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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Defeating Gun Control


Defeating Gun Control

The Second Amendment to our Constitution is constantly attacked. We must maintain this freedom. It is a fundamental right which must never be lost.

Members: 90
Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2020

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Started by George W. (gfwjr) "Oath-Keeper". Last reply by kathyet Oct 26, 2015. 1 Reply

Gun Free Zones are Death Traps

Started by Mickie Johnson Oct 10, 2015. 0 Replies

What does the Bible sy about Gun Control?

Started by John Klempel. Last reply by M Oct 5, 2015. 4 Replies

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Comment by wakeupamerica on February 19, 2009 at 4:52pm
Hey Folks,

OK... thanks Shirliann for starting the blog. Here's more info....

Texas State Senator, Dan Patrick, was on FoxNews this morning at 8:45am. He said he had some "breaking news to share". Boy was it!!! The Texas State Legislature had been trying very hard to get the Obama Administration to respond to a critical situation on the Texas Border. The Administration had not gotten back with Texas as of last night. So the State of Texas told Washington D.C. basically they could go jump, and "we'll take care of Texas!". As of last night... the Texas National Guard has been put on High Alert!!! This is the first time in history! Texas tried, desperately to get Washington's approval... but when they could not get it... they acted on their own. Which I say.... it's about damn time!!! I personally applaud the guts it took to defy the Fed's and act in our best interest! In case you are unaware of what the problems are .... Sen. Dan Patrick spelled it out nicely!

1) 100's of PRO-DRUG CARTEL Mexicans were blocking the entrance to the United States, yesterday and today, banging cars, shouting and holding signs. 10 people were killed Wed. and 12 more yesterday at the border (5 of which were children!!!)
2) They aren't sure ... but they think the Drug Cartel is paying the demonstrators to do what they're doing.
3) This will spill over into the States! Mr. Patrick, and the other State officials,. are convinced that road-side bombs and car bombs will make it across the border and WILL NOT allow that to happen!!
4) Mexico is breaking out in Civil War in the western part of the border and they expect it to spread the entire border with no end in sight.
5) The National Guard will be activated as the scenario worsens and is on Alert now and will remain so until (and IF) Washington does something to end the danger on the border (Yeah... like that's gonna happen!).

FoxNews has yet to put this on their website which absolutely ticks me off!!!! I will post it IF they get the stones to do what's right!

For now... here's a link that will take you to a story on Feb. 12th that will help explain a lot.

Let's pray it doesn't come to this.... but in reality... Texas could be in a Civil War (actually it would be an international incident) with Mexico very soon if this isn't quelled. Just so you folks know.... the four Militia Groups that are here in Texas will be put on alert this evening. This has gotten REAL, REALLY FAST!

God help us... as we do what is necessary.
Comment by Clyde Sawyer on February 19, 2009 at 11:41am
Comment by wakeupamerica on February 19, 2009 at 2:55am
protest flyer for all who want or need them!!!

Comment by Jerry Dean on February 17, 2009 at 9:47pm
Hello again:

I just not spoke with Marie at NRA (NRAILA.org). She stated that HR 45 (The Blair Holt Bill) is dead, as it failed to procure any co-sponsors. To wit - from http://www.nraila.org

"Blair Holt gun control bill rehashed

It is H.R. 45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. This bill was introduced in the 111th Congress by U. S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D IL) on Jan. 6, 2009. Failing to attract any co sponsors, it was referred for consideration to the House Committee on the Judiciary, where it now rests awaiting further action."

The part that troubles me is the ...rests awaiting further actions. I think it is still important to contact all members of the Judiciary Committee to tell them we are watching them, and are willing to vigorously protest this or any similar bill.

In short, I do not believe that HR 45 is dead. I believe that it is simply the beneficiary of a cease fire, where in it will rest, be rearmed and come back again in a modified form.

I am still going to contact members to tell them not to support any kind of bill, ever. Please consider doing likewise.

