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World Wide Police Force Or A Modern World Wide Fascistic Islamist Gestapo??

Source; http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/02/obama-administra...  by Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller wrote an article that is chilling but has been expected since Obama decided to create a domestic force equipped and trained as well as the US Army with his seldom heard of in the controlled media;'Ready Reserve' forces. With all the information about so many other government agencies arming themselves to the teeth, I wonder if Obama has infiltrated his 'Private Army who's Sworn allegiance is to him or the sitting President,instead of to the Constitution, in positioning them for a 'Palace Coup' of the American Government?

All of that would dovetail nicely with what Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced on Wednesday. She announced her office would be working with the United Nations, to form what she called a 'Strong Cities Network'. This would form a law enforcement initiative that would have authority WORLD WIDE! See; http://noisyroom.net/blog/2015/10/01/us-attorney-general-us-cities-...  for further information.

Forming this network would Circumvent the Constitution, Implement UN Laws and Regulations, and Bypass Congress!!!

This agenda by the Obama Dictatorship ( I can't legitimize it anymore by calling it an American Administration) is nothing less than Obama attempting to overthrow the American Government, Abrogating the US Constitution, and Castrating Congressional Authority, through Bureaucratic (DOJ) Overstepping of Constitutional Authority, and Executive Acquiescence to Foreign Takeover of the United States.

One but not all of the ramifications would be allowing the Sharia Compliant United Nations rules and regulations to supersede Constitutional Law Enforcement practices. Another ramification would be allowing Foreign Troops ( UN Blue Helmets) to become a permanently occupying force with potentially superior numbers than the entire US Military. That bodes evil incarnate for the US. The main thrust of this is what will the definition of  "Extremist" and who would be considered as the "Extremists" the force would be used to combat? Would it possibly be anyone who opposed the political agendas of the power elite through normal protest means? It seems to me, since there are no checks and balances on this new law enforcement force, it would operate like Hitlers Brown Shirts at the beginning and morph into a force akin to the SS Gestapo in time.

We all are aware of that Obama is using his Propaganda machine to define Extremists/Terrorists as anyone but the Islamic Jihadists. Combine that with the UN penchant for co-operating with Sharia compliant OIC (organization of islamic co-operation) . Since the information that Obama is knowingly aiding Al-Qaeda forces in Syria  ( Link; http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/former-dia-director-obama-white-h... ) I firmly believe he will use this UN Pro-Islamic force to crush any force that opposes Islamic Jihad, and all opposition to the hidden Elites agendas. Obamas beliefs about violent extremism is such that he does not believe that it is exclusively a tactic of Jihadists. A simple look at the world attacks says otherwise and shows it to be exclusively Islamic in nature. If you think it through, you will come to the conclusion that this "Strong Cities Network" will be used to make America Sharia Compliant and crush any opposition to Islamic Law, and the 'Constitution Be Damned' in it's implemented wake.

Here is a chilling excerpt from the original article;{ The Obama Department of Justice made it clear that it was exactly that when it distributed a press release last week announcing the “Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism.” In that press release, the DoJ complained that “while many cities and local authorities are developing innovative responses to address this challenge, no systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale.”

So if the local and municipal effort to counter the euphemistic and disingenuous “violent extremism” is inadequate and hasn’t developed “systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale,” the feds – and the UN – have to step in. Thus the groundwork is being laid for federal and international interference down to the local level. “The Strong Cities Network,” Lynch declared, “will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration” – i.e., local dependence on federal and international authorities.

Lynch made the global (that is, United Nations) involvement clear when she added: “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.”

This internationalist character was brought to the fore by the fact that the Strong Cities Network was launched on September 29 not at the White House or the Department of Homeland Security, or at the FBI headquarters or anywhere else that might be fitting for a national project, but at the United Nations.

Even more ominously, the DoJ press release says that the Strong Cities Network “will strengthen strategic planning and practices to address violent extremism in all its forms by fostering collaboration among cities, municipalities and other sub-national authorities.” Sub-national and international: the press release then quotes Governing Mayor Stian Berger Røsland of Oslo, Norway, a participant in the Strong Cities Network, saying: “To counter violent extremism we need determined action at all levels of governance. To succeed, we must coordinate our efforts and cooperate across borders. The Strong Cities Network will enable cities across the globe pool our resources, knowledge and best practices together and thus leave us standing stronger in the fight against one of the greatest threats to modern society.” }  

What does that imply to a reasonable and prudent person? Remember this statement by Obama? “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” if that is not a tip off about Obamas real Elitist demanded agenda, then what is? I would like to know why so many otherwise intelligent people on the Left think that this will not happen, especially the women who champion womens rights!! In last weeks press release by the DOJ about the 'Strong Cities Network' what's really planned is to override what the individual States are doing and FORCE FEDERAL/UN COMPLIANCE to the UN/ISLAMIC AGENDAS and increase them to a global scale.


