billion dollars, and enough nonmiliatiry resources can be gathered to stop them.

And it seems that’s what he is trying to do now. Last Chiristmas he said he was asking for 5.7 B. We know that his 1.4 B and another 3 B or so are there just for the taking. But he purposely insists on 4 B more just to keep the issue alive and well, and make it go through the courts. He wants to do things right for the long run, not only for the interim.

The trick is to totally disregard all the nonsense from the liberal media and academia, call the caravan people invaders, and proceed to stop them as civilians. In the meantime, publication of articles like yours will help garner active support for Trump's efforts.


marrand. You are such a never Trumper. That`s fine. You say Oren treats the RINO`s like enemy. Ur right !!!. They are the establishment who work for the elitist style of governing and not for we the people. This is why Oren speaks in the terms of primary season. We need to get rid of establishment (RINO) type, out of our party. The establishment type are the swamp. We just trying to,(like our POTUS says) DRAIN THE SWAMP. And NEVER TRUMPERS ARE THE LEACHES WITHIN THE SWAMP.....Where is your bread buttered.

Kevin, I have to disagree with your call for Never Trumper.  (I suspect if you review what was posted, you'll   actually agree with much of what Marrand posted.)  Are RINOS enemies? They are hurting the GOP cause, but they are cowards, not enemies..Now if you were referring to Mitt Romney, I would whole-heartedly agree he is an enemy. He was so turned off because he lost the race that he will never stand up for anything President Trump does. 

By the way, as a left-handed person, some might believe I'm also left-minded.  NOPE.

Hey, what's your thoughts  on Susan Collins, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, even Ron Paul and several others who voted with the Democrats on 2 key issues, pertaining to the border.  I believe they are wrong - the President has the right to make use of Executive Privilege to build the wall. So are they also RINOS? .   




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