Jerry Dean
Comment by Jerry Dean on February 17, 2009 at 11:32am

We have to stop the "Oh my God, the sky is falling" talk starting here. Get it together. Let's attack one thing at a time. This is a gun control group. Let's start there. The FEMA camps or anything else needs to be targeted by a group specific to that problem. If we do not do this, we are falling right into the hands of the Leftists who want total control. They divide us, they causes us to go in multiple directions, and guess what? They win!

Here is a list of the representatives on the sub-committee that will hear the Blair Holt Bill. (Courtesy of Jane Q. Republican)

Robert Scott, Chairman, Virginia
Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico
Jerrold Nadler, New York
Zoe Lofgren, California
Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas (tx18@mail.house.gov)
Maxine Waters, California
Steve Cohen, Tennessee
Anthony Weiner, New York
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida
Louie Gohmert, Ranking Member, Texas
Ted Poe, Texas
Bob Goodlatte, Virginia
Dan Lungren, California
Randy Forbes, Virginia
Tom Rooney, Florida

My suggestion; Let’s target each of these people. We can organize this group - as well as any other - in such a way that Resistnet members from committee member's states send letters, emails, and call the offices. In addition to the specific representative's office target the Subcommittee itself.

In addition we can divide our number - approximately 1000 - to bombard members with communications of all types. At this point, that would mean that approximately 150 members here would communicate with each committee member.

We have quite a bit on our side: The Constitution, numbers (64,000,000 + gun owners, 64 million gun owner's families and friends, etc. While I do not have a number for the total, I imagine that about 90,000,000 Americans are involved with guns in one way or another. (If someone here has a number that would be great.)

I am in CA, so will write letters, send emails and call the offices. I also intend to send these same letters to any representative that I can think of other than those on the subcommittee.

The objective is simple. We need to defeat this bill. We can do this with numbers. Numbers translate to votes, or potential votes. Each letter is seen as possibly representing 10 voters who did not write or call. All of us know that the primary job of all politicians is being reelected. Angry electorates stop that from happening. We must convince these people that we will not stand for any diminution of our Second amendment rights.

I suggest that anything written have the following somewhere in the letter or note:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Let’s face it, we are the militia.


Jerry Dean
Comment by Jerry Dean on February 16, 2009 at 10:45pm

I have been out of town for a few days, and it seems that the sh*t has hit the fan relative to the Blair Holt Bill. We need to start an immediate phone, email and letter writing campaign to all members of the Subcommittee hearing this bill. We also need to see what actions both NRA and GOA are taking to defeat this bill. I have read some comments that NRA is talking about defeat. I am not sure if that is true, but worth a call to NRA. I, for one, will be calling tomorrow. Please do the same.

What is amazing is the fact that we even NEED to defend our Second amendment rights. They are rights!, Politicians in Washington should be defending them for us, but then again, these politicians are Socialists, who have forgotten that freedoms come with being Americans.

Let's look at this from a completely different perspective: A woman is beaten to near death by a male citizen. The male gets arrested, BUT the woman must prove that she did nothing to incur the wrath of the male. If she cannot prove that, then she has no right to any justice because her very actions could justify her being beaten. In other words, she deserved to be beaten.

For most of us this is ridiculous, and is a blatant example of "blaming the victim". Well guess what? When the politicians and others who want guns banned act, this is targeted at removing our Second Amendment rights. Maybe we deserve to have our guns taken away. As gun owners we are not too different than the beaten woman. Perhaps we do things that incur the wrath of those who believe guns are bad, even though there is no proof of this. We are being beaten up, and because we believe in our rights, are told we are at fault, and that these new restrictions will solve that, and teach us how to be better citizens.

I do not think that this is terribly different than telling that beaten woman that she needs to change her behavior, and doing so would stop the beatings.

