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Defeating Gun Control


Defeating Gun Control

The Second Amendment to our Constitution is constantly attacked. We must maintain this freedom. It is a fundamental right which must never be lost.

Members: 90
Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2020

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Started by George W. (gfwjr) "Oath-Keeper". Last reply by kathyet Oct 26, 2015. 1 Reply

Gun Free Zones are Death Traps

Started by Mickie Johnson Oct 10, 2015. 0 Replies

What does the Bible sy about Gun Control?

Started by John Klempel. Last reply by M Oct 5, 2015. 4 Replies

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Comment by James Casteel on February 24, 2009 at 6:58pm
Under most state militia laws, I know Missouri and Kansas laws, prohibit anyone under 18 or over 45 from joining a state militia. The only thing we older and disabled could possibly do is man aid stations and so on, if qualified to do so.
I have a small group who are waiting patiently in case we need to form for area protection. I believe many more would join in if the threat arose but as there is 'no problem' now as they see it, there is only my conspiracy theory. I still stand at the ready, 24/7/365 a year.
Comment by Jerry Dean on February 24, 2009 at 6:48pm
James et al:

I figure that those over 45 and a bit infirm would still be welcomed. I imagine if folks show up with equipment in order, and an emergency on hand, they will not turn anyone back.

If they did, I imagine an auxiliary group could be formed that finds a way to assist. In a crisis, everyone is qualified to help. Often, it is the older folks who have the experience, as well as the knowledge from perhaps being in the military, are very very important.

Jerry Dean
Comment by James Casteel on February 24, 2009 at 4:09pm
As I see this idea, the militia as set forth by state laws, is fine as far as it goes, but, there are many of us who do not meet the guidelines because of age or disability who are still capable of being of assistance. As one who cannot do the long range marching and infiltration necessary to qualify for militia, I must be available as a home guard, which is a last ditch defense. I stand, locked and loaded, in the event of a necessity of this action, ready and willing to expend my ammo in an effort to stop or inhibit the passage of any invader, common or foreign which comes my way!
AMERICA, first and foremost!
Comment by GARY POLING on February 24, 2009 at 3:25pm
Buy your own gun or go to a gun show. In the time of crisis you may have a weapon that A. don't work, B. you are unfamilular with and don't know how to load or use it..
The only reason not to have a gun in ones home is if one of the occupants is a crazy drug addict or mentaly ill person wandering around inside unsupervised.. Gp
Comment by wakeupamerica on February 24, 2009 at 3:15pm
ya but what do i do and folks like me? where there are no weapons or guns in our home and the man of the house or spouse will not or has not gotten them (yet?) ? i do not know if my hubby will get some but i definitely want some oh ya will people be willing to lend them in a time of crisis? that is what i am wondering i will be wanting to grab any gun someone is willing to throw at me even a bow and arrow i dont care anyway get back to me asap thanks
Comment by Jerry Dean on February 24, 2009 at 12:37pm
That is a good, and sane question. Perhaps this is something that needs to be discussed openly, while at the same time working towards absolutely saving our Second Amendment rights.

The latest issue of America's 1st Freedom magazine (NRA, March 2009, "Is the Militia Obsolete") offers an interesting bit of information that may be helpful to our cause. To wit:

"Many gun rights activists, however know there is still a militia, defined by both federal law and the laws of many states. California, for example, largely mirrors the federal definition, and its militia consists of all 'able-bodied male citizens', and those who have declared their intent to become citizens, between ages 18 and 45. Those members of the militia who are not part of the National Guard are automatically part of the unorganized militia, according to the California Military and Veterans Code. The governor may order members of the unorganized militia to appear 'in case of war, rebellion,insurrection, invasion, tumult, riot,breach of the peace, public calamity or catastrophe, or other emergency, or imminent danger thereof, or may be called forth for service under the Constitution and laws of the United States'...

Historically, civilian militias have been called upon in Alaska, Oregon and Maryland. In Maryland, it was specifically noted that while the civilian militia was to support the United States Army, the Army could not supply ordinance...'Hence, the volunteers, for the most part will be expected to furnish their own arms.'

Interestingly, civilian militias are necessary and incorporated into federal and state laws, and in addition to that militia members are expected to bring their own weapons. It seems to me that the only way this could happen is if the populace continues to be armed, and is able to re-arm them selves whenever new appropriate weapons become available.

Thus, one argument is that Americans MUST be armed and remain armed in order to meet their responsibilities as citizens expected to participate in civilian militias. To not be armed would seem to place male citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 in jeopardy of violating the law of states as well as the federal laws that apply."

One of my reasons for partially quoting this article is to pose the following question: Is not forming a state militia in violation of the law?

Jerry Dean
Comment by wakeupamerica on February 23, 2009 at 12:50am
great point by the way i hadnt thought of that but it would have come to me sooner or later as i knew of both just takes me a while sometimes
Comment by wakeupamerica on February 23, 2009 at 12:49am
i know it is sick and rediculous!
Comment by CaliforniaRuth on February 22, 2009 at 1:58pm
for education purposes:
Here is a situation where the US government actually gives weapons to villagers to fight terrorists, yet this same US government is working hard to take away weapons from US citizens on US soil. This is something to add to our discussions with officials.

Pakistan to arm village militias to fight terror
By ASIF SHAHZAD, Associated Press Writer
"ISLAMABAD – A Pakistani border region struggling against Taliban and al-Qaida militants will distribute 30,000 rifles to villagers in hopes that local militias can help the provincial government regain control, a top official said Sunday."

"Village militias backed by the United States have been credited with reducing violence in Iraq. A similar initiative is under way in Afghanistan."

"Hoti said the guns were on hand, having been seized from "terrorists and anti-state elements." He also approved a plan for an elite provincial police unit of 2,500 officers and said the province would meet the $40 million cost."

full article:http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090222/ap_on_re_as/as_pakistan
Comment by JinOhio on February 21, 2009 at 9:00pm
Interesting article about legislation requiring liability insurance to keep your gun license, proposed in the state of Illinois.


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