My major concern is; Why does Obama want a Global Police Force, and what business does it have operating in our cities? This issue was proposed in the first four years of the Obama administration and rejected by Congress and the people. Pamela Gellers book The Obama Administration's War on America ( https://www.amazon.com/Post-American-Presidency-Obama-Administratio... ) goes into this in minute details. Don't listen to the lies of the DOJ Attorney General, she is just parroting what Obama wants her to say as Obama is parroting what his hidden puppet masters want him to say and do. The "Strong Cities Network" , contrary to what the Administration would have you believe, was not launched in the United States, it was launched by the United Nations making it an Internationally originated Project and not a Nationally initiated project that was expanded to international dimensions. Another chilling announcement by the DOJ couched in deliberate mind numbing 'politi-speak' rhetoric proudly admits  the SCN will “address violent extremism in all its forms.” and building social cohesion. That "Building Social Cohesion" Is simply Euphemistic Rhetoric in UN Speak for keeping peace between Muslim and non-Muslim people and communities by insuring that the non-muslims are censured from most of their complaining  and working against Islamization of their communities.

Understand this action the DOJ spoke highly of in their Press Release, and you can come to your own conclusions about the real intent behind the SCN agenda. The launch of the SCN would be accompanied by “welcoming remarks” offered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein and Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City.Ponder this; Why would a Pro Sharia Law Islamist and a Communist oriented Mayor be in favor of something that benefitted America, it's Liberty and Freedoms, and it's Constitution?

This could be re-instituted in a much more virulent form should Hillary become the President, so we need to stop her from winning by voting against her. 

NOTE the original article was by Pamela Geller:

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of PamelaGeller.com and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.

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It's started in Virginia;


What were United Nations vehicles doing in Virginia on Friday? Posted on June 26, 2016

Next question - seems these are not being manufactured in the US. So what is really going on?

U.N. trucks mystery deepens: 'They're not ours!'

Posted By Bob Unruh On 06/28/2016 \

Bloggers were quick to point out the curiosity of U.N. trucks being transported on U.S. highways.

The mystery of the military-style U.N. vehicles spotted being hauled along Virginia’s highways deepened on Tuesday when two major contractors denied to WND that they had any role in the vehicles’ production or presence.

WND had reported on Monday when a wave of blogs reported online that trucks painted with the United Nations logo were being moved by flatbed through Virginia.

One interested reader pointed out that the trucks likely were made in America and simply needed to be hauled to some port for shipment to customers – most likely overseas.

In fact, the online rumor-busting site Snopes said it had contacted Alpine Armoring, which reported the vehicles “seen in these photographs were purchased by the United Nations for use outside the United States.”

The explanation continued, “A number of defense industry manufacturers are based in and around Washington, D.C. (a region that includes Virginia) for obvious logistical reasons, and the representative confirmed that the trucks were ordered by the U.N. for use in locations abroad.”

But when WND contacted Alpineco, a spokeswoman denied the vehicles were produced by the company.

WND then was referred to another company, BAE Systems, where a spokesman also denied his company’s divisions were in any way connected to the vehicles.

Which doesn’t mean there isn’t some company somewhere that made the vehicles and sold them to the U.N. for some overseas point of action, to which they were being shipped.

But it also doesn’t answer the question of whose they trucks are and to where are they going.

The issue got attention after the story, entitled “UN military vehicles seen rolling down Virginia interstate,” appeared in the American Mirror. Writer Olaf Ekberg asked: “What were United Nations vehicles doing in Virginia! … That’s what motorists were left to wonder when they saw UN tactical vehicles – with bulletproof glass – on a flatbed truck and rolling down Interstate 81.”

Photographs, posted by Jeff Stern on Facebook, soon revealed the look of the vehicles: military style, painted white with U.N. logos.

“Can’t begin to tell you how many of these I passed today on 81 near Lexington, VA. Interesting times ahead!” Stern noted.

From there, readers of Stern’s post expressed concern as well.

“Tactical Vehicles, with bullet proof glass? What ever could those be for, and why are UN vehicles here, in THIS country?!” wrote Fernando Johnson, the American Mirror reported.

Another Facebook reader, Vincent Simmons, also noted, “They are sealed against gas, too.”

And this isn’t the first time U.N. vehicles have been sighted on America’s roads.

A year ago Tim Brown with Freedom Outpost wrote: “There are a lot of stories that are reported about United Nations vehicles being transported on U.S. highways. The latest comes by way of video footage that shows U.N. trucks that seem to be attempting to hide their logo as they are transported on a U.S. highway in Northern Louisiana. The trucks appear to be brand new U.N. medical trucks, as identified with red crosses.”

The site then reported how the brown paper covering the trucks had blown off on one side, revealing the U.N. logo. And on that, Brown wrote: “The question I have is, why cover up the U.N. logo? It certainly isn’t to protect it. After all, there is no covering over the red crosses that adorn the sides and rear of the vehicles.”

Even earlier, in 2014, America’s Freedom Fighters asked, “We have U.N. vehicles being shipped on U.S. highways. One has to wonder why?”

Back to the current events, the Daily Mail noted Bobby Wayne Guinn said in a Facebook post that he’s seen the trucks in Texas and that he was “wondering why 30 United Nations vehicles, fully loaded with combat-prepared troops, were driving down our highway in Dallas, Texas.”

Copyright 2016 WND

Lt. Colonel Fred DiBella speaks out : boy does he ever; This is a must read...http://blueeyeview.blogspot.com/2016/05/fwd-fw-interesting-article-...

This might help explain a few things




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