I am a great believer in "Do unto others as they would do unto you". This leaves no alternative but to fight these anti-gun nuts in the same way they treat us. Gloves off. Take no prisoners! We have been polite too long...

Jerry Dean
Comment by Jerry Dean on February 16, 2009 at 10:39pm

I have been out of town for a few days, and it seems that the sh*t has hit the fan relative to the Blair Holt Bill. We need to start an immediate phone, email and letter writing campaign to all members of the Subcommittee hearing this bill. We also need to see what actions both NRA and GOA are taking to defeat this bill. I have read some comments that NRA is talking about defeat. I am not sure if that is true, but worth a call to NRA. I, for one, will be calling tomorrow. Please do the same.

What is amazing is the fact that we even NEED to defend our Second amendment rights. They are rights!, Politicians in Washington should be defending them for us, but then again, these politicians are Socialists, who have forgotten that freedoms come with being Americans.

Let's look at this from a completely different perspective: A woman is beaten to near death by a male citizen. The male gets arrested, BUT the woman must prove that she did nothing to incur the wrath of the male. If she cannot prove that, then she has no right to any justice because her very actions could justify her being beaten. In other words, she deserved to be beaten.

For most of us this is ridiculous, and is a blatant example of "blaming the victim". Well guess what? When the politicians and others who want guns banned act, this is targeted at removing our Second Amendment rights. Maybe we deserve to have our guns taken away. As gun owners we are not too different than the beaten woman. Perhaps we do things that incur the wrath of those who believe guns are bad, even though there is no proof of this. We are being beaten up, and because we believe in our rights, are told we are at fault, and that these new restrictions will solve that, and teach us how to be better citizens.

I do not think that this is terribly different than telling that beaten woman that she needs to change her behavior, and doing so would stop the beatings.

I am a great believer in "Do unto others as they would do unto you". This leaves no alternative but to fight these anti-gun nuts in the same way they treat us. Gloves off. Take no prisoners! We have been polite too long...

Jerry Dean
Comment by CaliforniaRuth on February 16, 2009 at 9:46pm
on the NRA website:
Ignoring 80 Percent of the Problem


Did you know that 80 percent of the crime in this country is committed by less than 1 percent of the population?

The FBI says the one million gang members in this country are responsible for four out of five crimes, yet the Obama administration seems to ignore this fact to focus on gun control that has nothing to do with breaking the back of criminal gang violence.

For example: The Obama administration only mentions gangs in the "Urban Policy" portion of its agenda, not in crime and law enforcement. Yet the FBI tells us "Gang migration from urban communities to suburban and rural locations, which began more than two decades ago, is a significant and growing problem in most areas of the country."

It's shocking that this White House limits violent gangs to "Urban Policy" solutions. Its agenda focuses on support for gun control that would do nothing to reduce gang activity, but would erode the Second Amendment rights of every law-abiding American -including history's most sweeping ban on semi-automatic firearms.

The Obama plan seems to ignore the one million gang members who commit 80 percent of the crime in this country, while targeting the 80 million lawful gun owners in the United States. That's not a solution to gang violence, and it's not "Change."

In fact, it's just relying on the same failed policies that have made Chicago one of the most crime-ridden cities in the country.
Comment by CaliforniaRuth on February 16, 2009 at 12:23am
Thanks much, I'll take a look at all 3 sites.

I am bound and determined to work to keep both 1st and 2nd Amendments so that my childrens' future security will be assured in this country.

I'll get back here and leave some comments after taking a look.
Comment by JinOhio on February 15, 2009 at 10:57pm
I hope you will all support the march on DC being organized at Resistnet.com. If that march has several different groups represented, all marching for the Constitution, there will be more chance of media attention. Also, there are other groups already working with tangible plans to return our government to Constitutional law.
Particularly interesting are the conference calls at the Committees of Safety from previous weeks. Episode 3 is very informative and explains how the Committees might work in our own communities, safety and security that starts at home.

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