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Proof Obama And The Democrats Are Communist

This is a must read if you want to know that the truth about what the progressive democratic party is now.

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lets not forget that these same progressives live within the republican party as well...the dems just have a higher concentration... 

Yes, and they are called, "Libertarians". The libertarians are half republican and half democrats. "True".


not sure what your talking about...but as far as I know Libertarians are the opposite of progressives...at least thats what their platform calls for...but since none have ever made it to high office we dont have any facts to back it up....

but we do know the likes of mccain,huckleberry,bush,gingrinch,boner,ryan and many many others are progressive....oh cant forget mcconnell ...I could go on but ....dont want to offend

Libertarians are, "Half Democrat" and "Half Republican". Most of the "Rinos" everyone hates in the GOP are in fact, "Libertarian" minded that's why over 80 House republicans vote with the democrats on key issues. It's been proven that the libertarians had or still have a caucus in the democratic party and were and still are referred to as, "Blue Dog Democrats". The Blue Dog Democrats were over time kicked out of the democratic party by the progressive communists who now control the democratic party for voting with the republicans.

The libertarians like a small government but also are involved heavily in social issues. The only thing the libertarians have in common with the republicans is both want a, "Small Government". The libertarians want "Business Communism" which means "Business Controls The United States". "Very True". Doesn't matter what's written in the libertarian bylaws because it's "Not" the reality of what the libertarian party has become or is at this time.

sorry based based on their record the republicans not just want a bigger government...but have increased its size every year for the last 50 yrs

and you seem to paint with a broad brush about libertarians without any proof ...could you please provide some names of the libertarians in the GOP ...just so we can see them for what the are..

and I will give you ron paul...

I don't want Ron Paul :) . You can keep him because he's already damaged goods and so is his son Rand Paul.

Here's the rino list. Take note of the percentage numbers next to each politician. I only listed republican politicians that only vote conservative 60% of the time. I should have boosted it to 70% but if we can hack away at the politicians that only vote conservative 60% of the time we will be doing great. http://teapartymainstreet.blogspot.com/p/1.html

Most or all of the elected politicians that have a voting record of 60% and below of voting for conservative values are your libertarian rino politicians and there's a lot of them.


sorry but you didnt list any libertarians just republican progressives , you seem to be putting labels on people that fall in your opinion without a justification ...I would suggest you add IMO when you apply these labels

question...... you keep posting links to a blogspot ...is that your blog or is it a part of this forum????

You don't get it. Your so called progressive republicans, "Are Libertarians". Spend some time doing your own research and I'm talking years and not an hour or relying on what you are being told. Your calling the rinos progressive republicans and I just told you the, "Libertarians Were All Kicked Out Of The Democratic Party By Progressive Communist Democrats".

As for blogspot, "You Can Start Doing Some Research As To That Question You Just Asked". It's really not hard to figure out. :)

could you provide some proof or a link to some reputable source...cause I have NEVER heard that claim before...

so you are promoting your personnel blog...just wondering...thanks

I'm the reputable source and if you can't take what I stated and put it into context then do your own in depth research then you've got a long journey ahead of you.

Guess what? Even your so called reputable sources you listen to don't get it right and that's why your journey is taking so long. "Take What I Stated And Do Your Own In Depth Research". It may take a few years but your journey will be a lot shorter.




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